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Posts posted by kandahar

  1. Noticed a few weeks ago that Corleon's Pizza finally gave up. Or moved. Anyway, it isn't in the location by the Wang Come now. Nice guy but that's all that he had going for him, from my two experiences.

    Had a late lunch at By Heart last week. It appears that they have a new chef. The wife's usual Thai dish was unsatisfactory. I had the 160 baht sirloin. Tough as shoe leather. The chick set me up with a butter knife. I tried to return it in exchange for a steak knife. She says they don't have steak knives. Huh?!?!?! Will probably give them another chance in the future but they are on thin ice with me. They used to be exceptional.

    Tried Don's on the suggestion of companions this week. Yawnnnnnn......

    Never had a decent steak in LOS. I wait to be back in UK for a goodly hunk of Aberdeen Angus. I'd be interested in your view on Don's steaks.

    I wouldn't order a steak at Don's. I don't order western style steaks anywhere in this town. I just get aggravated and start thinking about the money I just pissed away. I have been with people who did order the steak at Don's.

    If I want a piece of "almost" steak style beef, I always order what I think is going to be the small Thai style steaks in the Thai cafes. Some do okay. The little place across the street from the school in Den Haa does okay for 59 baht or whatever it is. You can actually chew it up. The one at By Heart was a lost cause. There was no way to eat it. Some of the little cafes do okay for the price you pay. But truly, for the best piece of beef in town, get a decent cut from any local butcher and put it in the crock pot/ slow cooker overnight, with some roast beef seasonings. Perfect, every time.

  2. Noticed a few weeks ago that Corleon's Pizza finally gave up. Or moved. Anyway, it isn't in the location by the Wang Come now. Nice guy but that's all that he had going for him, from my two experiences.

    Had a late lunch at By Heart last week. It appears that they have a new chef. The wife's usual Thai dish was unsatisfactory. I had the 160 baht sirloin. Tough as shoe leather. The chick set me up with a butter knife. I tried to return it in exchange for a steak knife. She says they don't have steak knives. Huh?!?!?! Will probably give them another chance in the future but they are on thin ice with me. They used to be exceptional.

    Tried Don's on the suggestion of companions this week. Yawnnnnnn......

  3. Rich, try a PM to br549 and ask him what brand he has.

    So you're a Hee Haw fan?

    Sorry to disappoint but "fan" is short for "fanatic" and I'm not a fanatic about anything. But I am familiar with Hee Haw.

  4. Another suggestion. Took the 3037 up past Wawee (วาวี) today in the truck. Turn off the C.M road at Ban Huai San. A longish drive. Major curves and hills but all paved (except for one 75 metres stretch being repaired). No pot holes. Should be great on bikes but not in the rainy season as the hill sides look subject to slides and some of the bends are bendy! First part takes you around and over the end of the big reservoir.

    Pine trees, bananas, tea shrubs, lots of native poinsettia and water buffalo. Only saw two vehicles on the way up. Air quality wasn't so good so views not as spectacular as I'm sure they can be but still some fab. vistas.

    Very Thai/Chinese area like Mae Salong. Had a refreshing pot of oolang (and another family member had the strongest cup of coffee ever and is still buzzing now)at the Lao Lee resort 4 km past Wawee. Spoke to some people originally from Taiwan but who now grow tea up there. Then headed back to Chiang Mai road and fav. resort for strawberry cheesecake before home. Good trip, lots of different vegetation, lots of places to stop and look.

    The Wawee road signposted a turning off to Doi Chang along the way but we don't know what condition this linking road is in. If it was good, you could do a round trip rather than going back the same way. As it was it took less than half the time to come down as to go up, and, anyway, the views were worth it.

    Is it real cheesecake? Where?

    Edit: Okay. jubby gave me the info. I know the place.

  5. Thanks Scorpio, Kd has something lined up but as a back up, where would they be, do you have a tele No.



    Cockpit is the place where you have an appointment.

