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Posts posted by fasteddie

  1. Karma?

    Certain people find it quite amusing and normal when a transgender or homosexual get beaten up and might call it karma. Others find such statement offensive and it says far more about your lack of ethics than about the ladyboy. As always there are good and bad people. If you are upset by these people, go to Saudi Arabia or so, you won't find them there.

    You will! just got to look harder.

  2. Bin Dere, Dun Dat while riding a 135cc Yammie Scooter on Koh Chang. Fortuneately it was on a remote road. My Terak was b/h on another 125cc. She never said a word to me. I admonished her for not warning me. "But Terak", she said, "I always su-top you from crossing the road, looking the wrong way". When we go to Laos, Cambodia & Vietnam, it is me grabbing her shoulder as she blithely steps into a road ... looking the wrong way. C'est la vie!

    You both called Terak? Weird!

  3. Given that employing a foreign tour guide is almost certainly more expensive than a local one, the logical conclusion is that the local guides are either a) unable to speak the language of the tour party, or cool.png incompetent.

    Improved language skills and training are needed. yes, it will require time and money.... yes, 15 years should have been long enough. So why?

    That's a strange assumption. Certainly cheaper to get labor from Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia etc.. etc.. or are you making the assertion these MUST be western tour guides? (don't see mention of that in the article)

    Not a strange assumption to us who have seen the many articles on the subject! Don't think the Burmese Laotians or Cambodians speak Russian very well!

  4. If 800baht is such a problem, then you can't afford to go to phukete. To leave the airport grounds in Perth,Australia,after midnight costs over 1000baht. Thailand is still dirt cheap,unless you are a cheap Charlie. Stop and smell the roses.

    Depends on your point of view, ie are you a once year tourist or travelling here on a regular basis and know the true cost of living here in Phuket. Annoys me to hear people saying the cost of a taxi in London, Perth, wherever is much more. Yes it is cos the cost of living there is much more. Look at the prices in other parts of Thailand, that's the true comparison.

    I lived in phang nga for18 months , went to phukete every week or so, been living pattaya for 7 years.aveagoodweekend.

    Tough luck mate! What happened? You in prison?

  5. If 800baht is such a problem, then you can't afford to go to phukete. To leave the airport grounds in Perth,Australia,after midnight costs over 1000baht. Thailand is still dirt cheap,unless you are a cheap Charlie. Stop and smell the roses.

    I bet you pay the first price asked when shopping too, it's people like you that have ruined this country!

    • Like 1
  6. I have a nice Bell open face that I wear around town. It's a bit of a pain but I always carry it with me. I re attach the strap and carry it over my arm and it doubles as a sort of er, man bag to throw stuff into.

    As you know mate, I have the same helmet and rather than lug it around, I carry a padlock and padlock it thru the D-ring onto the bike's clutch cable. Still, I only do that in "safe" places and wouldn't do it at night or AP parking and such as it's easy to cut the strap. BTW, the missus left her new (cheapo locally made) lid on the mirror at AP, went to the gym and it was gone when she came back. Shoulda heard her cursing at the locals.....



    You padlock a Bell helmet through the d-ring onto the clutch cable? They wouldn't need to cut the strap, don't you realise how easy it is to release or even cut the cable?

    By the way, is it xl and where do you park by the way? lol

  7. When were you last in the UK, the 1890's?, and if you left your helmet on your mirror there it would be nicked guaranteed!

    Yes, but we are living in Thailand and it's what happens here that's of concern.

    And I was replying to a post that referred to the UK! is that ok with you?

    • Like 1
  8. OP, you learned a lesson, but might add, it would happen in farangland too. sad.png

    hardly...in the UK you would be hard pushed to even see a motorbike..a rarity indeed

    When were you last in the UK, the 1890's?, and if you left your helmet on your mirror there it would be nicked guaranteed!

    1. People who wont get out of the way on the bts trains
    2. Same people who get angry at you when you tell them to move
    3. Same people who still dont move
    4. Same people who looked shocked when I give them a solid shoulder
    5. The guy at the bts who is always in the way trying to hand out newspapers in the morning
    6. 3 people in the bts booth at rush hour but only one change station open
    7. the automated change machines that dont take new coins at the bts, forcing you to endure with number 6

    I threw in two bonus answers purely out of boredom.

    1) Ignorant arrogant people who tell me to get out of the way on the bts

    2) the tea money I have to give the Bib, after I send the knobhead who just shouldered me on the bts to hospital.

