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Posts posted by kandahar

  1. I had a McD's in Denmark many years ago , it was quite different from anywhere else. What they gave you there was fried dried onions to put on it and many different types of mustard's and sauces , not just tomato or chilli as you get here . Anyone have any similar experiences in other countries ?

    Yeah. The Arab world sucks at doing McDonald's. The one consistent thing I can find is the regular cheeseburgers. But most of the rest of it is Arab style stuff that I don't care for.

  2. NIce words Kd. I think. I don't personally give a flying $#%^ about VF's opinion, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one on here. :) take me as you find me or not as the case may be. he has a distain for me as he appears to have a distain for most of humanity. Only the beautiful need apply.

    If he wants to tut, tut , like an old woman , up to him.

    How many times have we heard that 'VF is misundertood' !?

    Did anyone ever have a two way conversation with him ?

    Anyway, I suggest we leave it, or we'll end up being banned. I won't reply to any of VF's post's and maybe its best he doesnt reply to any of mine.

    You know, it is nothing that you two have a go at each other. Good fun to read, usually and none of us needs to know the root of it. I have a go at almost everyone on here. But what I know about people's private lives doesn't get displayed on here. I think it shouldn't. If we're gonna go off into the business of publicly going after each other's private lives, then we are all doomed. We don't, Nobody should. The forum life is the forum life.

  3. now you guys have everyone absolutely frothing at the mouth with curiosity at what Jubby's been up to.

    Make 'em wait till the movie comes out. B)

    jubby's life is just like a lot of ours is or has been. Nothing to see here. Move along. And that is the whole point.

  4. I saw a limb once. And I walked out onto it. I wasn't afraid of falling. I had fallen before, all the way to the bottom. I'm not ashamed of that. And it could happen again. One NEVER knows when it might happen. I carry my baggage and don't ask others to share it. I created it. It is mine. Do I really need to list all of my failures, all of my faults here, so everyone can judge who I am? I don't think so. I'm as bad as I have been. I'm as good as I have been. Up to you to choose what you wish to see in me. But whatever you can see and judge in any member of the forum, count me as him or her. Because I have been there and done that.

    I believe we are all that way. Some of us have those things hidden away from present company by time, miles and kilometers and severed relationships, which aren't available for present company to interview about the past. Any reader here can see their worst moment, remember their worst deed and reactions and take comfort that any and all of us have made the same or similar, or worse choices, in different times, different circumstances.

    Any of those same readers can take comfort in the fact that no present company has any inkling of that past. It is almost as if their past isn't a part of this newer life in this newer location with these newer acquaintances. But of course, it is. It happened. You fell. How far and for how long, I don't know.

    So, do we judge each other on what we happen to see with our own eyes or hear with our own ears? We can do that. But I believe we shouldn't. Even if we choose to judge, we are in error because we do not know all of the story. Sometimes, we know the story of someone else that was involved and therefore, we decide that side of the story is THE story. It isn't. It is part of the story. And unless you have walked every step of that person's life with them, you really don't know THE story. You know a chapter. Maybe.

    I don't see the point in taking information you have and making it public, to cause others to see things as you do. What's the point? Is that person assessed with a higher burden of guilt than the rest of us? And if so, does it matter? One of us will surely top that soon enough. Or did top it a long time ago. At least once. I would guess a lot of us topped it a long time ago. So, we are to be treated as if it didn't happen because present company is ignorant of that information but the person who we see as "guilty" currently is to be held up for all to see? And announced?

    I see no wrong in peer pressure being used in helping each other not stray too far from the norms. I see no wrong in private conversations, arguments with that person, displaying and making known, that in your eyes, some behavior is wrong. Privately. That's a good thing. That is between the accuser and the accused. It should stay that way. Because, for every stone thrown, a whole lot of us out here can say, "I've ducked that one myself before".

    We are all the same. We all have some bad in us. Your version of bad may be on a whole different level than mine, maybe an entirely different set of circumstances. But bad is bad. Mistakes are mistakes. And while some things seem bad, the rest of us don't know the whole story. And the same goes for mistakes. To someone else who has lived a chapter or two of that other person life themselves, it isn't a mistake at all. And if it is, then they need to make a decision about how to deal with it. But throwing that information out there to the public, in order to sway others, isn't appropriate. And if it is appropriate, then we all need to be judged the same. No point in singling one person out because earlier or later, we all wear the coat of shame. I have several of those coats and while most are old, they can make me feel the same degree of warmth as they did the first time they cloaked me. That coat still fits me as it did the day of the event that caused it. So, judge me by that. Because that is who I am.