  6. Sunny, if you WANT to know more about this place, go see it and visit with the kids and the parents who raise the kids. Don't wait for someone to post something here. Don't go to the various websites with opposing views represented in rhetoric. Do you really want to know if any of the kids ever get adopted and if not, why? Easy to find out.

    Lizard 2010, please don't say you have to call ahead before you can go out there. You don't. That kind of message is, as you said, open for interpretation. No need to bother with interpreting it. It isn't true. Maybe someone wrote that on the Internet, but it isn't true. You can arrive any time and visit with whoever is there. Calling ahead only informs you as to whether or not the kids or parents will be home. The kids get transported to school and to other things sometimes, so, if you just show up whenever you want (and you ARE welcome to do that), you may not get a chance to visit the kids. The one thing I noticed between just showing up and calling ahead, is that the kids are in their best clothes and have scrubbed faces if you call ahead. I think that is a pretty common practice with most families, throughout the world, ins't it? It sure was in my family, when I was a kid. The only purpose of that is to put the best light on the place. They certainly don't try to show a view of the place that will bring your pity and and cause you to want to give more.

    If anyone withholds support from the place because of the religious element there (they are a Christian family), then that is up to them. Your money, do what you want. However, to withhold a toothbrush, a bar of soap or a pair of shorts from these kids because of something you read on the Internet is ridiculous. What a shame to punish a youth because you feel so strongly about what a naysayer had to say about the situation, when it is very easy to go there and find the answers yourself and to become involved in the kid's development and welfare yourself. They are actively seeking help with English tutoring for the kids. There are other "ins" available, if you really want to know what is what and all of them involve contributing to the successful development of kid's lives WITHOUT giving one baht to the family.

    This mother and father took this task of raising children because of their compassion for the kids. At some point, someone else found out about them and used their situation to raise some money. Whether all of that went to the family, I can't say. But someone did do a lot of work to get the family on the Internet and into the public view. It has helped the family. But the family does not ask for anything themselves. They don't write that stuff on the website. Outsiders do. If you visit there, you won't be asked for anything. However, if you ask the family what they are in need of, they will tell you. They aren't proud about accepting help. But the kids come first, so they will tell you what items the kids need.

    The family does not seek children in order to raise the numbers. It is just a well-known fact amongst the poor parents in that area that if they have a child they cannot take care of, for whatever reason, they can drop the kid off there any time, day or night, and know the kid is going to have an education, a place to sleep and food to eat. Not all mothers in that area have family to go to when they get into trouble. Many have left their homes or villages and have moved to that area seeking better economic conditions. It doesn't always work out. I see leaving the kids with the 'big family" as a better thing than dropping them off on the streets of some town and just letting them fend for themselves or be taken advantage of by criminal elements.

    BTW. There are lots of other families like this one. This one just got lucky enough to have someone else take an interest and make their situation public. Unfortunately, with that exposure, there also comes some who would rather beat them down and do all they can to convince others to withhold support, all the while having never visited the place. And perhaps, money is being raised in the name of this family by not-so-well meaning people. That happens. I don't know all of the details about the different organizations who are "claiming" this little family. I could care less. If any group is exposed as thieves, they will only find another family or home to be the face of their criminal activities. But the little family itself is a success story of two people who decided that they and their own children could do without some things so that other children could have a decent life.

    • Like 1
  7. My Goodness: if this is "THE BEST OF THAIVISA" I dread to see the WORST ! ! !

    What useless dribble ! ! !

    So many Girls; soooo little Time . . . . . . and then you get this rubbish dished-out; unbelievable ! ! !

    Hi jaapfries. Welcome to Chiang Rai.

    Pull my finger.




  8. Hi ginooooo.

    It wasn't me. But good luck, anyway.

    I never interrupt people when they are eating. We have a couple of dudes here in CR who are famous for it, but I don't. Good job ignoring the KFC guy. Could have been me on another day and I don't care to be interrupted when I'm eating. I think most people don't care for it. But maybe that is just me.