    3) businessmen, who are ruining the world with their greed and avarice.

    4) cats.

    5) cat lovers.

  9. Posters who consider themselves forensic scientists when they aren’t.

    Posters who think their influence will alter Thai politics

    Posters who aren’t good at trolling but repeatedly start threads

    OP’s who demand sources for information from posters on their thread who are agreeing with them


    I defiantly agree that we as guests in Thailand should be careful and never invest more money in the country that we can afford to loose.

    We should open our arms to the unfortunate sex-tourists who can’t seem to get women in their own countries and make them feel welcome as they provide income for our hosts, the Thais. If they happen to be spotty teenagers, all the more reason.


    Stop with the ''unfortunate sex-tourists who can’t seem to get women in their own countries''!!!

    Why would they want to?

  10. This breaks out along predictable lines: the more honest and open vote 'sometimes', and maybe explain why, the clueless vote 'yes', and the 'I'm more Thai than you, and I totally understand Thai people, and I'm so self-secure that nothing bothers me' types all vote 'no'.




  11. No, it doesn't bother me. But what bother me is people who continually have to ask this question.

    So being called a name based solely on the colour of your skin doesn't bother you but someone who is sometimes bothered by it bothers you?!

    So people who know you still call you farang? That's rather odd. Does your wife call you farang?

    And your OP is really misleading and inaccurate. People in the US, for example, are referred to by skin color/ethnicity all the time, e.g., African-Americans, blacks, whites, Caucasians, Hispanics, etc. But you're bringing up derogatory racial slurs which "farang" definitely is not. Many have tried to play that game and it only demonstrates their ignorance.

    If your only concern is that people who know you still call you farang, that's one thing (and again, highly unusual). But the term farang is not offensive.

    Where did I say that people who know me call me farang? I didn't. I said that I have been called farang by people even though they know my name such as in the transport office recently and also at the hospital, both of the people in question had my name on documents yet still called me Khun farang. But according to you that isn't rude, it is just Thai!

    And people I come into contact with regularly, like at the local shop, could ask me my name (like I did theirs) but they would rather just call me farang.

    Why are you so touchy? It's just easier for them than to try and remember some foreign name in that tricky language they've been struggling with for years, not like they're going to need it after their brief meeting with you, Lighten up!


  12. A difference, IMHO, would be that in those countries the Army (or whichever state organism charged with the operation) would had stuck to the Rules Of Engagement much more strictly. I have no doubt that soldiers flaunted those rules left and right . TiT after all

    Of course recognizing that doesn't absolve the Red Shirts from their responsibility of instigating the chaos in the first place. Without their armed comrades running about taking potshots at soldiers, police, civilians and infrastructure (you know, as in an actual peaceful protest) nobody ought to have died.

    Just why do you have no doubt that the soldiers flaunted their rules of engagement? What knowledge gives you the right to say that? It is very very rare for a soldier to flaunt his ROE. Where is your proof of this statement you make? You then make a mockery of your own statement by saying:

    Of course recognizing that doesn't absolve the Red Shirts from their responsibility of instigating the chaos in the first place. Without their armed comrades running about taking potshots at soldiers, police, civilians and infrastructure (you know, as in an actual peaceful protest) nobody ought to have died.

    Just what do you think rules of engagement are?? How about a rule of engagement to a soldier would be 'son, you are to stand here and defend this position. You are not to open fire unless you are fired upon. You are here to protect civilian life and the infrastructure of this city, you are permitted to defend your own life, the lives of your colleagues and the lives of innocent civilians by the use of lethal force only if you or those you are protecting are under fire and in danger of mortal injury. The rule of minimum force should be adhered to at all times unless your life, those you are protecting or the infrastructure you are protecting is in danger from the use of lethal force'.

    Soldiers will not flaunt that! Thai soldiers and buddhist soldiers will not open fire on innocent Thai civilians running around the city, they just won't do it.

    ''Soldiers will not flaunt that! Thai soldiers and buddhist soldiers will not open fire on innocent Thai civilians running around the city, they just won't do it''

    Not got a lot of knowledge about Thailand have you?. In the 46yrs I've been visiting Thailand, the Thai army have done just that on many occasions, what surprises me about 2010 is how restrained they were. And as for the Buddhist slant on things, take a look at the record of the Burmese and Sri Lankan armies!

