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Posts posted by davidgtr

  1. You right with this whole asian haze problem

    it could be solved in days

    just send the army in with a load of hozes and the BIB to collect fines

    couldn't be simpler

    yeah yeah, which planet are you on, it could be solved in days?

  2. Don't go anywhere near Chiang Rai,,,a freind of mine (TV Mod) has just been there and cut his trip short becuase of the bad air quailty..appparantly its worse than here!!!

    Not really sure about that. Are we talking about chiangrai city or chiang rai province?

    Ive been sitting here in chiang khong for 2 days & the air is a lot better than chiang mai city.

    There's smoke everywhere right now & no escaping it.

    Depending on the day & prevailing winds, some places might be worse or better than others. It really is just the luck of the game. But there's no doubt the pollution is worse in chiang mai city, although lampang might be worse (somehow), from what I can gather.

    If you drive up what I noticed is that the air was less smoky in the mountains where it is less civilised / developed. As soon as you hit any cultivated or farmed areas the smoke really hits home.

    The big advantage in Chiang Khong is the cool "fresh" breeze coming of the Mekong. Whilst it is still smoky, the air IMHO actually smells a lot better & cleaner than Chiang Mai city! So CK aint a bad place to hang out in for a few days rest. We came here to rest the singer g/f tonsils, as she, like many other singers/ musos in Cnx right now has been suffering with throat / chest complaints for 4-6 weeks. Should be back in Cnx tomorrow, with a rejuvenated g/f singer.

  3. david (pardon me, chuchok, for changing the topic slightly),

    How badly was your humerus injured? Mine fractured, died, and had to be removed when it got infected. I, too, may have only been going 25 kph (Nok Lek said recently he thinks we were going slowly), and I haven't replaced one part on the CBR150 since the wreck 19 months ago.

    I forget the name of the ortho at Chiang Mai Ram who did my original surgery, but he had no clue how to solve the infection, so Dr. Chanakhat at Suan Dok did the second surgery.

    You can be at a standstill, fall to the ground, and die. Happened to one of my students.


    The injury is a serious break, the head of the humerus is "mashed," Dr Sudhee's words, plus it is a 4 part fracture.

    Luckily no nerve or (apparent) blood circulation damage. So it looks like I am real lucky, especially considering there is a main artery from the heart to the brain passing through the head of the humerus, plus it is the left arm & not the right.

    After 3 weeks the bones are knitting better than normal & Im allowed to do some simple, but very limited, rotation exercises. All being well the splint comes off in 4 more boring weeks & then we will really see / know how I go. The doc says grudglingly I should still be able to ride, but will have some limited arm movement / rotation. But for me, riding the bike is the most importan thing!

    Dont know who Dr Chanakhat is. Any idea how he rates on the Cnx Drs scale?

    If you're still unsatisfied where you're stuck at, it is well worth going to see Sudhee for an opinion & clear English explantion of any possible options for further treatment.

    Now I'm happy with my spill & what I got away with. Any non-life threatening accident is good luck in my opinion. We all have accidents sometime in our lives, but some are more seriously life threatening than others. Numerous small ones are better than one big one & to be honest the last 18 mths Id been feeling a bit nervous, as it had been 11 yrs since the last big bang. Now despite believing mc falls (accidents) come in threes, I think Im in the clear for quite awhile & if it is another 10 yrs then that will have me over 60 & it might be time to slow down on big bikes a bit. Plus Dr Sudhee might no longer be available to patch me up.

  4. I live in Pattaya - and seeing the hotter Months comming, I intend to look for a "cooler" Place in the North of Thailand! Now - I got informed, that I can take my small Motorbike ( 120 ccm Joker ) into the same Train to Chiang Mai - but how can I get "economically" my "Joker" from Pattaya to the Main Trainstation in BKK - avoiding all these Traffic driving myself + Girlfriend + Baggage?

    Post it to chiang mai. Serious! Go to your local post office & mail it all the way to chiang mai. You can send motorbikes by post in Thailand! Check out these pics below of a Joker being mailed from Cnx. TIT.

    <pic removed>

  5. Dr Sudhee Sudasna

    38/4 Chiang Mai - Lampang Road.

    Mon - Frid: 1800 - 1930 hrs

    Sat closed.

    Su: 0930 - 1130 hrs

    Phone: 053 - 214 139

    Just back from the good doc's clinic & checked the days open / closed.

