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Posts posted by kandahar

  1. Why am I thinking 'Pot Belly' !? :D

    Who's the 'Fat Guy' all in Black ? :D

    Disclaimer : Brian your not in Black, just in case you think you are. I can see thats Just Muscle like mine :)

    The guy in black is our friend VF, who was kind enough to brave some cold mountain winds on his Ninja in order to come visit with us. The guy with the potbelly is just about any of us. At this time in our lives, we have earned it.

    Good PL yesterday, as always. A really nice variety of farang style dishes. You know, that once-a-month thing almost satisfies my cravings for farang food until the next PL comes around each month. The dishes presented each time are different but always some great surprises to be found there. And the desserts are always a special treat. Thai desserts always leave me wanting for something sweeter but these desserts hit the spot, every time. For one day each month, all of our little potbellies get full and completely satisfied with the foods we miss and even with some that we didn't know we missed.

    EVERYTHING was great yesterday but my favorites were the crumb-cake from Lannaman and the chicken salad from Scorpio and as always, the dessert contribution from the Harsu clan. That crumb cake with a hot cup of coffee after the meal sealed the deal for me. And who knew that Lannaman could bake?

    As good as the food is, the company and conversation is equally as satisfying. I don't know where else in CR you could find such a pleasant group gathered in one place. I don't usually chat too much with anyone but I really get a kick out of watching the comfortable conversations taking place. And it is interesting to watch people move, from small group to small group, as everyone makes the rounds and gives equal time to the different members.

    For any of you who haven't attended, don't be shy. Any dish, home-made or store-bought, is a welcome contribution. And whether you bring food or not, you will feel welcome. There aren't any insiders or outsiders there. Everyone who arrives is immediately "one of us".

  2. Quote: "Kandahar , do you honestly believe the world is being told the truth."

    You're so far out there that the time and effort it takes to debate you is wasted.

  3. I have no idea what time it was but my wife woke ma again to say another earthquake, I mumbled yes and went back to sleep , but I know it happened. Just read also that the Japanese Nuclear plant is 10 Million times over the safety limit , 10 million times , but we shouldnt worry about it , who the <deleted> are they trying to kid. http://www.bbc.co.uk...acific-12872707

    Oh I forgot to mention , im not a Scientific Genius either incase im accused of being an expert in Nuclear Fission :D

    Actually what is being reported is that the WATER in one reactor pool is 10 million times the norm. Bad news for sure, but not as bad as if the atmosphere in the area of the plant had those same readings. They were trying to pump off, contain and isolate that particular batch of water.

    Facts are useful, generalization leads to hysteria. The facts are bad enough, no need to generalize.

  4. Promotions galore so I hear on opening day from free food to free gifts. I bet you wont be able to get near the place. Someone said theres a free car for the first customer ? not sure if thats true but you can imagine the amount of people being there with pop stars singing as well , looks like a fun day out - NOT.

    Looks to me like a good day to get your shopping done at Big C. Shouldn't be any lines at the registers for the first few weeks after the new place opens, if ever again.

  5. Yes , me and the wife feel the same, even sitting now I can feel movement , slight swaying. I am also wondering if this Radiation problem is also part of the problem . Todays news say the radiation levels are 1250 times the safe level and if level 1 is Safe then what the hell is 1249 parts doing to us all . Feeling nauseous , light headed which could make us feel unbalanced also maybe part of the problem and if the radiation does travel in the wind , millions of people could be affected . The amount of earthquakes taking place in the Asia Pacific is scary , can this really be the norm ? I think not.


    I think all is normal. This graph isn't Asia Pacific specific but that area always has more than its share. The big difference I see is with the internet and the instant news we get from all over the world. Twenty years ago we all relied on the nightly news, the newspapers and radio news on the half hour. Not enough time or paper to dispense all of the world news in those days. With the internet, twitter, and so on, we can be informed of everyone's business in seconds.

  6. Had to get my picture taken for a renewal of my yearly extension of stay this week. The wife checked my old pic to make sure I wouldn't be wearing the same shirt for the photo in this new pic. I guess we don't want them to think I only have one shirt.

  7. Me: I'm going to walk to the 7-Eleven.

    She: Do you know what to do if the earthquake comes?

    Me: Yeah, I think I know.

    She: You need to know. Don't run around and act crazy.

    Hey, makes sense to me, Maybe you 'run around and act Crazy' often :D

    Man, Its just so funny when you know the lady. I can just picture her mannerisms :D

    Did she ever do any teaching ? B)

    No teaching. Was a stock broker.

