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About radiochaser

  • Birthday January 1

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    USA / Bangkok, Thailand

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  1. Only 19,000 baht? That is cheap price to pay.
  2. My leg was pierced one time. But I could see the end of the shrapnel, so I pulled it out.
  3. I retired from my government job in 2013. For a year I did as I had done for over 20 years, shaved every morning. Then one day, as I looked in the mirror, I thought, why am I shaving every day? Since then I usually shave when it reaches the point that the beard irritates me. Then not again for a few days. Been like that since 2014.
  4. Maybe not. If like me, who at the age of 20, could go three days without shaving, in Army Basic Training, without being told by a drill sargent to shave dry out in the field! In advanced training back then, I could go four days without shaving, the inspections being less intense. Even today, it would take me four days to grow hair on my face, the same length as some do in one day. In Basic Training, there was one guy that was made to dry shave his face every morning between 10 and 11 am, with what looked like a 1 or 2 day old beard, sometimes having to shave in the afternoon too, even though he claimed he shaved that morning. After a week of this, his drill sargent showed up in the shower room to watch him shave and then checked him out at 10 am. Afterwards he was still required to shave in the morning and afternoon, but was allowed to use water when shaving!
  5. I have been expecting this for more than 20 years.
  6. I assume you have inside information, from a person working on the inside of the Trump administration, right there in the White House. Or would I be assuming too much?
  7. Committing assault on another passenger, on an international flight, from the U.K. to Thailand, then arrested on the aircraft and ... A) Escorted to his hotel? B) Escorted to the nearest bar? C) Escorted to a mall for a shopping trip? D) None of the above?
  8. Yep, Trump is going to become a dictator, lock up every one of his opponents and then will be president for life. Right?
  9. This could be off topic, unless the situation involves police jail/detention. I flew into Thailand arriving Monday, February 10, flying in on my connection at Heathrow, UK. Across the aisle from me sat a man who had a very close timed connection to Vietnam. As the aircraft was pulling into the gate, an announcement was made, telling all passengers to remain seated until security boarded the aircraft. One of the stewardess's came to tell the man going to Vietnam that security was needed for a man who hit another passenger. Once parked and the door opened, about 10 police (airport police, dark uniforms?) and and some airport security (blue shirts) boarded and walked back to the economy section. I could see a guy in his late 40's or early 50's stand up in the aisle, take his carryon out of the overhead, and then was then escorted out of the aircraft. Not a very good start to a trip to Thailand, if a tourist, or possibly the beginning of a bad end to residence in Thailand if an expat living here. I have been flying off and on since 1961. This is the first time I have witnessed police board an aircraft.
  10. You should tell the people that claim a landslide is 58% (or more) is not a landslide then. I am using their figures. Besides, there are a couple of other people elected president that garnered more than the reagan, mondale election, if I recall correctly.
  11. If I have this correct, One way to measure a landslide victory is by percentage points. Historically, many outlets have used the phrase "landslide" for victories in which a candidate beats their opponents by at least 15 percentage points in a popular vote count.1 2 Raines, Howell. "Reagan Wins By a Landslide, Sweeping at Least 48 States; G.O.P. Gains Strength in House." The New York Times, 7 Nov. 1984.  Under that scenario, a landslide would occur when the winning candidate in a two-way election receives 58% of the vote, leaving his opponent with 42%. there are, 538 electoral votes in the electoral college. 58% of 538 is 312.04. So, according to the above, Trump won the electoral college by a quote, unquote, landslide.
  12. One way to measure a landslide victory is by percentage points. Historically, many outlets have used the phrase "landslide" for victories in which a candidate beats their opponents by at least 15 percentage points in a popular vote count.1 2 Raines, Howell. "Reagan Wins By a Landslide, Sweeping at Least 48 States; G.O.P. Gains Strength in House." The New York Times, 7 Nov. 1984.  Under that scenario, a landslide would occur when the winning candidate in a two-way election receives 58% of the vote, leaving his opponent with 42%.
  13. It was in the Electoral College. Where the numbers count!
  14. Triple K are democrats, not republicans. They started it, now they have disguised how they work it. Hillary was mentored by a KKK recruiter you know.
  15. That diagram is what I have been telling people for years. The center moved left and now those politicians who were moderate democrats are now RINO's.

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