    Every person I meet has most of the same qualities and faults as I. I cannot look at anyone and say they are clean. I look at everyone and know they have lived one hell of a life and still they are here. Good on them. Good on me. Chances for a future for all, no matter which way they are going in the present. I always try to look at the whole person. Because I know, if I concentrate only on the defects, I'll find them and suddenly, all I have around me are defective people.

    We aren't defective. We have defects but we are whole. We ARE a lot of other things besides the defects.

    It is embarrassing to read some of these things that get written here. They shouldn't be written here. If a person shows their ass here, then he or she is probably going to get a few replies. If someone shows their ass in their personal life, it really isn't up to anyone to throw that out here for the rest of us, is it? Rewarding or condoning doesn't enter into it here on the forum. Calling them out here on the forum isn't part of not rewarding or not condoning. I am not even going to say what it IS. It is too embarrassing. If you know of it because of a private relationship, then it should stay private.

    But for anyone who knows the story and wants to judge a guy like jubby, judge me the same. I have been there and done that and had my reasons. I have done a whole lot of shit that jubby would never consider doing. So judge me worse than jubby. For any of you who have dealt with jubby, you know there is a whole lot of good there. He will help anyone. He can kid and he can take kidding. He is offended for you when he sees someone else offend you. He is whole and he is good and he has some other things in his life, the same as all of us have or have had, that really don't enter into our relationship with him.

    What any one of us is at this given moment isn't who we are. It is a piece or part of who we are. We all have some bad pieces and parts, yet most people can look past that. Don't get wrapped up in the moment. We're all more valuable than that. And none of us should be so desperate to have value assigned to ourselves that we need to devalue someone else so as to help ourselves to look better. It doesn't matter how good any one person looks. That person has defects too. We don't know all of the defects he has or care enough to dig them up. I, for one, would rather just look at even that person, and see the whole person. I already know the defects are there. But I know some good stuff is there too. Let's go with the good stuff.

  5. KD< all I asked for was clarification for the next time. I went back thru the posts and found your statment that all bikes were welcome when you confirmed the event.

    My bad for not seeing it. But not welcome for ridicule from others for asking clarity for any future rides.

    No smaller bikes that VF mentioned were in any pic's posted. And the total of bikes was put at 5-7.

    I did not make issue of this. VF did and decided to be condescending.

    Your OP said:

    Posted 2011-02-15 20:58:02 "Several people have mentioned that they would like to find a group of laid-back biker types to do some day rides once a month or so."

    This set the tone of the discussion for laid back biker types to get together.

    BTW, I am joking about a Vespa :rolleyes:

    Yeah, that bit about what styles of bikes should be clarified in the future. Different people have different perceptions. Hopefully, whoever makes the move on the next ride will be more specific. In person, with a few other people, I even invited them along as car and pickup participants. The thing really shouldn't be limited to motorcyclists. But if those people had gone on this one, they sure wouldn't have crossed the river where we did. But then again, Sven probably would have led us on a different route. Sightseeing and social time are the reason for the meet. Can see just as much from a small truck as from a motorcycle and probably, have a little more time to look around as you drive. Some of the route demanded the full attention of the bike operator, whereas the truck operator wouldn't have been too restricted. Hopefully, we'll get some routes in the future that accommodate all, in addition to the routes that add a little excitement for bikers only.

    There were 7 bikes.

    Two dirt bikes, Honda and Kawasaki, dunno the cc

    Two Phantoms, 200 cc

    One CBR 150- (I think it is a 150)

    One Ninja, dunno the cc

    And then, of course, that old wreck that raylo showed up on, 1,800 cc

    So, seven total.

    Any style of bike would have made it and kept up. From what I could see, raylo's bike did fine, thanks to his handling of it. Whether or not it was made for such routes, he made it look natural easing along the trials with us. And yes, had he decided not to cross the bridge and instead return via the route we had entered on, he would have had his work cut out for him and the bike. Some of the stuff was steep enough that in places, we more or less slid down, instead of rolling down.

    My phantom bottomed out onto the skid plate a couple of times but that could have been prevented had I just slowed down a bit more and hit the little ridges at an angle. But, was moving slowly anyway and no harm done. I would do the same route again on the Phantom. In fact, I'm looking forward to it.

  6. "Considering yesterday's range from 100+ up to 1800, I think your request is redundant. ;)"

    VF, it was reported to be 5 bikes. I don't see any smaller bikes in any of the pic's posted.

    I could not attend so I didn't ask about smaller thai street bikes. I think many others may have thought the same that this was a ride geared for the medium and bigger bikes. Just asking for clarification for the next time, not ridicule from the likes of VF.

    How about some bike porn...

