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Posts posted by rebo

  1. The girl in the photo looks more like Taksin.

    There appear to be several Thaksins in these new photos which seem to demolish the idea that staff at the school did not know


    Would be too interested to see the poster (with the Nazism headline) in detail. I think I was not totally wrong assuming some political background of this event ...

    And when I do not believe one thing at all then it is the story of the unaware teaching staff / administration ...

  2. There were different colored teams in the sports day. This was the red team. Nothing political, just the colour of their team. ....

    Have one more look at the picture, Magician: I see a jacket/blouson which doesn't look like a cheap mass product with the Swastika and "Red Nazism" written below. The red sports day T-shirt is worn under this jacket. For me it seems this "logo" means more than a simple sports day team sign ...

    This event --- A shame!

  3. Maybe some Chiang Mai old hands can remember this spectacular play in a spooky atmosphere about an ancient forest spirit and a hill tribe community ….

    Does anybody still have any further info/material about it (Story, director, actors, you tube links, newspaper/magazin articles)? I visited the performance three times and still have lots of photos but nothing more, so I googled several hours but didn’t find anything. Everything depends on the proper search terms; so perhaps I simply didn’t use the right ones …

    Thanks in advance.

  4. Exactly here (Look in Google Earth): 18°45'46.95"N; 99°02'02.73"E.

    Very good quality, very fresh, very low prices. Go early in the morning, about 07:00 AM.

    Give it a try, you'll not disappointed.

    If I plug that in Google maps then I get the loction as being down the soi. I think the place is on the main road (New Sankamphaeng Road)? Called Moo Dee or something like it?


    (I think its just to the North of the green arrow, on the main road?

    I'm very sorry, Winnie, for my typo. You are absolutely right. Here the right coordinates: 18°45'56.95"N; 99°02'02.73"E. Sorry again for the confusion!

  5. Exactly here (Look in Google Earth): 18°45’46.95”N; 99°02’02.73”E.

    Very good quality, very fresh, very low prices. Go early in the morning, about 07:00 AM.

    Give it a try, you'll not disappointed.

  6. The criteria to release water from the reservoirs is not how full they are. It's how strong the responsible officer estimates his dam. And that may lay far under 50 % of the capacity of the resorvoir...

  7. In cases like this I ask myself why folks don't simply use coordinates. It's so easy: Open Google earth, look from above where the place is, note the coordinates shown at the lower end of the satelite picture and - voila - it's a piece of cake for almost all people to find the exact location. I for myself will hardly drive 20 km on a vague discription.

    BTW - at least 90% of our farang and also some of our Thai friends use GPS units

    Who needs one of those new-fangled GPS units when all you have to do is turn left on the second soi after the barking dog and then look for a small but tidy place with an yellow sign?

    Take my comment - at least in this thread - as a simple suggestion as it was meant. To discuss the sense or nonsense of new-fangled technical achievements you may open a new thread.

    But to answer your question: Most people don't need them but they make the search for locations more efficient. Coordinates prevent misunderstandings and unnecessary inquieries.

  8. Hi uptoyoumyfriend

    Does it (the restaurant), or the building it's in, have a name?

    I'm not sure many will find it, or even venture out to look, going by your description above, unless of course they are familiar with the area. It's always a good idea when someone 'highly recommends' a new eating establishment to make sure that finding it is literally a piece of cake.


    In cases like this I ask myself why folks don't simply use coordinates. It's so easy: Open Google earth, look from above where the place is, note the coordinates shown at the lower end of the satelite picture and - voila - it's a piece of cake for almost all people to find the exact location. I for myself will hardly drive 20 km on a vague discription.

    BTW - at least 90% of our farang and also some of our Thai friends use GPS units.

  9. Paste the coordinates in Google Earth for a bird view:

    Large abandoned condo building: 18°53’16.19”N; 99°05’58.99”E

    Large abandoned administration building of a never built but properly prepared moobaan: 18°40’16.66”N; 99°06’24.96”E

  10. 16 years ago my wife has bought a 6 rai lamyai orchard in Lamphun province. It was cultivated and operated by family members who are less and less interested in doing so since the lamyai prices are down and hardly bring in the expenses and work.

    So she would like to sell it; its ball and chain for us.

    The current property status since purchase is Sor Por Kor 1. Of course she would get a much better price with a Soh Khor 3 or Chanot, especially because the region now is in an ongoing change from an all agricultural to a more housing area (phone lines, electricity, good infrastructure …).

    The responsible amphoe has nothing but lame excuses (e.g. new government/prime minister) to give since 5 years again and again negative notices to her applications. No acceptable reason based on legal facts imho, never given a written statement. The farmers over there have the same problem. It seems to be arbitrary rule of the administrative machinery. Or maybe simply laziness.

    Any idea what could be done? Does anybody know a lawyer or an organization specialized in cases like this (“Rivaling” “almighty” real estate authority)?

  11. I simply don't know how to search for, Elektrified, how the amulets are specified. "Amulet Wat Phra Sing 2513 Phra XY" (even in Thai) doesn't work. And we have more than hundred. And many of them do not have any readable inscription.

    What I imagine is an expert who has a look on each of them and gives a short statement (of course including "In this case I don't know").

    BTW - My wife's main fear is that this expert could clandestinely change one of her's to a copied one. She is convinced that some of the amulets must be "extremely" precious (meaning tens to hundreds of thousands of THB). Many of them she inherited from her father.

  12. My main attention is on the “independence”. Meaning not making business by dealing with them (as they are lots at the medallion markets)

    I would like to know estimated values, maybe with some “evidence” e.g. an article in one of the Buddhist magazines, and pay for the expertise service.

    We don’t want to sell any of them but – in case some are really of substantial value – keep them at a safer place than on the family altar.

    Does anybody know about such an expert who can be trusted?

  13. Finally I found the problem: cable/plug connection from router to Dreambox failed, wireless is working as normal (but Dreambox works only via cable), so I didn't recognize it because internet on our computers worked well (wireless). So the Dreambox doesn't receive the authentification code via internet.

    Thanks for all your comments.

  14. After the thunderstorm yesterday night we found our Dreambox dead. Transformer cold, so I changed it (12V, 2A) >>> green light. Initializing signal O.K., free channels (Education etc.) O.K. (meaning there is an antenna input signal, 96%), but the "normal" channels >>> still black screen.

    Phoned to the sales shop (the first "satellite shop" after Tesco Lotus left side on the Road to Hang Dong) yesterday afternoon, was told that the True Move Input was down.

    Can anyone confirm this?

    Thanks a lot.

  15. They also have it in Chiang Mai's best screw shop, Tong Tong Screw Nut & Tools, on Charoen Mueang Rd. (The Road that will be Thaphae Rd. later, after crossing Navarat Bridge). Going into town it's on the right side, about 50 m after you passed the intersection with Bamrung Rat Rd. Can't miss it, you will see the blue screw shelves from outside.

  16. There's a gong shop offering all sizes (made "antique" looking) in Ban Thawai, on the main road, about 150 m on the left side after turning in from the Hang Dong <> Saraphi road.

    Not cheap but I don't know any other shop.

    Maybe you ask in one of the several shops for musical instruments ...? The Thai word is "KhOOng" (High tone).

    In case you find a producer in Northern Thailand pls let us know.

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