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Posts posted by radiochaser

  1. Two young men overdosing at the same time on a drug in powder form is highly highly unlikely. Either (a) they were sold poison, or ( b ) something else entirely happened.

    What the police choose to "believe" in Thailand is rarely relevant.


    White powder in Thailand will either be:

    - Cocaine

    - Ketamine

    - MDMA

    - Heroin

    Most likely it'll be cocaine. ODs are pretty rare.

    With Heroin, that's a lot more likely to kill 2 users, esp if it's a lot stronger than they are used to.

    There are a lot of other white powders around, but I agree with you. Mostly like Coke and ODs on Coke are very rare. Two ODs of fit young men is too unlikely to be considered a possibility ...

    If it was heroin, that's a different matter. But as far as I know, people inject heroin or smoke it, not snort it. There's no mention of "drug paraphernelia" at the scene ....

    If the "white powder" comes back as Coke, I wouldn't believe in 1000 years they both OD'd on it. I trust the police will be analyzing the powder as well. Be interesting to know if their "valuables" (passport, credit cards etc) were still in the room.

    Snorting heroin may not be common today, but it was very common to snort "China White" (pure heroin) during the Vietnam War era, in Vietnam and in Thailand. Heroin was snorted just like cocaine.

    Most of the time it was smoked in a cigarette and sometimes smoked with a marijuana joint. In very rare cases heroin was injected but that was by some very hardcore heroin addicts.

    I am very glad that I always turned down the offer of snorting or smoking heroin. Bad stuff to use there and here where I live!

  2. "A number of the victims have been struck by the vehicle [but] there is witness evidence to suggest that the person we have in custody has physically assaulted people outside of the vehicle," he said, adding that a weapon may have been involved."

    Would that weapon have been constructed of metal, plastic, rubber, and other materials, commonly called a vehicle?

    Weapons are not just knives and firearms! A weapon is anything that is used to assault and cause harm to another person!

  3. Oh, and complaining of inflated prices and a little bit off topic, but to illustrate that Thailand may not be the only place that charges excessive prices.

    I thought that I was experiencing a heart attack one morning when getting ready for work. I went to the emergency room of my local hospital and was in the hospital for more than 24 hours. I was given a baby aspirin (a 25 or 50 mg tablet) within five or ten minutes of arriving in the emergency room . The hospital billed me $50.00 US for that one pill!

  4. In the article PPAO Vice President Chawalit Na Nakorn, is alleged to have said:

    “Every hospital, even those that are government-owned and operated by the Ministry of Public Health, have different medical treatment rates between Thai and foreign patients. Our rates for foreign patients are partly based on the range of prices as set by the Ministry of Public Health.

    However, our hospital management committee, after considering the issue, decided to adjust the prices for foreigners,” he said."

    I have had medical and dental treatment in a Bangkok hospital and from a Bangkok private dental office and was charged the same prices as a Thai national, so I was not aware of the dual pricing scheme Pres. Nakorn is referencing..

    I had to have emergency medical treatment outside of Bangkok and was only charged about Baht 150. I was in the triage area for an hour, given an injection of medicine, and provided pills to take for the next three days or so before being discharged.

    Every time I received medical and dental treatment was when I was there as a tourist.

    What I had to pay, out of pocket, here in the United States for a root canal and crown for one tooth far exceeded all the charges I had to pay for all my medical and dental care in Thailand. The dental plan part of my health insurance did not cover root canals and crowns either in the United States or outside the United States! (I have had a separate dental plan for the last four years that does cover root canals and crowns and the total monthly payments I have made is still less than the cost of that one root canal and crown!)

    My health plan reimburses me at 40% of the cost, for any medical treatment in Thailand as they consider the doctors and hospitals to be outside of their approved network. I was a federal government employee and kept my health insurance coverage when I retired two years ago. As it is a health plan for employees that may work inside or outside of the United States, it does reimburse for medical costs incurred outside of the United States.

    As an aside, my health care plan allows me to walk into any doctors office any where on the Earth and ask for treatment of any medical problem. Even in the doctors office that has signs posted on the wall that read, "You must have a referral from you physician before being seen at this office!"

  5. The last few times I was in Washington Square, mostly in the Lone Star, the loud accents I was hearing were Australian and British (not counting the Thai ladies accents).

    The last time I was there, in March 2010, I asked if there were any Americans there and was told that there weren't any right then!

    I wonder what happened to the quote that I was replying to?

  6. I know this is a joke article but has Washington Square actually finally been demolished? What of Bourbon Street? I loved that placed as it had some great Western food.

    The food was the biggest reason I went to Washington Square. At least there are other places for non-Thai food. I found a Mexican restaurant the last time I was in BKK. It had real Mexican food, not the stuff they serve here in the Mexican restaurants.

  7. sorry mate, still not getting your point.

    you are aware we are discussing satire, right?