    Here is a post from earlier. All sizes of bikes were welcome and I am sure we will have a bigger variety next time, especially when folks realize that it isn't a die-hard ride.

    Anyway, what was written in this thread earlier is:

    Posted 2011-02-19 19:58:45

    Looks like we have settled on a date and time that will suit some. Monday, the 28th Feb., 10:00 a.m. We will head for the hot springs, out past Don's cafe. It was suggested that we do not meet in town because of all of the traffic and traffic lights, but instead to meet near my place, which is on the way out of town, headed towards the springs. There is a big shade tree across the street from my house. Looks like a good place to meet. I'm in the Den Haa area, just off the old CM highway. PM for details if you don't know where I live.

    Any suggestions or input welcome. Other than that, we'll see any of you there that choose to go along. Bikes of all sizes welcome. Again, it isn't a race. Looks like we have four confirmed at this time.

  7. The wife REALLY enjoyed the trip. She was glad she didn't drive by herself after seeing the steep ups and downs. But she is already talking about the next trip. Having the other girls along really made the day for her. She's hoping each trip in the future has lots of female company.

    I dropped by and took those old paper, met your bro-in-law. Thanks a lot, these pups shit a lot!

    I would be interested in your next trip, if you do not disdain a humble Honda Wave!

    Waves and such welcome on the trips

    I'm hoping you met the wife's nephew and not her youngest brother. If you did meet the BIL, my apologies.

    Stop by again when you can. We are usually home.

  8. How about considering a ride where all bikes and sizes are welcome.

    The 100-125's can go most places also. Of course there are exceptions.

    I would have brought my Vespa, but I wasn't able to be in town.

    It was open to all. I think most folks understood that. I also think it always will be open to all. In my mind, it isn't a "big bike" thing. More of a social thing.

    Maybe you'll be here for the next one.

  9. We went for a ride today. The early birds were treated to pancakes, sausage, coffee and juice before the meet time. 7 bikes, 7 guys, 6 ladies. Slow, relaxed, enjoyable day. Plenty of stopping and wandering around when we needed it. Most of the route was hardtop. A little was dirt and some of that was a bit rough for a street bike. We took our time and navigated it all safely. It was a slow enough trip and decent enough trails that Honda Dreams, Waves, Finos and such would have done okay. It is obvious that the locals run them on the same trails. Hope to get some of the smaller bikes out there next trip.

    More pics later.

    I think your count is a little bit off there Kandyman. So which one of us guys got counted twice…once in each column? ;):whistling:

    My wife says that I did count the women incorrectly. 5 attended, not 6. But I think I counted the bikes and guys right, didn't I?

  10. I bought my new Dunlop tyres in BKK last Monday and ran them in on the way back home, about 400km.

    On Saturday I went off with a mate on the motorbike to visit a place about 50 km away across the national park. The journey was 360 km (no road through the park) and took about 9 hours with stops. The last 100 or so km was up and down, left and right with sharp turns and hairpin bends, potholes, cows and cow shit on the straights and corners, tractors and quite a few really stupid drivers trying to overtake uphill around blind corners and 1 prime asshol_e in a Honda Civic who at about 2 metres from my bike for about 5 km. &lt;deleted&gt;.

    On Sunday we did it all over again the other way.

    One thing I did notice was that with the old IRC tyres I used to get a sort of front wheel shimmy as I went over the painted lines and bumps in the road but with the Dunlops that has disappeared.

    Very happy with the tyres and service I got.

    Hey Bill. Thanks for the posts.

    I can't find a size in your posts. What size did you end up with?

  11. The wife REALLY enjoyed the trip. She was glad she didn't drive by herself after seeing the steep ups and downs. But she is already talking about the next trip. Having the other girls along really made the day for her. She's hoping each trip in the future has lots of female company.

  12. Certainly a nice relaxed Social trip, more time off the bike than on.

    The little bit of 'offroad' seems to be par for the course around these parts. the worst bit was due to the construction of a new concrete road. I suspect it'll all be hardtop within a few years.

    certainly would have liked to have seen the Harley swinging away on the bamboo bridge, but he was over before I got there.

    Man , the weathers certainly warming up though. I was glad of the dip in the Kok river.

    Also Glad Sven took the 'heat' for suggesting the trip. B)

    I'll certainly pack swim gear in the future. If we spend time by the water, I'll have it and if not, no biggie. I had no idea we would spend that much time hanging around on the river banks in different locations. But it was good.

    I didn't mind the route, dirt, sand, ruts and all. Fun and interesting. I suspect you are right about "par for the course". I'm sure it won't be the last time. I hope not.

