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Posts posted by rebo

  1. Thaksin's war had little effect ...


    There has never been more than a very temporary shortage of any drugs in Thailand as a result of law enforcement actions (legal or otherwise).

    This is from my point of experience simply not true: During about six, seven years after the "war on drugs" there was definitely a general shortage of any kinds of illegal drugs. Of course there was still a certain availability but for exorbitant prices the average youngster could not raise.

    You may speak with normal average village people, farmers, workers, grandparents; I bet they will tell you that during these years the problems by use of illegal drug went down to almost zero.

  2. Your pond obviously suffers from green algae. We had the same problem for years during rainy season.

    In the fish shops at Khamtiang market you can buy chemicals which will kill them but do not harm your fish.

    Of course this can only be a short-term solution; for long term Khun Yermanee is right: You need a biological filter. In case you don't want to make it by yourself: You will find qualified advise and help in the same fish shops over there.

  3. You are right - I also never saw any good quality hand planers in Thailand. So I taught our staff to make them by themselves.

    We can produce one for you; price for a 60 cm long one (made from heavy duty rose wood incl. blade): 1'000 THB.

    Pls write me a PM with your phone number if you're interested.

  4. Now, if there was a Yellow Pages type of service info, by business type, that would be fantastic.

    Eg. Glaziers, for double-glazed windows. Or Tilers, or plumbers, or electricians etc.

    Oh, I forgot to mention that an English would be more helpful to us TV users. I can hope...

    Thanks o:37, great find.

    "The Book of What Where and How in Chiang Mai" by Henry Coulter is exactly what you're looking for. Avaiable in D.K. Bookstore and Gecko Book Shops. Even with a perfect Chiang Mai Map (inside Superhighway).

  5. Thank you, Rebo. Thank you very much. Agreed, provided that, as I think must be the case, 'beginning of September' is no later than the 11th. I will be leaving then for Spain. Does that work for you?

    Works fine, I'll back earlier. Pls PM your phone, I'll call you from home.

    BTW - no good Moustache wax in Spain? Unbelievable ... But maybe you need it for the flight ... :whistling:

  6. Rasseru, I'm just in Southern Germany. Hereby I offer 3 tubes of "STERN Hungarian Moustache-Wax" (small tube about 6 cm length, I estimate 10 ... 15 g each) for 1'200 THB beginning of September.


  7. Local vegy growers tell us its a very difficult time for them hence prices are up and quantity,quality down

    This I don't understand. If the vegy growers manage to deliver good quality they should participate in the high prices. What's difficult time?

  8. 53 years old, 18 years in CNX, 20 years in Thailand, 23 years in SO Asia. Some Thai friends, some Farang friends, forests, lakes, mountains, weather as I hope to find again in paradise, Rimping, last but not least a loving (thai) wife, daughter, grand child ... Can't imagine any better place anywhere to spend the rest of my life. Not really much to complain ...

  9. Don't use leather! I did it once and I replaced it after 1 year by the common plastic stuff.

    Not only that it soaks wet in case of driving through even a short and local rain shower, even more it will molder especially during high humidity rain season. I tried anti-mold and -mildew spray and other solutions without real success. I use to cover my bike with an anti-dust liner, this made the whole thing even worse.

    I'm sure you will regret it.

  10. I've sent you a PM with my phone no.

    Simply give me a call to make an appointment, come by, and my wife will take you to a duck breeder where we buy our eggs, close to our village.

    Local prices, and I'm sure some breeding advices.

  11. CNC, laser and water jet: 18°4128.10 N, 99°0317.98 E.

    They work very reliable, and at least the owner's son speaks English.

    Sorry, I have neither phone nor address. But you can copy the coordinates, and paste them directly into the "Fly to"-cell in Google Earth. It's the large white building.

  12. ... extra-judicial killings on a wide scale apparently have worked.

    Another solution that works needs to be found.

    Extra-judical killings wouldn't be necessary at all. Thailand has a proper law system to be used.

    A better education is certainly the best way to get the root of the problem but needs too long time to have a lasting effect. The people need their children saved now.

    I think if Abhisit could really noticably get a grip on illegal drug supply lots of reds would change their mind and their cross on the ballot next time.

  13. About 10 years ago we had a real drug problem in our and the neighbor villages (at that time “Yaa Maa”). Teenagers got out of control. Everything changed when the “war on drugs” was started. The villages became almost completely drug-free. The dealers disappeared, problem was “solved” …

    Since two years our workers (all of them are parents, Saraphi area) are constantly complaining about a rising drug problem again. The dealers seem to have done their time and return to their (parent’s) villages, equipped with better knowledge, connections and strategies.

    Yesterday I joined our daughter’s (28th) birthday party at Ban Wiang Nong Long in Lamphun and met a lot of local parents/grand parents. Their biggest problem: Drugs! It seems not one single family is not affected by some means or other.

    Of course, many of them are “red” but what I saw, not due to money issues but the rising drug problem.

    They told me this is why they want “him” back: Rigorous elimination of what’s destroying their families, community: Drugs of any kind (Nobody spoke about alcohol of course …).

    I held myself off with comments but driving back home I thought this may be the main problem of otherwise relatively satisfied upcountry population which must be solved to regain peace in their hearts …

    What do you think …?

  14. Domestic forwarder Nim See Seng. I guess not more than THB 400 to MHS. Got two pallets (120 x 80 cm each) of really heavy stuff delivered from Bangkok two weeks ago for less than THB 800.

    http://www.nimtransport.com/web/ you can chose English language.

    Service Center 053-244801; let a Thai friend call; probably no English spoken.

    Should be the cheapest solution.

  15. Explain why none of the drivers stopped?

    Trillions of flies eat shit. I'm not interested at all why they do so.

    I stopped everytime when I felt that someone was in current need of help, and I never regreted it.

    I always wear my imported SIMPSON, white, with perfect ventilation system. Not only to protect my own life but also to keep on being a role model for my family. Don't wanna lose anybody of them ...

    Last but not least: Follow the law.

    Square, ain't I ...?

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