    OPEN 5 pm - 7.30m




    Sunday 9.30 - 11.30 am





  6. GTR came a cropper big-style in Laos a couple of weeks ago and broke his upper right arm at the ball joint. After getting recovered from Laos (in a pick-up truck!!!) and a visit to Dr Sutee, he is now rapidly recovering.

    best wishes to both guys for speedy & full recoveries.



    Whaddya mean a big cropper? It was a gentle 25 kph fall off the bike, totallywihtout warning, but unfortunately shoulder first into the bulldust & stones. Didnt even hurt the bike apart from a broken indicator & mirror. Hurt the rider a bit more though. Took a mere 2 days to get back to Cnx & a real doctor (Sudhee).


    Above: Of course im alright.

    And yes Dr Sudhee has looked after members of the royal family. So he's good. Most of the ortho docs in Cnx have been taught by him at Suan Dok & if you mention his name when your being patched up you can see a more concerned look on their face, especially when you say you are off to see Sudhee at his clinic for a real opinion.

    I reckon that 1 upcountry doc in Khum Yuam nearly wet himself, after he had plastered 1 of my banged up motorcycle mates up & requested he spend a night at the KY hospital; we declined saying we were straight off to Cnx to see Dr Sudhee for a real check up. Before he let us go from KY he double checked everything & rewrote his medical report!

  7. yay chuchok, a crash rival. get well soon mate. see ya at the clinic too. my next visit is tues. Im sure you will find Dr Sudhee a bloody wonderful person & brilliant doctor. no jockeying for positions in the queue now if you see me there.

    It will be good to see how ya 1 finger typing improves. I know mine is coming on fast & only 6 weeks to go if everything goes better than normal.

  8. 1.You need the vehicle rego book.

    2. You need the mauve International Transport Permit from the vehicle rego office on R108 down by the airport. Cost is 150? baht I think & takes 2 days.

    3. If the vehicle is not registered in your name, you need permission from the owner to temporarily export it.

    4. No need for a broker at the border, do the paperwork yourself. The Thai side costs maybe 100 baht & the Lao side approx 400 baht (depending on border crossing.)

    5. If you know what your doing it takes about 30-40 mins for the paperwork on each side.

    6. Always do the customs paperwork first. Immigration 2nd.

    7. On the Thai side you need to complete a temp import / export form. See image 7 at http://www.gt-rider.com/docsgallery/FrameSet.htm

    8. Immigration on the Thai side require you also complete a TM2 & TM4 – crew & pax lists for the vehicle.

    9. On the Lao side at the Friendship bridge

    Step 1. Room 6 with Miss Khampean Thavone (the GT Rider’s fave govt official) & issue of Laissez Passer. Cost 20 baht (+ 1 box chocolates.)

    Step 2. Room 8 for Customs approval & signature. No fee.

    Step 3. Downstairs to the customs booth for a signature.

    Step 4. The private vehicles booth for issue of travel permit, 1 sticker, plus entry of details into computer. Pay fees or 510 baht for 2 weeks.

    For more info see also








    10. Laos don't forget a 200 baht GT Rider Laos guide map. It's the only one & it is incredibly accurate.

    11. Vietnam. Forget it, as despite all the hype I dont think you can just roll up at the border with a right hand drive vehicle & enter. But I could be wrong;however I dont know anyone who has done it "alone by themselves" & no motor caravan, which seems to be ASEAN tourism fashion nowadays.

  9. Can you scan it and post it here so we can see why your so excited? :o

    Maybe not a good idea to scan as it will be sure to break copyright and likely compromise the poor cartographers income. Such a scan would be counter to the forum rules and WILL be removed.

    Better, please post details of the publisher and where it can be purchased - Cost too?

    bloody hel_l you guys, it’s me. and it costs 99 baht & in cnx is available at

    1.Mr Mechanic.

