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Posts posted by fasteddie

  1. Many years ago, before Beer Chang, you had a choice basically between Beer Sing ,Kloster and Amarit. Most farang could not drink Beer Singh . it used to impart the most dreadful hangovers. Sadly Kloster and Amarit , in my opinion were dreadful ,undrinkable. I used to drink MeKhong and Soda. Until salvation arrived in the form of Beer Chang.

    Oh Yeah! Beer Chang Arroy!

  2. It is a matter of curiosity to me that Thai hi-so commit the most obvious and outrageous crimes without charges being laid, whether because of influence being applied or fear of retribution. The Thaksin clan are some of the most obvious offenders with their multiple shady share deals and dodging huge amounts of tax.

    If the gent is in the position to file criminal charges, more power to him. I have a dream.........................the whole bloody tribe along with their staff dodging jail time in Dubai.

    I think you are right he is dreaming, otherwise this would have happened a long time ago. He has been put up to it , as I said earlier they are a bit scared she may win the election. So why not try and tarnish her.

    See what he say's at his press conference tomorrow at Parliament House.

    Tarnish? since when is pointing out someones criminal activities "tarnishing" them. First, they have to have a shine, and to quote Stephen King (Christine) "you can't polish a turd!"

    Thaksin denies he has a 4-step plan to get amnesty. That would be too complicated for his idiot followers who count 1, 2, many. It's a 2-step; get PTP elected, get amnesty.

    well Stephen King was wrong! done it, varnish then polish, did it when in the R.N.!

  3. Entertaining article and I feel for the people being forced off the land they have come to call their own but is it any surprise to any one that life is tougher outside Western First World nations. Poor working conditions, long hours and low pay ... is that the reason why so many people want to go to places like the US and UK as well as providing people from the US and UK a cheap tourist destination while being able to stay at first rate hotels at rock bottom prices.

    Have to agree with much of what you say.

    I did however have some other thoughts on this part of your statement.

    Poor working conditions, long hours and low pay.

    I think the key here for working conditions is people are comparing them to there first world way of thinking. It has been my experience that they will spend a lot of time talking and it is excepted by the employers.

    Low wages yes but they do seem to be able to live on them. They also have a fairly low unemployed rate do to the fact that the employers can afford to hire more employees witch they need because of the time spent chatting. Walk into a seven eleven many of them are less than half the size of the ones in North America and have at least three employees. In North America they will often have just one employee never more than two.

    Then we come to long hours. True but bear in mind that they are not going full tilt or what ever other speed that would be expected of them in a first world nation.

    Perhaps if she were to do a documentary and instead of using England as a standard use Lao, Cambodia, Burma or many of the African nations as a standard she might have a different view.

    You got that right!

  4. An Australian businessman working in Bangkok, Adrian Lang, says, "Why should the Abhisit government resign? The economy here is among the best in the world."

    That's precisely why Thailand deserves change. The economy here is booming and the vast majority of the people have not benefitted at all; quite the reverse, they are struggling to make their low wages stretch to the increasing cost of cooking oil and other staples.

    The comparison with Tunisa and Egypt omits one huge detail. Egyptian and Tunisian Troops refused to fire on their own people. The Thai army had and has no such reservations and is completely behind the Ruling Elite. If a renegate officer (Seh Daeng) sides with the people he is assasinated.


    Let me provide you with a few key words that may help you more accurately remember the events of April last:

    Arisman -bring bottles for petrol bombs

    Military commander killed

    M-79 attacks

    Dead and wounded soldiers


    hospital invasion

    RPG attacks

    We'll burn the city

    Central World

    Red shirt confesses to M-79 and RPG attacks

    Terrorism charges

    If that doesn't burn through the fog of "thai army shoots unarmed protesters" then you should consult a doctor post haste.:o

    WARNING! believing government propaganda is a typical sign of senile dementia!

    Since I first started visiting Thailand (1966), the army has regularly used horrific violence against its own people.

  5. "The Khmer are battle hard. They have fought a war till 15 years ago. They are holding the highland. Good luck with it. "

    The high ground is all on the Thai side and if it came to a war the Cambodians would be slaughtered in days, get your facts right before letting your hatred for the country that you live in run away with you.