    Nice one!

    Boater will be furious he missed this....even hooked in a mod for good measure....love it.

    The article had me going until I saw the "not the nation" tag at the end. ermm.gif

  8. The last few times I was in Washington Square, mostly in the Lone Star, the loud accents I was hearing were Australian and British (not counting the Thai ladies accents).

    The last time I was there, in March 2010, I asked if there were any Americans there and was told that there weren't any right then!

  9. A serial killer is someone killing many persons,

    A serial Robber is someone robbing many places

    Is a serial masturbator someone who masturbate many people?

    No, I think they messed up the spelling - It's cereal masturbator, someone who likes to masturbate into his morning cereal... usually on mornings after the nearby 7Elevens ran out of yoghurt laugh.png

    Sorry, I just can't help it - this topic is so refreshingly funny after all those slayings, rapes, stabbings and muggings... LG - life is good!

    OK Mister catweazle, you owe me a bowl of corn flakes. I had to throw mine away after reading your post!!!blink.png

    • Like 1
  10. VOA was not the "main Vietnam War Era Listening Post, for intercepting North Vietnamese uncrypted military Messaging". That was at Non Sung. You can still see part of the FLR/9 antenna system that was used for monitoring radio communications.

    Post Script:

    I forgot to add, I talked to the VOA site manager a few years ago. I believe he told me that the transmitter output up there, can go as high as 125,000 watts!

    With that kind of output power, any electronic equipment not adequately protected from off frequency signals will most likely fail to operate properly.

    7th RRFS, was there in 71-72, before that at the 83rd RRSOU in Bangkok, Seri Court.

    I was at the 8th RRFS in 71-72, at Ft Bliss for 4 months, then the 7th 9/72-5/73.

  11. Spy Mission, what Morons. No need for NASA to be used as a cover for spy missions. We have the US military specifically the USAF with technology designed for espionage. We are always watching and have the world basically under surveillance anytime and anyplace through satellite, drones, air recon, humint and other various sources the Thai people could not even imagine in their wildest fantasies. The aircraft that they could be worried about is probably the SR-71 Blackbird (worldest fastest and highest flying manned aircraft to date). I seriously doubt they will use this aircraft for their work. The Blackbird has been decommissioned from the USAF since the 90s and given to NASA for basically testing data of sonic speed aircraft for future models. NASA would not waste time, and money using the SR71 in Thailand.

    I have seen pictures taken by the SR71 during the Vietnam war, supposedly from an altitude of 80,000 feet. You could tell if a man was wearing sandals or boots!

    Even though the aircraft was flying over Vietnam, it could have taken pictures of Thailand if there was a need for it.

    • Like 1
  12. I doubt the Chinese Govt will believe this load of codswhollop. I wouldn't if I was them ... anymore than I believe to Yanks @ the Ban Dung VOA Station, that routinely blasts Propoganda messages into China every mornining @ 7am and evening @ 6pm. The signal knocks out all the Air Cards in our neighbourhood. "We do weather reports and help Thai Technicians on site". Ya sure guys ... I know it was the main Vietnam War Era Listening Post, for intercepting North Vietnamese uncrypted military Messaging ... but really no one cares a fig about Vietnam these days. China, on the other hand, is an international competitor and makes all our underwear .. well ... everything we wear/drive/golf/ski/HDTV ... Mitt's Buddies. He will sell them a few more US Flagship Companies, after he looses the US Election ... I digress off topic ....


    VOA was not the "main Vietnam War Era Listening Post, for intercepting North Vietnamese uncrypted military Messaging". That was at Non Sung. You can still see part of the FLR/9 antenna system that was used for monitoring radio communications.

    Post Script:

    I forgot to add, I talked to the VOA site manager a few years ago. I believe he told me that the transmitter output up there, can go as high as 125,000 watts!

    With that kind of output power, any electronic equipment not adequately protected from off frequency signals will most likely fail to operate properly.

  13. "Urbanisation will be more intensified in eastern Thailand and family size will be smaller, while more women will become family leaders, Dr Surawit predicted."

    Looks like I'm way ahead of the game; I do what I'm told from the missus already!

    And you're not the only one clap2.gif

    What is wrong with you guys? Be men and stand up for your selves! post-4641-1156694005.gif

    I don't do what my missus tells me!

    Well at least till I piss her off and she starts to beatdeadhorse.gif me! crazy.gif

  14. ... Americans ride horses and shout "Hey yippie Yankee!" all day...

    No, no, no! We shout "Yippee Kiyay" all day! Or alternatively, Yeeeeeeeeeehaaawwwww, while waving our cowboy hat in the air!

    On the serious side of this. I agree with one other poster. My first thought on reading that the guy was acting drunk and asking for water, "is this guy a diabetic?".

