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Posts posted by curtklay

  1. Stay strong. Your boyfriend is very lucky to have you fighting for him. I hope he knows that. I'm sure a lot of people have given up on him already. He has a long road ahead, but he can still make it if he wants to. Think positive, and a little praying won't hurt either.

    You will also need a lot of patience trying to get information from his doctors. In Thailand, doctors have a bigger God complex than in the US (believe it or not). Patients just follow their instructions, and don't ask questions. My experience is they get irritated when you seek information, or question their methods. Don't let them intimidate you. You deserve to know what they are doing. Remain calm (if possible) but insist on having a dialog with them regarding his present treatment, and the course to follow in the future.

  2. I use the COMBO method, and still am required to have the bank account portion seasoned for 3 months. It is the Nan Immigration office. They are also among the few offices that still require a medical certificate.

    The official policies are good to know, but ultimately it is your branch office who makes the decisions. It's not the way it should be, but is the way it is.

  3. Watching a loved one go through severe alcohol withdrawal is very frightening. My mother had seizures after "drying out", and they would strike without warning. It was terrifying when it happened at home or in the grocery store. The doctors prescribed an anti-epilepsy drug called "dilantin" which did help when she would take them. The positive side is that the withdrawal symptoms will stop after the person gets sober for a while. The problem then becomes staying off the alcohol. My mother couldn't stay sober for long, and would repeat the cycle again. She lived in denial, wouldn't even consider professional help, and died in her 50's. Not a success story, but the hard truth.

    Your boyfriend needs to join Alcoholics Anonymous, and really want to stay sober. It's a lifelong commitment and not easy. He's already done a lot of damage to his body. If he doesn't stop drinking completely, he won't be around long. When he gets out of the hospital, find your nearest AA chapter and go with him. He will need a lot of support, and he will need to be frightened enough to not relapse. For your sake, I hope he can fully realize what he is doing to both of you, and stop destroying himself.

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  4. I have ordered once from Ali Express, and got a satisfactory item sent EMS with no taxes. I would probably order from them again if what I wanted was not available elsewhere.

    I also ordered once from DX.com, and received counterfeit items which was confirmed by the manufacturer. Not likely to try again.

    Just about everything they both sell is available on Ebay, where I usually have good experiences, even with Chinese junk.

    Never have shipping done by courier; EMS is the best trackable postal service.

    Ya gotta be careful out there.

  5. Does anyone know the latest information information on the prosecution of the rapist/killer of the girl on the train. The last news I read said a trial was scheduled for July 17. Then all of a sudden, the whole story dropped out of the news like it never happened. What's going on?

  6. thailand49 is clearly operating illegally, and if his brother has been doing this scam for 10 years, he is not in an ACA plan. He seems to think the risk is small, but his foresight is clouded by his political bitterness.

    "Lie, lie, lie to get what you need" is not a great philosophy. I would not want to be in either of their shoes when they submit a large claim and an insurance investigator decides to have a look. hit-the-fan.gif

    tac: Considering your home ownership in Hawaii, you may well be OK, but definitely get it in writing!

  7. To the OP, you DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE AN ACA POLICY.... Sorry to shout, but needed to get your attention...

    Insurers are still offering policies in the US that are not a part of the ACA... They will not pay direct payments to overseas health providers, but will reimburse you for out-of-network health care... You pay for health care out-of-pocket, then file a claim with the insurance company for reimbursement... I just signed up for one of these policies through UHC last week and this was a specific question I asked, so this info is current...

    This is true, but the OP's pre-existing condition will probably exempt him from most of these plans. That's the big plus for ACA.

    • Like 1
  8. I have never been charged with import duty when the shipper used EMS or Priority Mail, both of which have full tracking. The only times I have been hit with import duty is with couriers.

  9. I hope the OP is correct, but I am skeptical.

    Everything I have read about ACA clearly states that coverage is not available to full-time expats, and that treatment is only available within the US. If I am missing something, I would certainly appreciate being directed to further information.

    Also, when I have researched pricing for various plans, I have not seen any that are as high as what the OP quotes ($350 per month with a $6K deductible).

    As said, for the OP's sake I hope he is correct, but I suspect there is a misunderstanding somewhere. Please correct me if I am wrong.

  10. You're welcome!

    One more point to remember:

    If the seller is located in China, pay extra for EMS shipping. China Post is notorious for items getting "lost in the mail".

  11. I went to get replacement K-bank card and they tried to foist the 1000 baht platinum scam on me. I asked if any yearly charges ... oh yes, 800/year. When I insisted on plain white the clerk said "no hab". Left him there, went to another branch, while waiting for my turn saw the manager come by, asked him if they had the white card. Yes, we have. When got to the clerk she tried the Platinum scam and claimed "no hab" white cards. I told her about the manager talk, she went in the back and came out with the white card. Key point is not to get angry, just smile and outplay the little rats.

    Pink, on a very color-tuned Dell WQHD, 2560 x 1440 U2713H.

    And if that doesn't work...GIVE EM' HELL!


  12. It depends on the item, the declared value, and how it is shipped. Always try to get postal shipping. If it comes by courier (DHL, UPS, FED EX) you will almost always get hit for import charges at customs that can range from 7% to whatever they feel like. If the declared value is less than $100 USD, and it is sent through the post office, the odds of incurring customs charges are greatly reduced. Check the shipping details on the listing. Some Ebay listings now charge outrageous customs fees in advance. If the listing shows an "import charge" as well as a shipping cost, keep looking. A tracking number is worth paying a little more for, if the seller offers it. That usually requires Priority Mail Service or EMS.

    I order from Ebay regularly, and have never had a problem.

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