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  1. I am trying to apply for a standard UK visitor visa and have completed some of it but when I get to the page about "some helping financially "with the trip I get a problem. I fill it all out and press "Save and continue " It is saved but it returns to the same page again and does not continue with the application. I have tried another browser but with the same results. Also have tried with and with out VPN. Have previously applied twice before with no problems. I would appreciate any help anyone could supply.
  2. Wine previously 399 down to 359 in Makro yesterday.
  3. An infection of the bladder which was affecting the prostrate, the gland according to the doctors was benign and the 2 tablets I have would keep it in check. Every year with annual health check up a PSA test is done to keep an eye on the prostrate and I would encourage everyone to have this done, my full check up costs about 1100 bts, the PSA alone is 400.
  4. About 5 years ago I got a pain down below and it was painful when I went for a number 1. Paracetamol and retired to bed, seemed to do the trick but next morning things ere going backwards so I went to the hospital guessing it was a prostrate problem, blood test and urine test confirmed this and the doctors told me I had an infection. Opted for the camera to have a look inside, not pleasant but an option. Since then I have been on 2 tablets which work together and cost me about 1300 bts a month and since then no problems although as we get older going to the loo takes longer and interest in the ladies declines.
  5. Very few if any go to a driving school to learn how to use the road. They do not look for other traffic and give consideration for others. Rule of the jungle, biggest has priority regardless. Obeying the rules of the road are optional. Some of the things I have noticed on the roads of Thailand
  6. Monitoring means we do not do anything and hope its better tomorrow! Anyone know what to do ? It was not covered in the training.
  7. I think the law regarding the frozen pensions came into force in 1955 when most people would never have thought of going abroad, going abroad was like the Channel Islands so at that time it seemed pretty harmless but every year since then, in February, the current GVT brings it to Parliament and it voted through to continue and that all political parties continue to not change the situation is disgusting how they have the gall to think it is ok beyond belief but they are the lawmakers and they think its fair. I got stuck out here in covid times with no flights and they still considered it the thing to do to freeze my pension. They are a law unto themselves and there is nothing we can do about it, unless Reform get in then maybe Nigel might do something, we can only hope.
  8. Cameron should have known that his re negotiation he came back with was not going to convince the people and he could not get over it, Boris summed it up very well and in a more non party, non brexit view it just shows what poor bunch of politicians the UK has had recently. Boris was always a bit of a scallywag but the Tories were wrong to get rid of him and just see where it has got them, I would not vote for them I would vote for Reform, we need a breath of fresh air and change from what is currently on offer.
  9. Privacy does not apply to Governments they can access whatever they want usually using the usual excuses of 1. National Security and suspected Terrorist activities and money laundering suspicions and whilst you may think this is not right, they can and do do it. A relative of min told me this who had to sign the official secrets document. You just have to hope they do not have cause to come your way.
  10. Another welcoming move for tourists who might think about coming to Thailand or not is Thailand as welcoming as it used to be? Sometimes the big picture is hard to see here.
  11. Carabao available in CJ MORE, they deliver a couple of cases for me. Watchout at BIG C for the price you pay indicated on the shelf edge and at the till, caught them out twice this week trying to charge more than indicated and they still left the tickets in place!
  12. What is in it for the "New Tax Residents "who are not Thai nationals, what do we get for our taxes?
  13. The GVT seems to say a lot without much detail of how things will happen at all, how do they propose to inform expat tax residents that they are expecting them to fill in a tax return? The CRS is a real big brother item, one of many goings on today which effects our freedoms which are diminishing all the time, part of the globalization that the elite are pushing to control the masses, they use many excuses to take our freedoms away but it is happening the so called democracies are becoming authoritan states, not much better than dictorial ones. We keep our money in banks, they have control of our money if they so choose they ca refuse to return it, they make up some reason and what can we do these days, fall into line and be good boys and girls. I don't like it but what can we do? For those thinking of moving Cambodia has the same tax laws as here pretty much but has yet to enforce them. Malasia does not tax incoming foreign income as yet but the rules can change at the drop of a hat, especially here.
  14. Either way you pay more than the zero currently being paid.
  15. And as soon as the investment money arrives prepare to pay 35% tax on it but we wont mention that at the moment will we, wait till the next year. surprise surprise!
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