    2. Tonys big Bikes.

    3. The Kafe.

    4. C&P Motorcycle Hire.

    5. Gecko Books.

    6. Bookzone

    7. Surawongs Book Centre

    8. Bookazine.

    9. DK Books.

    10. Books Corner.

    11. On The Road Books.

    12. Backstreet Books.

    13. Lost Bookstore.

    14. Ratana's Kitchen.

    15. North Wheels.

    16. Panda Tour.

    17. Jonadda Gueshouse.

    18. UN IRish Pub.

    19. The Local Pub

    20. Siam Sun Tours.

    21. Downunder Pub & Restaurant.

    22. Suphanee Restaurant Samoeng.

    23. Net Generation internet cafe.

    24. Goodwill Motorcycle Hire.

    25. Ginny's Restaurant.

    26. Smile House.

    27. You've Got Mail internet cafe.

    28. A Car Rent.

    29. Udomphon Books.

    30. Porng Ping Pharmacy.

    31. Gap's House.

    32. Mr Order M/c Hire.

    33. Aim A Ron.

    34. The Best Travel.

    35. Eastern Holidays.

    36. Centre Place Tour.

    37. GT Eco Tour.

    38. Wandering Star Tours.

    39. Top Gear Bicycle shop.

    40. A Magazine.

    41. Nam Khong Travel.

    42. Siam River Adventures.

    43. Velocity Bicycle Shop.

    Is that enough. no need to be facetious for 99 baht. Its only a big beer & every farang who lives in chiang mai should have one (a 99 baht mae sa samoeng map.)

  10. Funnily enough I had to go to Ram last Saturday night with some broken bones.

    Id fallen off my bike near Hongsa in Northern Laos Friday afternoon & made a mess of my shoulder. There are almost non-existent medical facilities (no x-rays, but I knew it was broken anyway) in Hongsa & the Lao advice was to go Xayaboury 4 hrs & 96 kms south-east. Now having a bit of accident experience I knew that I could make it to Chiang Mai by pick-up, & I did get to Cnx 42 hrs later at 9.30 pm Saturday night. My plan then was to test out my pain limit & last until Sunday morning & then make it to the good bone Dr Sudhee at his clinic & start the patch up process. However by 11pm I decided I needed another jab of Tramadol & off I went to Ram. The service there was ok, but it no jab without an X-ray to confirm, which was fair enough. Anyway the xray showed 4 fractures of my humerus, which got me the necessary jab. The Dr then told me needed to operate on me immediately that night to pin my shoulder & humerus. Greedy little bastard I thought could not wait until I was even checked in. He then got a shock when I said a straight NO; I'm off to Dr Sudhee's clinic tomorow morning. I’m going home now, just give me the bill & make sure your medical report is detailed & correct.

    The next morning as I painfully crawled out of the g/f's car Sudhee arrived & says hello David, not back again. Yep sure was came the reply. Sudhee is a wonderful man & human being. But he was not at all impressed with the Dr at Ram suggesting I needed an emergency op - he only wanted to make some fast money were his own words! Plus the op would have been dangerous at this early stage with so much swelling, and Sudhee believes there is only 1 Dr in Chiang Mai who can do the op, & it is not even him. Also I was not even given any anti-inflammatory pills, which should have been 2nd after the Tramadol jab.

    So yeah you need to watch it at Ram hospital.

    And if you ever need an orthopedic surgeon, only deal with Dr Sudhee first. Plus you don’t always have stay in the hospital, the docs just like to keep you there & make easy money. Right now I have a shattered left shoulder humerus & I don’t see any need to lock myself up in Ram. If & when I need an op I will go in the day of the op & hopefully be out again in 36 hrs, then use Sudhee at his clinic.

  11. can anyone recommend a doctor that has experience treating knee injuries?


    The best "bone doctor" in Cnx for my money is Ajarn Sudhee at Ram 1 hospital.

    Or at his clinic

    Dr Sudhee Sudasna

    38/4 Chiang Mai - Lampang Road. (Diagonally opposite Wat Ched Yot.)

    Mon - Frid: 1800 - 1930 hrs

    Sat closed.

    Su: 0930 - 1130 hrs

    Phone: 053 - 214 139

    He's repaired numerous GT motorcycle Riders in Chiang Mai.

    Even saved 1 of them from dying, his leg was pretty well totally broken / crushed & the guys back riding in his Ducati riding as well as ever. All he lost was half a big toe in the end, unbelievable. Then there's a Swiss rider who bangs himself up in Switz then flies out to be treated in Cnx because it is cheaper & better.

    Ajarn Sudhee's the man!

  12. Is that map released yet? Assume it's part of other maps of the North?

    I want one. :o Could I get a signed copy? :D


    Map's been out since the 1st week of November & costs a whopping great big 99 baht.

    The map is not a part of another North Thai map, but the Mae Sa Valley / Samoeng loop only. And it's about time we had one, even if I have to say so myself.

