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Posts posted by fasteddie

  1. Don't waste time with windows XP, 7 is the way to go, you won't regret it, all my customers were relucant but once they tried it, they loved it.

    I didn't find one thing that Win7 can do that WinXP or even Win2000 could not.

    (in an office, so no games....)

    couldn't agree more, bought a laptop with 7 on it about 15 months ago and still miss my old xp which did things 7 just doesn't.

  2. I wear red when united plays so what. Sick and tired of having to get up in the morning, look at my calendar and then decide what colour shirt is "ok". Time for us to start a protest demanding the right to wear whatever <deleted> colour shirt we want without it implying that we give a toss about local politics. I am mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore. Who is with me?

    On a more serious note, I would be more worried if Mark showed up in Red and White stripes than red alone. (see sunderland for a hint).

    ''I am mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore. Who is with me?''

    not me man, if I wear yellow I upset my little lady, and I ain't doing that, If I wear red I upset my friend of 18yrs who lets me have Chang at supermarket prices in his bar!

    ''I am mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore. Who is with me?''

    not me man, if I wear yellow I upset my little lady, and I ain't doing that, If I wear red I upset my friend of 18yrs who lets me have Chang at supermarket prices in his bar!

  3. I wear red when united plays so what. Sick and tired of having to get up in the morning, look at my calendar and then decide what colour shirt is "ok". Time for us to start a protest demanding the right to wear whatever <deleted> colour shirt we want without it implying that we give a toss about local politics. I am mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore. Who is with me?

    On a more serious note, I would be more worried if Mark showed up in Red and White stripes than red alone. (see sunderland for a hint).

    ''I am mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore. Who is with me?''

    not me man, if I wear yellow I upset my little lady, and I ain't doing that, If I wear red I upset my friend of 18yrs who lets me have Chang at supermarket prices in his bar!

  4. Several studies have shown that smokers are directly responsible for Global Warming, retreating glaciers, rising sea levels, acne in teenagers and bad breath in 25% of the population.

    and several studies have found, that several studies that claim AGW, are based on false evidence, and in fact glaciers are not retreating in any way they haven't for millions of years, and sea levels are not rising or falling in any unnatural way!

  5. i did, they refuse - also at superrich...

    once i managed, with quite some "effort", showing only my bank card - being their customer...

    Must be your looks then, sorry, no other explanation.

    is there anybody else who has to show passport when changing money at superrich or BKK-banks?

    There seem to be two mechanisms here, Changing money at an extrenal booth of a bank, rather than internal, secondly using a standard moneychanger shop instead of an organisation like superrich. I have never been asked for ID at an outside exchange booth, or at a moneychanger, The exception's have been Superrich where they always ask for ID and make a photocopy, and inside the banks where I have been asked for ID. This in 33 years of coming here.

    Same same in my 46yrs of coming here.

  6. What a load of crap

    " said the prolonged conflicts are actually a struggle between two paradigms - guided democracy and popular democracy. Unless we can agree on which way Thailand is going, the problems will not go away."

    1 guided democracy In other words Thaksin calling all the shots

    2 popular democracy in other words the people doing the deciding who is going to be the leader. This type of Democracy would depend on the people voting for who they think will do the best job. Not who will pay them the most for their vote.

    All the fighting going on now has nothing to do with Ideology it is about white washing Thaksin and his henchmen. If they under Thaksin's guidance had followed the rule of law there would have been no armed terrorism movement.

    But the rule of law was not going to achieve Thaksins aim's so he resorted to terrorism.

    Under the rule of law Abhist was the legal PM.

    In a democracy the people would pick the leader by a majority vote. Look at France they could not get a majority vote so they took the two candidates with the most popular support and made them run off against each other thereby having a leader with the most popular support.

    What a load of crap

    " said the prolonged conflicts are actually a struggle between two paradigms - guided democracy and popular democracy. Unless we can agree on which way Thailand is going, the problems will not go away."

    1 guided democracy In other words Thaksin calling all the shots

    2 popular democracy in other words the people doing the deciding who is going to be the leader. This type of Democracy would depend on the people voting for who they think will do the best job. Not who will pay them the most for their vote.

    All the fighting going on now has nothing to do with Ideology it is about white washing Thaksin and his henchmen. If they under Thaksin's guidance had followed the rule of law there would have been no armed terrorism movement.

    But the rule of law was not going to achieve Thaksins aim's so he resorted to terrorism.

    Under the rule of law Abhist was the legal PM.

    In a democracy the people would pick the leader by a majority vote. Look at France they could not get a majority vote so they took the two candidates with the most popular support and made them run off against each other thereby having a leader with the most popular support.

    What a load of crap!

    1/ ''Under the rule of law Abhist was the legal PM''

    Under the rules of the general's law that is.

    2/ ''In a democracy the people would pick the leader by a majority vote''

    They keep doing that but the army keeps saying ''No thanks''

    Abhisit certainly never got the people's vote.

  7. When you listen to what these red shirt "leaders" (who the hell voted for them anyway?) say, you would have to come away thinkinhg that either their brain never had a chance to develop or that someone sneaked stealthily into theit boudoir one nigh and replaced the grey matter with brown.

    Is there some form of "Thug labotomy" that is available at certain participating clinics?

    The nice Englishman sent snipers to the rooftops to assassinate their relatives, how would you feel?

    That's a downright lie. In fact it's a bunch of downright lies.

    It's not important what you think, the majority of the Thai people know what happened and they're still pretty peeved about it.

  8. Drug dealers are the lowest form of life on earth - they are responsible for a lot of misery and the destruction of peoples' lives. After a trial and conviction, they should be given the death penalty.

    Cobblers! if all drugs were legalised and regulated all the misery and suffering would be alleviated.

    Bankers and capitalists are the lowest forms of life spreading suffering and misery all over the world!

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