    Don't make me laugh, the Thai army won't be sniping innocent protesters from roof tops this time or slaughtering worshipers at prayer, they'll be fighting soldiers, that's a new one for them. It's not a hatred of the country we love but a deep sadness for the stupid and childish way they behave!

    You must be new to Thailand.

  6. As expected most of the complaints are from women who don't like the competition of young nubile breasts.:lol:

    What is funniest is you can go to most gogo bars and see the lot, no problems. Perhaps this is the problem, the professionals hate the amateurs offering the same for free.

    what a pathetic statement, gogo bars are where adults go to see this sort of thing, beaches are public places where children can go, this is a Muslim area where such things are frowned upon and decent Thai parents struggle to bring up children without the bad influence of us westerners. This is Thailand, it is illegal! end of story!

  7. one from 2005 and two from 2007, great links! you sure did your research!

    To the routine annoyance of people within ear-shot, I can normally talk for England,

    but this report, assuming it is totally accurate, makes me speechless with gloom and


    Anyone else having second/third/fourth....thoughts about living in this cruel land ?

    (given the endless stream of bad-news....perhaps just stop reading TV altogether.)

    And before anyone jumps up with the usual: Bad things happen everywhere, even

    in cuddly England...absolutely right....but I bet you cannot come up with any story of

    a gang descending on and beating a lone woman for trying to sell a few items of fruit ?

    Behind all the gold decor, posing in pastel shirts, and quaint mannerisms, Cruel LOS ?

    No your right... this kind of shit just doesn't happen in England or the U.S. ... we are far too civilised for groups of men to be beating the shit out of defenseless women for something as petty as selling goods on someone elses supposed turf.:rolleyes:

    But doing it for fun..now that's a different matter..

    Heres a little selection it took me all of 10 seconds to find...




    By all means be disgusted at what happened to this woman...undoubtedly these guys are scum...but don't give it the self righteous 'this shit don't happen back home' nonsense, because it does and far worse...And if you watch some of the documentaries on Chinese cockle pickers on the beaches of England the exact same shit happens ...

  8. Judging from recent court filings, it appears it might be Jatupornleaks.:whistling:

    I am saddened by the deaths, but people who put themselves in harms way, in an active conflict area, will always be at risk.

    The military strategist at the big Austalian SE Studies institute mentioned that the general impression globally military experts, was that Thai army urban suppression as an operation, was carried out very well, and would be used as an example for their own training programs.

    Not defending any actions that prove themselves to be malicious but the operation itself was as effective as it could have been.

    Are you suggesting that the zookeepers should have just let the animals die? I would hardly call that 'him purring himself in harms way'.

    It is about time that you guys realize that many unarmed people were killed by soldiers, and those unarmed people were constituting no immediate threat.

    At last a ''voice of reason'', makes me sick to see people on here supporting murder by the army!

  9. I agree with all the points about rubbish helmets, not done up, no training, 5 on a bike etc etc but I'd also like to add another one, ''Tyre pressures'', I'd like to wager that most bikes in Thailand have at least 40psi in the front and 60psi in the back, nobody ever uses a gauge just pump it up 'till you cant dent it with your fingers seems to be the way here. I go blue in the face trying to explain to my wife and Thai friends the importance of correct tyre pressures but even now I'm sure they'd still trust some unqualified numpty in a wooden shack than the manufacturers recommended tyre pressure label affixed to every bike! I love the Thais but I fear they'll never grow up!

  10. Could this be karma?

    Why would it be karma? Care to explain?

    I think what he/she means is that what goes around comes around. Thais have been pirating things for years and now something of thier own is being pirated. Go to any market and you can buy Guchi for 100 baht or any of the latest DVD's even before they have been released.

    Well, they do something about and law enforcement working to reduce it.

    Except you are some xenophobe racist who stereotype all Thais and blame all for what a few have done there is no reason to say any Thai patent/copyright holder has lost his right to complain because of the other pirates.

    People make such silly and thoughtless comments will telling for sure here other stories how and unwelcome foreigners are or that they are always get ripped off. But that is probably only a karma like payback for this ugly mindset.

    All this CDs - everyone know that is a copy, but when it comes to food products like drinks and and seasoning products fake products bearing a much greater risk like the health of the costumer.

    How dare you play the race card, yours is the ugly mindset. The fact is, Thais have been pirating things for years so listening to them bleat about now being pirated is ironic in the very least!

