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Posts posted by kandahar

  1. Chiang Rai Saddlebags. Easy to find, difficult to leave. We usually have to tell jubby that the food is all gone and no more is coming.laugh.gif

    Can you rustle up some 'McDonna San' style Hash browns Kd ?

    Sorry. No hash browns. But today you missed a big skillet of fried potatoes and onions. Mmmmmmm.................

  2. Hope Bugger King and Subway will join the group of fast food outlets.

    Any truth to Sizzler and Fuji restaurants coming to Central CR ?

    More locals have been seen dining at these two restaurants than tourists.

    Love the Salad Bar at Sizzler. Sorry to say that CR has no selection of Salads on offer. The best we can curently get is a half arsed single serving small plate assortment at the ???? Pizza Company.

    I notice the locals seem to love the salad bars more than the expats.

    Pizza Company became a lot less interesting to me when they dropped their salad bar. And it really wasn't all that great. One day, maybe CR will have a fine salad bar.

  3. Rich, you can have them delivered to the wife's shop if you want. She will hold them until you're ready to get them put on and we can take them to whatever shop you choose for that, when you're here. No fee for that.

    Let me know what price and model you go with. She may start carrying them here.

    You really have a great attitude on your wife and yourself helping people out for no monetary gain. Let me know where the shop is and I'll be sure to drop by with my rumbling mia noi, the next time I'm home that is. :D :jap:

    Well, that's a nice thing to say but it isn't exactly as it seems. Per my guidance to my wife, her shop always sends the bill to TacoBoy to make up for it.

    But you know you're always welcome here. We're on the pinned Google map.

  4. Wow!. This is the best news of the day for me. LOOKOUT!!!!!!!

    That is one of the things I miss the most here. I don't tend to take all of my meals there, but when I want a Big Mac, I WANT one. Too bad this area's McD's doesn't serve the Quarter Pounder.

  5. Having spent the last ten minutes being castigated by our resident expert on game systems for showing my ignorance on the forum, I will now try to correct what I said.

    Playstation 2 games are everywhere, but BigC is the'best place to get them'. Playstation 3 games - there is a limited supply kept in stock at the Sony store (on the main shopping street where Da vincis and Boots are) but they have a brochure and they will order in what you want - it takes 2-3 days. The Tesco lotus, on the left hand side of the Superhighway going up to Mae Sai has some new and secondhand Playstation 3 games on a small independent stall at the front of the shop (before you actually go into the main shop. They also have some Xbox and Xbox360 games.

    Hello from another relatively new arrival. What sort of games are you looking for? If its for PSP 2 you can get some up here, but for PSP3 there is a very ,very limited supply north of ChiangMai . If you let us know, my younger informant may be able to tell you if or where you might find some. Maybe when Central plaza opens a Games shop will open too.

    So glad you corrected yourself. Woraphat was getting ready to jump on you with both feet. It was all I could do to hold her back. You know how she is.smile.gif

  6. Hello Potluckers

    I would really like to join you but I have had a class Sunday Afternoons. The last two weeks the students have cancelled so hoping 3rd time lucky that they will call it off again next Sunday and I can make it. I've just got active in cooking and baking so I will definately bring summat delish if I can come (probably poison you all!!!).

    Sounds good. I hope you can make it.

  7. We work with a lady who is basically a middle-person on land and house deals. She gets commission from sellers. She knows a lot of places for sale out there. Spends her days hunting down sellers and buyers. Let me know if you need her contact info. She used to work as a nurse where your little lady worked. Maybe they know each other.

    Have your wife call my wife if you are interested.

  8. Promote away!

    I forgot! Anyone with books or DVDs to share/give away, don't forget to bring them. I'll be bringing a selection of my own and some that Scea and Will27 have donated.

    And what about some tunes? Do I need to bring my setup (500 rock classics) or is mellofello or someone else filling that need? Quick, someone speak up before jubby volunteers with his youtube collection (500 YT classics). If nobody else volunteers, I'll bring my setup.

    BTW, ImageDude and his other half won't be there, nor will Biff. They have designated ME as the person who should collect their portions of the Harsu desserts, so if it looks like I am getting more than my share, you know why.smile.gif

    Dogs? Hmmm.... Maybe it is time for cmjantje and cool blue to show up.

  9. The next potluck is almost here. I have no idea what I'll bring for our main dish contribution but I am starting to spend a little time thinking about. We will probably contribute a whipped cream and fruit dish for dessert.

    I have a premonition that there will be a good crowd this Sunday.

    We will bring the hot water pot for coffee and tea unless someone else is bringing one.

    If anyone will be needing the BBQ grill to complete, or reheat their dish, let me know. I'll bring it.

    Don't forget your chairs, folks.

    First-timers can refer to Sven's CR Google map in the pinned section for the location. http://maps.google.c...b6884458b352d35

    or, http://www.thaivisa....for-chiang-rai/

    Just click on the name "Pot Luck" in the list of locations in the left hand legend column. If anyone needs actual directions, PM me or call. I'll list my number on the comments section of my Thai Visa profile page. Feel free to call for directions or to have me meet you on the highway and you can follow me to the site.

    It is a very nice, unique group of folks who show up for this. Don't hesitate to come make some new friends. We don't fight about anything there, except for the last serving of whatever dessert the Harsu clan brings. The kids who show up have a good time as well. Lots of room to run and play. Even if you aren't going to come eat, you can stop by and check it out, just to see if it is your kind of thing or not. Always plenty of soft drinks and ice available.

  10. Quote: "Having been a custom home builder in another life-time and far away".

    Hello, my new best friend.laugh.gif

    As for working on your own place, building, gardening, painting and such, I don't think it is disallowed. Maybe I'm wrong. As far as I know (and I don't know too far), working for money is what is disallowed. I have yet to see a ruling that says you can't take care of, build or maintain your own home. Working for a profit (or most likely a loss in this country) isn't a no-go.

  11. Looks like we have settled on a date and time that will suit some. Monday, the 28th Feb., 10:00 a.m. We will head for the hot springs, out past Don's cafe. It was suggested that we do not meet in town because of all of the traffic and traffic lights, but instead to meet near my place, which is on the way out of town, headed towards the springs. There is a big shade tree across the street from my house. Looks like a good place to meet. I'm in the Den Haa area, just off the old CM highway. PM for details if you don't know where I live.

    Any suggestions or input welcome. Other than that, we'll see any of you there that choose to go along. Bikes of all sizes welcome. Again, it isn't a race. Looks like we have four confirmed at this time.

  12. It was an enjoyable day. Good turnout and a lot of walking in the shade. Folks lingered a lot longer after it was over, visiting and enjoying the social part of it.. It seems to me that it is becoming more and more a nice event to meet new people and make new friends in CR.

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