    For all you who thought you knew the Mae Sa Valley / Samoeng Loop and immediate Chiang Mai environs (with the 3 super highway ring roads) check out this map. It's good & accurate.

    Now if you really insist on a signed copy, it will cost you a beer as well; but I'm off to Hongsa & Laos for the elephant festival Wed & wont be back until 21st-22nd Feb. So see you for a beer or two then if you really want to.

  13. The g/s singer claims that 2 nurses from suan dok, who are regular customers / fans of hers say that they had 2 dead at sung dok from the Lotus blast.

    Now I know the names of the g/f singer, the hospital, but not the nurses.

    A couple of years ago when the Sars scare was on, Lotus or Big C? was closed for a day while they had a clean up?

    None of this made the papers either & you can well understand the reasons why - they dont want bad news out that will panic people or ruin business. (Remember the start of bird flu, CP's chickens had it months before & it was nicelo covered up.)

    So I reckon if might depend on which side of the fence you want to sit.

  14. The 1st Thailand Horizons Unlimited meeting for Round-The-World Bikers is on in Chiang Mai Jan 12-14 2007.

    Details are as follows.

    “Motorcycle Traveling Unlimited Horizons In The World Of The Golden Triangle”

    Horizons Unlimited 1st Annual Southeast Asia Traveler’s Meeting

    Golden Triangle Riders Community (www.gt-rider.com)

    January 12, 13, and 14, 2007

    Chiang Mai, Thailand


    12:00 – 20:00: Check-in/ Late Registration at the Official HU Media Center

    Location: GOODWILL Motorcycle Shop/Traveler’s Center

    Joe’s Bike Team

    26/1 Chiangmoi Rd., Soi 2

    Tel: 053251186

    18:00: Welcome Reception for HU Travelers To “Motorcycle Amazing Thailand”

    Sponsor: Horizons Unlimited

    Hosts: Thailand’s Famed “GT Riders"

    North Thai Tea Drinking Society

    Location: Down Under Restaurant

    45 Nimmanhamin Rd.

    Tel: 053895209

    18:30- 19:30: Dinner (On your own)

    Location: Down Under Restaurant

    45 Nimmanhamin Rd.

    Tel: 053895209

    19:30- 20:45: “The Achievable Dream,” a multi-media presentation by Grant and Susan Johnson

    Location: Down Under Restaurant

    45 Nimmanhamin Rd.

    Tel: 053895209

    21:00 - ? Guided and self-guided urban jungle adventure, Chiang Mai


    7:00 – 9:00: Breakfast at Art Café or in your hotel

    Location: Art Café

    Corner of Th Tha Phae & TH Kotchsan

    Tel: 053206365

    9:00 – 18:00: Check-in/ Late Registration – HU Media Center

    Location: GOODWILL Motorcycle Shop/Traveler’s Center

    Joe’s Bike Team

    26/1 Chiangmoi Rd., Soi

    Tel: 053251186

    10:00: Day Ride With The “GT Rider,” Mr. David Unkovich, including “Secret of the Golden Triangle” lunch stop.

    Group Photo and Departure from Tha Phae Gate or ?

    12:00- 18:00: Media Center Presentations:

    Location: GOODWILL Motorcycle Shop/Traveler’s Center

    Joe’s Bike Team

    26/1 Chiangmoi Rd., Soi 2

    Tel: 053251186

    “Think You’re Tough?” Video Seminars

    Video Presentations 12:00-15:00:

    Colorado 500 Dirt Bike Ride 2006

    DUAL SPORT NEWS’ 2006 Ground Pounding



    Panel Presentations starting at 15:00, 1 hour each

    #1 “No Strangers To Danger”

    How to survive while travelling by motorcycle in third world countries. Motorcycle and rider

    preparation, physical and mental.

    #2 – “How My GPS Lost Me In Southeast Asia”

    GPS’ing in Thailand, Cambodia, Laos & rural jungle riding with an electronic tether.