    I have seen people, whom I first thought was under the influence of alcohol, only to find out that the person was a diabetic and their blood sugar was off. ( I cant remember if it is too high or too low, but I think it is too low)

    They would eat or drink something with sugar in it and would soon start acting as their normal self.

    I think that when a person goes into insulin shock, not only do they first act like they are drunk, but the person's thinking may be off and they will act in a ways the person would not ordinarily act.

    I have not googled it, so if someone is more knowledgeable about this subject, they can chime in and post if my information is incorrect.

    • Like 2
  15. Maybe a little off topic but please indulge me, I am a newbie after all!

    Here goes: A few years ago a Thai friend who is a genius IT expert was asked to "fix" the whole computer system of the province's "men in brown" headquarters. My friend did it dirt cheap (he saw it as some kind of civic duty), but he was laughing his head off when he told me that not one single computer had a genuine Windows running.

    Now the funny/ironic part: a few month later -during one of these famous "crackdowns"- the same "men in brown" accompanied by the International Software "Gestapo" mistakenly raided his small IT shop and tried to fine him 200,000 Baht for using some pirated software...

    Of course the "men in brown" team soon realized that they were actually raiding their own computer expert. Embarrassing as the "IT Gestapo" was present, but they managed to reduce the fine to a mere 20,000 Baht "warning", actually a little less then he had been paid by them a few month ago to upgrade their whole HQ with pirated software.

    Fair enough maybe, but then a few days later these same officials came back, this time asking him to fix some issues and to install additional pirated software, they also wanted some free porn, but that was of course for personal use.

    By then my friend had learned his lesson and had borrowed heavily to go totally legit. So, unwisely maybe, he declined. Result: he is still now on their sh%t list, and gets raided constantly.

    Real TiT story, funnily sad and ironic maybe, but unbiased I hope.

    I was in Pantip (is this the correct name) downtown Bangkok one day a few years ago. One of the big stores had two versions of Windows XP for sale. One was advertised as, Windows XP $100.00 (Bhat equivalent), the other was advertised as, Genuine Windows XP $350.00 (B. equivalent). Both advertisements were sitting on the same counter about 12 inches apart.

    I asked one of the clerks about it. He told me the cheaper version was made in Thailand, but was the same as the more expensive "Genuine" version.

  16. knowing that it's a requirement for phones to be able to be remotely activated in order to receive FCC approval, its purely because it was provoked that the bothered reacting to such a minor incident, the guy is likely not a first time offender and would easily have been apprehended with drugs at any given moment if the true purpose of the law enforcement was realized...

    Sorry to go off topic a bit, but the FCC does not require remote activation of cellular (radio) telephones.

    What the FCC does require of the cellular telephone companies is to have the ability to closely determine the location of a cellular (radio communications device) telephone. This can be done either through the GPS capability of a cell phone or through TDOA capability of three or more cellular base stations, if the required number of base stations can all receive the cell phone signal at the same time.

    So "Mr Kryzanowski" butt dials 911 and the 911 operators want to know what his emergency is. "Mr Kryzanowski" does not respond to their questions but does provide enough information for them to recognize a drug deal in progress. The 911 center determines the approximate location of the cell (radio transmitter) phone from the cell (2 way radio communication provider) phone company data passed to the 911 center and dispatches the local police department (Scranton PD) who probably has several police cruisers, cruise through the area until they locate a likely suspect "Mr Kryzanowski".blink.png


    My god this place is getting worse

    Has anyone heard of a Suicide by stabbing yourself in the chest blink.png

    But of course the Police will be happy to go with that conclusion


    Yes, it can happen! During my medical training, the class was taken to a nearby hospital. During the visit we viewed the body of a man who stabbed himself three times in his chest over the heart. The act was witnessed by most of the people in the bus station and the police who were attempting to talk the man into dropping the knife.

    This occurred in San Antonio, Texas (USA). He did himself in because his girlfriend left him! I saw the body two to four hours after he killed himself.

    I still have difficulty understanding how a person could stab them self in the chest, inflicting a wound deep enough to damage the heart.

    I am not saying this Swiss guy stabbed him self, but it could happen and has happened in ancient European history.

  18. What does peregrantions mean and why do you feel the need to use words of such gargantuan proportions ?

    Does google not work on your computer?

    I think he use 'pereginations' because it was he right word. He could have used a less precisely-accurate synonym, but that would not have got his point across so well. We are lucky that people help us expand our vocabularies, rather thn catering to the lowest common denominator.

    I think he underestimates the Thailand experience of our Caledonian co-posters, though...


    Cal·e·do·ni·a (kabreve.gifllprime.gifibreve.gif-domacr.gifprime.gifnemacr.gif-schwa.gif, -domacr.gifnprime.gifyschwa.gif) Roman Britain north of the Antonine Wall, which stretched from the Firth of Forth to the Firth of Clyde. Today the term is used as a poetic appellation for all of Scotland

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