  11. Could this be karma?

    Why would it be karma? Care to explain?

    I think what he/she means is that what goes around comes around. Thais have been pirating things for years and now something of thier own is being pirated. Go to any market and you can buy Guchi for 100 baht or any of the latest DVD's even before they have been released.

    Well, they do something about and law enforcement working to reduce it.

    Except you are some xenophobe racist who stereotype all Thais and blame all for what a few have done there is no reason to say any Thai patent/copyright holder has lost his right to complain because of the other pirates.

    People make such silly and thoughtless comments will telling for sure here other stories how and unwelcome foreigners are or that they are always get ripped off. But that is probably only a karma like payback for this ugly mindset.

    All this CDs - everyone know that is a copy, but when it comes to food products like drinks and and seasoning products fake products bearing a much greater risk like the health of the costumer.

  12. Predictable that Tony would point fingers at the government and claim they would bomb their own when no evidence has never ever been presented that they have done it sofar during this mandate period.

    We do however know that 'the Red Shirt in jail hoping to become an MP' lost today...and democracy has never been the red shirts strong side.

    Why do you talk such piffle? Have you only just arrived in Thailand? Have you not noticed that every time there are democratic elections, the reds win but are removed from power by unconstitutional means!

    And to suggest the elitists in Thailand would not do whatever it takes to cling on to power, is naive to say the least.

    • Like 1
  13. "Quote" "Students who overly expose their flesh could become the victims of crime, he said, and urged parents to watch what their children were wearing."<BR>Is this charnwit's words or  a bit of Thai journalism. Seems someone is trying to encourage people to commit crimes.  The girls skirts in the picture are a lot longer than what is seen on television and the newspapers everyday including Bangkok streets. Funny enough in the north they are a lot longer than in Bangkok, usually below the knees.

    Oh my god! Fascism reigns supreme in this country, first we have the army assassinating innocent protesters now schools are to be closed because of short skirts!

    Cambodia here I come!

  14. If there is no more trouble (and finding out who was paying the Red shirts will be a big factor in "No more trouble") then I am inclined to agree. People need cheap food, cheap hotels and cheap companionship. Thailand will be going strong once again.

    (and finding out who was paying the Red shirts will be a big factor in "No more trouble")

    i think restoring democracy will be the biggest factor in ''No More Trouble''

    Read more: Thailand Tourism Industry To Recover In 6 Months - Thailand Forum Thailand Tourism Industry To Recover In 6 Months - Thailand Forum

  15. Personally I don't think it will ever recover fully. It's not just the danger factor associated with the unrest. It goes much deeper. Many foreigners have been forced to do a complete 360 on their views of Thailand and its people. Although most Thais are great people 5,000 paid thugs will change forever the way the world views the land of smiles.

    No question over time things will stabilize and memories will fade but by this time Thailand's neighbors will have capitalized on Thailand's loss.

    ''5,000 paid thugs'' thought the army was bigger than that!

  16. Good! You can't negotiate with anarchist criminals who have been shown remarkable tolerance thus far. Their criminal mob have held the Country to ransom for long enough and their concern for human life is hypocritically one sided stemming only from the desire of their leaders to get an amnesty so they can go off and spend Thaksin's millions.

    Where do you get such garbage? They want democratically elected governments to be left alone to rule without the elitist army backed thugs removing them from power and then slaughtering them in the streets when they protest. It's the government who are the criminals.

  17. Fly to Krabi on air asia, dead cheap. Bus from airport should take about 2 hours depending on driver and if it's 600baht it's a rip-off as it's only 350 from Krabi. If you haven't booked on Lanta, try ''where else'' bungalows on +66815364870, lady's name is Jaew (as in now but with a j). No aircon, just fan wooden bungalows but great people food and ambience with bikes for rent with their own beach front bar, sometimes with live music. Situated about dead centre of Lanta so great for exploring.

    If you have time have a look at Krabi town, it's a great place, even got a genuine jungle right in the middle. Good place to stay is JP's mansion (opposite green house hotel) 52 Maharat Rd, Soi 5 tel: +66898661248, guys name is Rin and there's nothing he doesn't know about what to do and where to go.

    Tell them Ed sent you and enjoy!

    p.s. don't worry about what time the plane lands, if there's a plane landing there's buses!

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