  13. Didn't read everything just wanted to wish you luck. We have done the same thing in the Udon areas for years. Eventually crested a e-mail list of people and announce rides there.

    My suggestion is just sit a time and place to meet up, pick something you want to see and invite others.

    Accept right now you won't please everyone and that will take lot of pressure off you.

    Personally I like to stay away from formal clubs cause somebody has to be in charge and someone will resent it. Just human nature.

    There is no perfect speed to matter who leads he will be to fast for some and to slow for others. Our rides are social activities guys brings their wives Girlfriends ect.

    Our is sit up so anyone can post a ride. That will be rare so if you want it take the bull by the horns and sit up a ride. On that ride try to get some ideas for the next one. Try to get someone to give you hand with trip planning ect.

    Anyway good luck

    Some good points, guy. Thanks. When you coming up for a ride? Some of us are already looking for an excuse next month.

    I doubt we will ever have a club. Or a leader. Both imply responsibility and I don't think any of us are interested. That's why we live here.

    Speed wasn't an issue today. Most of us just ambled along and the guys who got out ahead and had done it before waited at good spots for the sight-seers (me) and off we all went again. The guys who have done a bit of this already were pretty gracious with those of us who haven't. But they also have their own little groups that get out there from time to time and burn up the highway, so they can have some of that on their own, without guys like me slowing them down. I'm just happy that they made time to go with us today.

    It tickles me to think we may just post a ride and route in the future and see who shows. But it could happen. Our way of getting anything done here seems to be lots of opinions, lots of thinking on it and then just kind of committing to the last good idea that came along, if we commit at all. If we ever got organized, it would probably scare people off. The Chiang Rai crowd is a loose group in a lot of aspects.

    If you head this way one day, let us know.

  14. Alas, it has been suggested by others on the forum again and again. The last time, we only got as far as having lunch a few times. But I am all for running with it this time and getting out there at least once a month. Good stuff, today was.

    I wasn't going to say anything about 1,800 cc's of Harley easing across the rickety, wooden, swinging suspension bridge. You'll be telling that one until you die. I'm just sorry you got across ahead of me and I couldn't get some pics of your crossing. Maybe we can do it again next week and I'll cross first.rolleyes.gif Nobody will ever believe me if I tell them that story without some pics to back it up. And seriously, I suspect that is the first time a bike that large has crossed it. Whew!!!

  15. We went for a ride today. The early birds were treated to pancakes, sausage, coffee and juice before the meet time. 7 bikes, 7 guys, 6 ladies. Slow, relaxed, enjoyable day. Plenty of stopping and wandering around when we needed it. Most of the route was hardtop. A little was dirt and some of that was a bit rough for a street bike. We took our time and navigated it all safely. It was a slow enough trip and decent enough trails that Honda Dreams, Waves, Finos and such would have done okay. It is obvious that the locals run them on the same trails. Hope to get some of the smaller bikes out there next trip.

    More pics later.






  16. The food was really good. It is pretty much a nice buffet of the types of dishes we can't get here. We had two types of the au gratin yesterday and both were super. The dessert selections were of course the western style and those are hard to find in CR.

    More important than the food though, is the social time. What a relaxed way to spend an afternoon. Nothing pretentious, nobody at odds and everybody seems comfortable meeting new people. Not sure I have ever been part of such a low-key, low-stress meeting. The best thing that comes out of this is seeing different members making friends and making dinner and lunch dates in the for the future. Looks like friends are made and kept.

  17. I'll be going with the missus tomorrow (all being well), had a bit of a bug for the last week or so but fingers crossed i'm over the worst, it's time to get out the house for some air, notice i didn't say fresh, see you all in the morning (10ish).

    Will be glad to see you. Glad you're getting better.

  18. There are some ugly French Mastiff pups for sale on another classifieds site in Thailand. Practically giving them away for 30,000 baht. But the pic of the male sire shows a little Shit Sue standing in front of him. Cute. Maybe that will help sell the pups. Adds a little bit of adorable to a train wreck.

  19. I have put some in my truck. You're good.

    I went off and forgot the newspaper, SO SORRY!

    Actually I got a few at my local shop so OK for tonight

    .Thoroughly enjoyed today, thanks.

    No sweat guy. We have them here at the house. If you need them really bad in the near future, stop by or send a friend to pick them up. If the friend knows the secret pot luck handshake, we will release the newspapers to him.

    The wife talked to you about seeing you riding a bicycle with a sign on your back. She meant that you had a shirt or jacket with some type of wording printed on it. Maybe a school or university slogan or logo. I hope that clears that up. If indeed you start riding around town carrying a sign, let me know. I wanna picture of that.

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