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Everything posted by smew

  1. Yes, 1000 not a big deal, but these bar ladies get bolder and bolder and next time will be 2000 or 3000, how much cheating no one knows, related to clients intoxication.
  2. Pay nothing, it seems whenever a Thai want money they say it’s culture and you must live up to it if you want to live here. Or this is fake made up topic to create interest.
  3. I certainly know: dear friend: I worked in russia city Niznevartosk 1992 to 1997 and later 2008 to 2017: and whatever was not cemented or welded sold was up for grabs.... 70 yrs of communisms was a great thieving schooling period which continuous until this day.....!!
  4. You are wrong, they are all crooks, just the scale of their crookedness is different. Their motto is: if you are stupid enough to be taken advantage of , then you deserve it.
  5. Cheats and crooks, is the russian style coming from the very top , coming from their president, so no wonder if he can then every russian citizen is allowed. Land of mafias big and small
  6. And who are these world leading self promoting experts?,
  7. Leave it to Chinese they will abuse everyone everywhere, no matter where they go: Africa, Latin America, South America and India …now welcome to Thailand
  8. All I can say: “OMG”
  9. going for spent some cash on tea.. or is it tea money
  10. In my opinion: a chinese scam that went out of agreement: |plot something like this :::" we buy gold with my credit cards, get money, I claim you stold my cards we split the money" ... butnow I wanttokeep all the cash..
  11. 500baht: what a joke, should have been 50,000 at least and 2 months in jail//
  12. typical russians blame on something or someone else
  13. funny again, why cack down on foreigners ANSWER= they have money>> why not locals as well ???
  14. this is just a beginning of rusian mafia... bring more quality russians,
  15. Unbelievable, to give yourself so much headache just bcs some one was sitting on your steps far away from the house
  16. charge and forbid him from all international travel//
  17. Canadian by passport only, put him in jail or send him back ot Vietnam...
  18. Exchanging bad cash & should add for using & selling steroids
  19. More and more of these incidences, plane doors.. human or mechanical...copy cat..and is he posting on tiktok to get viewers....
  20. Just another useless statistic: I remember some 3-4 yrs ago , a bus from up north coming to BKK school children and same thing , 16 killed including a teacher or two, twin girls 16yrs only children in a family gone....driver on yaba and no bus driving permit no driving training...road condiiton was blamed ... what happened to him ... ZERO.... simply unbelievable
  21. another promise and another addition to a long list of failures: soi dogs, noisy motorbikes, beach scams, double prcing, children driving motorbikes, BiB tea money requests, drunk drivers killing people, russian scams and crime, dirty beaches and shore lines and illegal prostitution
  22. great idea, but as time goes by you will have less hair available to be cut and what will you do... ??.. blame or compain to the barber
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