    • Like 1
  13. Q: Do you accept that some people in the protest group were illegally carrying weapons, and that these were used to kill and injure security personnel?

    A: we dun nuffink rong.

    I can't recall you ever condemining the military / security forces for killing unarmed people. You must be aware it happened. Your riposte, the pathetic "we dun nuffink rong" or variations on that theme

    Yet here you are , once again, on your high horse of "truth and the democratic way" and accusing others of something you are just as guilty of.

    The usual suspects - the usual mantra. Have you ever considered an alternative viewpoint to the one that you hold might have some merit?

    Do you have any sensible comment at all on the observation from yet another group of people that maintain that people were shot who were unarmed and were not posing a threat to the armed forces or that the government/military combined tactics used against those people protesting was way and beyond an "proportional response" as opined by the HRW in one of its less partisan moments.?

    Please enlighten me as to what democratic country in the world would allow and armed insurgency to take over the central business district, allow confiscation of military weapons, tanks, allow a non-state militia to conduct road stops/searches, allow armed insurgents to take over a government hospital, allow the tossing of grenades at innocent civilians, allow the leading army officer to be assassinated with a bullet to the head, and on and on and on WITHOUT an armed intervention. Do you think the US government would allow such a thing? Do you think UK would allow? Do you think Norway would allow?

    Jeez guys. Whatever use of live bullets was undertaken by the government, don't you think that maybe, just maybe it might have been justified no matter how unpalatable that may be to you, this group was clearly across the line and again if these actions took place in a "democratic" country such as the US, I am absolutely sure the crackdown would have been even more prompt and powerful.

    Just putting things in perspective for those with short and/or selective memories.

    No! can't think of any country that would let that happen, could you please inform us of where it did happen, because it certainly didn't happen in Bangkok.

    You haven't got a selective memory, just a wild imagination!

  14. I just ate my best and biggest burger in Thailand ever - luckily here in Ao Nang!

    2 x 150 gr. ground beef inside, it made my day! :-)

    Oh, the place is a new red building at the junction to Ao Namao, the name is Reddevils or something like this.

    Yes, if I am not mistaken, I believe this is Chef Umberto from Sala Bua/Lo Spuntino's outfit.

    Bound to have good food, for sure, looks like an epic burger. That sounds like a good name for an over the top burger "The Epic Burger".

    Sounds good. What sort of price out of interest? How about quality and value of the rest of the menu?

    As I remember, the spicy burger (1 beef, bacon, cheese inside) was 220 and the double was bit more than 300. All came with french fries and was more than enough. You can not compare these burgers with Burger king's cheap plastic burger. :-)

    I saw on the menu different steaks (T-bone, striploin, sirloin, pork chop, chicken and sausages), I will give a try for a steak on this weekend. They have pastas, pizzas and some appetizers as well.

    Oi! leave off burger king, nice burgers, lots better than the wet sloppy crap at mcdonalds.

  15. i read somewhere it is on Truevision HD2 , not sure if that is correct as they are using that channel for the Olympics, i checked Truevision programming today and cant see it scheduled , just have to surf Truevision at 730pm

    i read somewhere it is on Truevision HD2 , not sure if that is correct as they are using that channel for the Olympics, i checked Truevision programming today and cant see it scheduled , just have to surf Truevision at 730pm

  16. Thats excellent - and even if one had to pay a bill of 32,000 baht for 7 days in hospital, thats peanuts in comparison to what you would pay even for basic medical care overseas.

    Yes, but "basic medical care" is all you're gonna get, and I do mean basic.

    Not so! in the good old UK you get the best care for free.

    Not so straight forward as that. A law was enacted in the mid 50's that entitled NHS hospitals to charge for treatment of injuries caused from traffic accidents. I came off my motorbike and suffered slight injuries to a wrist and elbow 1957. Since nobody else was involved and I had said I had been riding a motorbike, the hospital gave me a bill. I didn't pay the bill and the hospital didn't chase me for it. In the UK there is no way that you can collect from an unsecured debtor except possibly applying for their bankruptcy in which case it costs more to collect the debt than the payout. Some hospitals may have a policy of asking for payment just in case somebody plays the 'white man', and given today's morality, others may not recognising it as a useless exercise.

    I expect the law is still on the books as MP's are too busy fiddling with their expense claims to strike it out. Another law still on the books AFAIK provides that all London cabs carry a bucket of water and some hay to feed and refresh the horse.

    absolutely as straight forward as that, all treatment is free! end of!

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