  8. One thing I have noticed in the Index brand here in town. Lots of shops stock discontinued models. They cannot get replacement face shields for the discontinued models. Or maybe, they just want to sell new helmets. However, they always tell me that they can't get the shields because the model is no longer in production. Good idea to ask if it is this year's model or one from long ago. They can purchase large blocks of the discontinued models a lot cheaper than the current models, so they prefer to sell the older models. For the most part, every place I go has the older ones. I'm about ready to start buying the expensive helmets at Honda just so I can get replacement lenses.

  9. Just noticed another shop with a large selection. As you leave the new clock tower, heading towards the super highway, keep your eyes on the left. Perhaps 100 meters, maybe more, after you leave the clock tower, there is a shop with a huge display in their window. It is directly before you get to that Honda shop on your left. Have never heard of their brand and didn't really check the stuff out for quality.

  10. I'm worried too, tough being far away at the best of times!

    Nothing too violent here, Biff, and the further south, the better off, until you get to the jello foundation under BKK. I saw the buildings in Anchorage after the '64 quake. Some sat on the same type of ground as BKK and they just vibrated whole, into the ground, some completely out of sight, others with only the roofs visible. I wouldn't want to be in a high-rise in BKK during a violent one. But I understand your worry.

    Thanks man, my family are further north! :lol: But they were ok when I spoke to them, dogs were a bit freaked out but Ms Tastic was fine, said everyone was calling her (they can feel it all over the country),and everything was ok. I doubt they'll get much sleep tonight though with all these after-shocks. It's a comfort reading these posts, thanks everyone.

    If the 'phones and the internet are still functioning, it can't be that bad.

    I'll try and 'not think too much' as they say :)

    Just hope my friends in the 'City of Jello' are ok too!

    Let me know if the wife and I can help.

  11. I'm worried too, tough being far away at the best of times!

    Nothing too violent here, Biff, and the further south, the better off, until you get to the jello foundation under BKK. I saw the buildings in Anchorage after the '64 quake. Some sat on the same type of ground as BKK and they just vibrated whole, into the ground, some completely out of sight, others with only the roofs visible. I wouldn't want to be in a high-rise in BKK during a violent one. But I understand your worry.

  12. just spoke to Ms Tastic in Chiang Saen, they got woken up by the 1st one and everyone ran out of the house. No damage, no injuries. About 3 or 4 smaller after-shocks. Hope that's the end of it!

    I hope so too. the earth still seems to be moving to me although gently .

    Yes, gentle rolling now, not the vibration feeling that came with the first one. Almost a subtle, constant rolling and it just keeps rolling.

  13. Hey KD, didn't you say CR was due a quake soon while munching on your chicken and noodles in Thoeng the other week?

    I believe I did.

    Sorry you couldn't attend the motorcycle ride this time.

  14. Forgot the most important part. When I pulled into the car-park at home this evening, I could smell the wife's special brand of southwest chili. The crockpot/slow cooker had just finished cooking another perfect batch. Anyone wants to stop by tomorrow and have a sample is welcome. She does this once a week here. That girl can cook.

  15. Yes, a nice trip.

    I spent the night in CK. Stayed at a guest house, 650 baht included A/C but no breakfast offered. But after seeing the room, it felt right so I went with it. Decent, quiet place, overlooks the river. Had a decent Mexican dinner in CK last evening. Didn't really have any hopes that it would be edible but I enjoyed the pleasant surprise of a quality effort on the chicken and cheese burrito and nice chips and fresh home-made salsa. The place is on the main drag, in the guest house area of town. Maybe they will open in CR one day. I hope so.

    Coffee out on the town early in the morning today and then off for more at Woralak's residence. His coffee was great. Town coffee sucked so I was glad to have some good stuff to really start the day right.

    Now several of us early guys are sitting in the shade at Woralak's, waiting for the rest of the guys and someone hears the sound of that big Harley coming in. "Here comes Raylo" someone says. Other's agree, that yes, he is arriving. We all watch the corner of the fence, waiting for him to come into view and, at last, here it comes. A farmer on a tractor! Raylo did arrive sometime later but by then, we were all gun-shy about predicting that the sound we were hearing was his bike. We should have stopped that farmer and told him about it. Might have made him feel good. Sorry Raylo.

    Really nice ride, lots of twisties and hard turns, hard climbs and steep drops. Hot day on the lowlands, downright cool on the mountain tops. Great lunch near a summit. Need to do that one again some day.

    Nice, comfortable ride home with about half of the gang. Sorry, VF, we took a different route on the way home and all of us were ready to get home and get off the bikes for the day.

    Thanks to all of you guys. I enjoyed everyone's company. I'm looking forward to the next one.

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