    18:00-19:30: Dinner Banquet -

    Master of Ceremonies-Barry Prom

    “Let’s Meet The HU Motorcycle Traveler’s World”

    Self-introductions and professional photo imaging by BBQ Productions)

    Location: Amora Tapae Hotel - Ballroom

    22 Chaiyapoom Rd.

    Tel: 053251531

    19:30- 21:30: Feature Multi-media Presentations:

    Location: Amora Tapae Hotel – Ballroom

    22 Chaiyapoom Road

    Tel: 053251531

    #1- Sun Chasing: Four Times Around The World By Motorcycle

    #2 –SE Asia By Motorcycle – Hard and Soft

    21:30-22:30 Closing Remarks – Planning for HU Meeting 2008

    22:30- 24:00: Campfire Tales


    9:00 - 12:00: Breakfast

    Location: Art Café

    Corner of Th Tha Phae & TH Kotchsan

    Tel: 053206365

    If you're interested more details can be found on the Horizons Unlimited USA or GT Rider Chiang Mai site.

  15. My girlfriend works for the company that imports Beerlao. The reason the price is so high is because it is in fact imported from Laos, not made here like Heineken or Tiger. Thailand adds a 300% import tax on the beer!! Think they have something against it? There are a few bottle shops and bars carrying it but because of the genius idea to put a prohibition on alcohol advertising it is hard to get the word out. So you just have to ask your bar if they have it yet. As far as the price goes the bottle shops sell it for 890 baht per case. I’m sure if you want a case they would be happy to sell it to you. If anyone wants more info just send me a message.

    If it is all legit & you're not after a commission, why not just post the details -i.e name of the company & contact details - instead of playing "hide & seek?"

    No offence bryung, but some of you guys never to ceaze to amaze me "I know who it is, but cant say here, just PM & I'll let you in on the secret."

    I never quite understand - do people post like this because they are trying to do themselves a favour or the general board members a favour??

  16. Agreed Beer Lao is an amazingly good beer, and in the not too distant future it should be readily available.

    Not exactly sure when - 2007 or 2008? - but I think there's a part of the Asean Free Trade agreeement with liquor included that is should be coming into force & so you might be able to get Beer Lao real easy.

    Carlsberg now have a 25% share in Beer Lao, market Carlsberg in Laos, & I am sure they are getting ready to strike back against Beer Chang in Thailand after being well & truly screwed by Thai Beverages Co (Beer Chang) in their short lived partnership.

    Now according to the Beer Lao website


    there is an official Thai agent

    NKT Import - Export Co.,Ltd

    300/2 Moo 10,Mittaphap Rd.

    Nongkhai 43000

    Tel : (6642) 413 231

    Fax : (6642)413 298

  17. Sounds to me like your could be talking about Pairadise or Suan Doi.

    But check out this partial map of the Pai environs area & take your pic, which place.


    Map is from the 3rd edition of the GT Rider Mae Hong Son Loop map due out Dec 27 in Chiang Mai.

  18. Something for the poms to think about.....

    Q. What do Geraint Jones and Michael Jackson have in common?

    A. They both wear gloves for no apparent reason

    Q. What is the height of optimism?

    A. An English batsman applying sunscreen.

    Q. What does Ashley Giles put in his hands to make sure the next ball almost always takes a wicket?

    A. A bat.

    Q. What would Glen McGrath be if he was an Englishman?

    A. An all-rounder.

    Q. What advantage do Kevin Pieterson, Andrew Strauss and Geraint Jones have over the rest of their team-mates?

    A. At least they can say they're not really English.

    Q. What is the English version of a hat-trick?

    A. Three runs in three balls.

    Q. What do you call an Englishman with 100 runs against his name?

    A. A bowler.

    Q. What is the most proficient form of footwork displayed by English batsmen?

    A. The walk back to the pavilion.

    Q. Who has the easiest job in the English squad?

    A. The guy who removes the red ball marks from the bats.

    Q. Why is Andrew Flintoff the unluckiest English player?

    A. Because he was born in England.

    Q. What does "Ashes" stand for?

    A. Another Sad Horrific English Series.

    Q. What's the English version of LBW?

    A. Lost, Beaten, Walloped.

    Q. Who spends the most time on the crease of anyone in the English team?

    A. The person who ironed the cricket whites.

    Let the series roll on

  19. Hello all,

    I am looking for the adress or phone number of Virayah insurance in Chiang Mai

    On the internet i can't find anything, so maybe one of you has a car insurance there and can give my the adress or phonenumber. If you have an insurance agent who is working with that company it is also helpfull for me.

    Txs in advance.


    That's a bit weird because when I search for Virayah Insurance it turns up their website



    Customer Relation Center and Central Call Center

    Phone: 1557 "We are with you 24 hours a day!"

    Give 'em a tingle & I'm sure they will tell where to go.

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