    Now, it is okay to sit down next to them and ask them repeatedly, "Are you done yet?" The meal will be over sooner than later. And then you can chat. The guy may not feel like talking by then, though.

    Now, about the guy at the door. The common ice breaker here in CR is to extend an index finger and say "Pull my finger". If the dude falls for it, you know right away that he isn't an American. If he falls for it repeatedly, say four times in thirty seconds, then he is definitely an Aussie. Go on about your business. Nothing to be seen there. I can't help you if it is any other nationality. I just generally look for an Aussie, have my fun and move on. By then, I've got things to do and feel better about my day already.

  9. kandahar, man if you didn't do anything else, working on seven pages now. My guess mopre time writing about the ride then actually riding it :jap: :lol:

    Yeah, that's just how it goes with us up here in the north. But it is mostly the other guys. You'll notice I don't say much at all on here. On the CR forum, they call me the "quiet one". The next ride may be about four hours longer because of getting to and from the starting point. Can you imagine how many pages THAT that extra four hours will create? TV had better add some more storage space on the ol' server. Lil' Chiang Rai is burnin' up the cyberspace.

    So, have you decided to come on up?

  10. Hi Kandy

    I assume you are talking about this Saturday 5th March? Short notice.

    We wanted to come and visit you plus other things in CR but I cannot say for sure till tomorrow.

    Just started acid washing the house and using some other stuff that has a 48 hour window of effective use

    once applied.

    Last time we got less than 5 years life when we painted so want to try a little bit extra effort and chemicals

    to get a longer period between repaints.

    yeah. 5th of March. First weekend of every month, typically, but they do move it back a week sometimes to accommodate other events. I'll post here with any updates.

  11. I see Scea is starting to use big, nine letter words in his posts now also. He just did it in one of the newer threads. Jeez, people! You're killing me. Here's the quote, so you'll see what I'm talking about:

    Quote- Can you get a Lao visa in Chiang Khong?

    Is there a consulate there?

    I got better things to do than to keep pushing my nose into dictionaries just to follow these threads. Knock it off.

  12. raylo, that BIG BIKE show is on again for the fifth of next month. Whadda ya think?


    WEEKLY MOTORBIKE SHOW - Come to view the big and classic bikes - buy and seclassic and big bikes0817-645-035

    Where exactly is the location? The website is not very forthcoming. Some of the maps seem to work but when I click on the map link: Sorry the map has not been found - report to [email protected]: map6.php Not Found

    Yeah, still working on the website, it appears.

    I dunno the details. I will probably stop in and ask the fearless leader of that outfit for the details but, as you know, I did the same thing last time and we all ended up driving in circles looking for something that wasn't. I'll post here if I hear of anything.

    How about your nose? Everything okay?

    That dude cracks me up.

    Man, this thread has gone to hell in a hand basket, hasn't it?

  13. Nice offer Harry. Thanks and keep us posted.

    raylo just joined the long list of guys who are more interested in my ass than I am. I don't understand it.

    VF's statement, the original, basically said the request was redundant because of previous posts. And it was a bit redundant. But the statement with the word "redundant" wasn't an attack on TB, as near as I can tell. Maybe just a not-so subtle reminder to pay attention. The same statement would have fit me in lots of instances in the past. I don't see what the grumbling is about.

    I agree with having trips that involve local attractions. I discovered the elephant camp on the last ride and today, my MIL, FIL and Aunt IL went out there with me. They had never seen it. FIL and his sister went for the 30 minute elephant ride, in the river and all and had a blast. So, discovering the local stuff gives my butt a rest and allows me to stretch my legs and it gets passed on to a few elders who have never seen some of these things. BTW, the FIL insisted on taking his machete on this trip when he heard we were going to see elephants. I don't know what he thought we were going to be doing but the wife could not talk him out of taking it. Cracked me up. Anyway, I think these three senior citizen Thais enjoyed the camp more than the youthful tourists that were there.

