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Colabamumbai last won the day on February 11 2017

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About Colabamumbai

  • Birthday 10/27/1950

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    Kalasin Isaan Thailand

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  1. Teacher doesn't know, could lose face. Teaching in Thailand A. Clark on kindle.
  2. Only good service so far, Canada, Thailand. 14 years now, 90 day reports all by Thai Post. Tip every time.
  3. Never a mule went down. My Life as a heroin smuggler Bangkok to Bombay kindle. Locked Up Abroad Twice.... Never here.
  4. My Life As A Heroin Smuggler Bangkok to Bombay on kindle. No problem Thailand.
  5. Unfortunately in front of my pharmacy. A sad day.
  6. Thailand since 1971, retired heroin smuggler.
  7. Can buy from growers 50 gr. At 25 Bhat gram.
  8. Well Bob, the older one becomes the less they want to be around others.
  9. Big rats a Thai problem. No saving face.
  10. You can photocopy your passbook pages yourself and save the charge, just pay for the letter of balance.
  11. You have to head for the door with your money and let them call you back. It works for me after I show them the cash.
  12. No, don't give them small change to make it even, most depend on what the register tells them. Been short changed, by giving change, but caught it as I always know approximate change in any situation.
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