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Posts posted by curtklay

  1. I think KhunBENQ has nailed it. I was recently at Nan Noble House Resort (shown on the map). While driving around, I saw that building, and numerous signs around town indicating "Nan Immigration" leading you to that location. It's not really very far out of town.

    I will be happy to note the co-ordinates and take pictures, but I won't be going up there until June. I will also get their new mailing address in English, but for now I'm sure 90 day reports sent to the old address will find their way to them.

  2. This link takes you to a page where you can find Apple authorized repair centers. You put in your location and product, and it will give you data for the closest locations. As samuijimmy mentioned previously, there is an Icare location in Chiang Mai.

    I would think that if these listed repair centers do warranty work, they would also do out of warranty work. Calling first would be a good idea.


    • Like 1
  3. Thanks for the research, samuijimmy. I also talked to Apple in Singapore, and everything you are saying is 100% accurate. For those of us not in Bangkok, it's a little harder, but the nearest authorized service station (not a re-seller) can be obtained by calling the phone number Apple provides for Thailand. The parts inventory can delay things as you said, but Apple also offers the option of sending the computer directly to them in Singapore, which might be the best idea. I also think buying from the Apple Online Store is a better idea than a re-seller like Maczone, Istudio, etc.

    The bottom line is there most certainly is Apple authorized service available in Thailand. The details and procedure may be confusing, but to say that there is no authorized service in Thailand is just plain false. And from those who have personally used it, the 3 year extended warranty seems to be worth the cost.

    • Like 1
  4. Thanks for your input, Rich. I know you are correct and appreciate your confirmation. I have verified the Apple Extended Service Plan with The Apple Online Store that serves Thailand from Singapore. It's all good.

    I don't know why this guy keeps ranting on with his delusions. A couple weeks ago he was sounding a false alarm about Visa credit cards no longer being valid in Thailand. He got a lot of people all stirred up with his nonsense. I wish he would just go away.

    Hope all is well with you!

    • Like 2
  5. Thank you, ubonjoe and metisdead.

    We seem to have had a <deleted> running loose in my topic. If he returns, feel free to close it.

    Also thanks to DaveBKK for your experience and accurate comments. Sorry you had to endure a personal attack. From you, fstarbkk, and samuijimmy, I have the correct answers to my questions, and I appreciate your venturing into shark infested waters to help me.

    • Like 2
  6. Thanks, Samuijimmy.

    I know that Apple has authorized service in Bangkok and other locations in Thailand. It's a hazard on the forums that someone will post that has absolutely no clue as to what they are saying.

    Thanks to you and fstarbkk for your accuracy.

    • Like 1
  7. fstarbkk:

    Thanks for your reply. It does help clarify things, and I am going to spring for the Apple Care extended warranty. While it doesn't sound real convenient, it does seem to be the only way to protect my investment.


    What in the world are you talking about?!


    Thanks for the tip. I didn't see the Apple sub-forum until after I posted. I have asked the Mods to move it.

  8. I am about to order a new Imac from the Thai Apple Online Store (Singapore) but am confused about their warranty service in Thailand. I'm debating whether the 3 year coverage is worthwhile. I live in Phrae province. The Apple terms are a bit vague as to what I could expect if warranty service is needed. They say at their option, they might offer onsite service, bring in service, or ship to service. Of course, I would prefer onsite service, but wonder if that is really possible where I live. As far as bring in service, the closest authorized service is in Lampang, about 1.5 hours away. There is a Maczone store in our local mall, but I don't know what they're capable of.

    So I'd like to hear from other's experience. If onsite service is likely, I'd be willing to buy the extended warranty, If Maczone can service it, that would be OK, but if I have to schlep it to Lampang, or ship it to God knows where, I don't think I'm getting much for the extra cost. Oddly, Maczone is not listed as authorized service on the Apple website.

    Thanks in advance for your input.

  9. I believe you would have to go very native to survive on $750/mo in any city in Thailand. I wonder who writes these thing, maybe a backpacker ! ! ! ! ?????

    This article was written by Kathleen Peddicord. She has made a career out of writing highly inaccurate articles and books about retiring overseas.

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