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Everything posted by smew

  1. people realize there might be an issue, but it will not happen to us, just like smoking, no I will not get cancer
  2. Quality russian scum... off to Ukrainian front..
  3. Justice for rich not same as justice for poor ..
  4. Only now TAT recognizes this issue!!!???, chines spend nothing, sell us their junk and certainly will not come to Thailand to buy it. It has been like that forever, all money stay outsid e of Thailand. Stop chinese tours completely !!!
  5. RIP: As per shown picture, the plane did not look as if in great condition, no surprise, plus known " great thai mechanic-ship"
  6. Pattaya, a family friendly resort city, a place with noisy thai motor bikes, russian drunk killer drivers, indian gangs beating up peaole , soi dogs, double pricing, angry thais dirty beaches and water. Come on down and enjoy friendliness at least the sky atmosphere is clean ...
  7. This will certainly increase not arrivals from Poland when this gets back to their media..
  8. RIP: Intelligence officer , not very intelligent to get involved in an argument while intoxicated. BiB>>> do as we say not as we do.... club, operated by an influential local figure, open after hours and no license.. deport them north korea
  9. Why concentrate on Kuwaitis??? BiB please come to my neibourhood and make some extra tea money and see thais driving in the middle of night no mufflers the louder the better. WHEN will police concentrate on Thai driving without mufflers or modified with exhaust pipes louder than anything imaginable !!!!??
  10. new touristy attraction.. ... run naked through forest ///
  11. and now BiB know this guy is an opportunity that they were not aware about...
  12. .. he did not know that you have to pull up your pants after toilet visit..
  13. Zero spending tourists from India, Pakistan and CHina...ohh and drunk russians... goals achieved..
  14. Kick him hard where it really hurts
  15. According to my Thai friends, there is not a single totally honest office in Thailand, sad very sad. Bring is SERPICO !!!!!
  16. Seems strange, planned 14 days and then down to only 4 days in BKK. Was he a delivery man that went wrong!? Hope they find him and all is well.
  17. Yes, yet again another example of Pattaya being family and tourist friendly place. Hope Canadian press get a hold of this and does its job!!!
  18. Every additional rule is an opportunity for corruption
  19. Impossible on short run as the world knows Pattaya for what it really is. Family friendly??, then address and solve the ffollowing issues: noisy motorbikes, double pricing, soi dogs, rip offs, dirty beaches and poluted sea water.
  20. bring your doctors and business partners to Thailand...
  21. every new rule is an opportunity for corrupt police to enrich themselves ...so.. pls come and vape all you want ...all vapers are welcomed in Thailand
  22. Solution seems very simple: use only bank offices or ATM machines and do not use mobile apps.
  23. I wonder how much EM would donate if he wasa blue collar worker and making 48K per year. Simple, he is a hypocrite 45Mil, it is nothing when you have billions
  24. More drunk drivers, more paper bag drinkers, extorsions, small shoplifting & thefts and more condos sold…their benefits to small mama papa businesses is minimal....
  25. Ols, yes, agree and already rich ...
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