    So, I think woralak has the next ride on his plate, in the CK area. Is that right? If so, I'm in but will go up the day before. If anyone wants to join up and go together the day before, let me know. I do know rooms aren't too expensive there. Maybe I'll just take a hammock and hang out out someone's house where I can get a shower. Can't speak for the wife at this time; don't know if she will go or not. Will have to wait until we get closer to the date.

  14. The wife recently had a similar experience. When she got her computer back, the dvd drive had been deleted with no way for her to re-install it. All of the Microsoft Office Suite was gone. LOTS of stuff was gone. We're still having fun trying to get everything back on it.

  15. Bike type and size is a genuine concern for all but the tamest of rides, as is riding experience. If it is about the ride then things need to be evenly matched. If it is about the destination and getting together, then care must still be taken to include everyone and make it enjoyable for all.

    Having arguably the most aggressive bike on the ride the other day, I took it upon myself to play sweeper up to the point where the leader stopped to wait for us. I didn't want anyone getting dropped, as happened on a previous ride, I'm told.

    Bowing to Raylo's greater riding experience, I figured if he was willing to risk his very expensive piece of equipment, riding 2-up on that dirt track, then I would try to follow his line to the best of my ability. If he had pulled the plug at any point, I would have bailed too.

    I really had no business taking my street bike on the dirt track, but as happens in group rides, people are sometimes pressed to do things they shouldn't. I feel we were quite lucky that no one came off or damaged their bikes.

    As for distance, for a few of us the ride into town (oneway) was much further than the group ride itself. That would be very uncomfortable on a scooter and at scooter speeds. If you want smaller bikes to join the group then I would suggest close to town so they won't be put in a similar position.

    There are many reservoirs and waterfalls within a short riding distance that don't require off-road bikes. Even nearby mountains like Doi Mae Salong and Doi Tung might be too far and too dangerous for many riders unless the leaders were very careful to gauge the pace.

    Good points, no doubt. I guess once the route is published, people will decide if that ride is for them or not.

    The woralak ride will be a VERY long one for me and my butt. I'll probably have to go a day early and spend the night in a cheap hotel. But if he is going to take the lead on the ride, I'll be there. Thanks, woralak, for stepping up.

    I suspect VF was more trails in mind than any of us. I'm looking forward to some of those as well. But I gotta say, guys, for me, the "day ride" theme sounds good. I don't ride that often, so my my butt starts to complain after not too many kilos. If anyone chooses a route that doesn't have enough breaks in it, I'll attend, but probably won't stay with the group the entire way. I'm kinda old for this stuff.

  16. It really isn't blown out of proportion. I just use a lot of words to make my point.

    Nobody on here is clean after being on this planet all of these years.

    This statement "I have a character flaw, in that I cannot bring myself to reward or condone what I personally view as bad behavior.", has no place here in this context. Insinuation, as it is, based on your personal info on the subject, didn't belong here. It didn't in any of the previous posts from the last year. Your business, his business, man to man. This isn't the place for it. And, as I have said, we all have things in our lives that we wouldn't want to see on here so why decide that one person is fair game? And if any one person is fair game, then believe me, I outshine almost everyone here. He hasn't done anything to justify being brought up here. But if he does, he is in good company. To go after him, is to go after everyone and to cause anyone with sense to ask where you stand in life, that you can do such a thing. Squeaky clean? Impossible. Nothing in your life to be judged as "bad behavior" after all these years? Impossible.

    Mentioning, more and more often, the subtle insinuations is what is being blown out of proportion. It is the business of the people's lives who it affects. And I do KNOW it has affected you in a personal way. I don't debate you on that point. But that is one that you should be carrying around by yourself. It is a burden, truly, because of how you perceive it. But it wasn't meant to be shared here.

    I hope no hard feelings come of this. If it does, it does. But I couldn't read that stuff any longer without saying something. You and he are both good men, in the ways that you are. One deed doesn't cancel out all the others. With either of you.

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