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Posts posted by properperson

  1. Ridercnx808 , ive just fell off my chair laughing !. I couldnt be botherd to look up all the "Honda" problems , as im well aware the quality is at the lowest level it has ever been. Now it looks worse than i thought , and worse than many will admit. There seem to be thousands of faults with Hondas in general , some of them serious. With engines blowing up at just 1,000 km to others that last nearly 10,000 km before serious issues. WOW. Proves the point. Love fest over. There are so many better and/or cheaper alternatives coming onto the market theres no need to buy a second rate Honda. The Sym lookes very nice (had to watch the video a few times before i noticed it !). A fine example of a nice looking , well designed bike.Im sure it will be priced well , and last longer than 1,000 km. Choice is good if your educated enough to look. EDIT - DrAzTIK , thanks for the video , hows the Keeway going in Chiang Mai ?.

    jeff, you're like a stuck record...

    could someone give him a "nudge"............ ??

  2. And finally......before 103FM went off the air that guy Tommy Dee (who I like a lot) told his Thai assistant Tsa Tsa (or something) that in the 1980's "there were no mobile phones or Facebook".

    Her reply (quite genuine) was "It must have been so awful for people in those days" She really meant it!

    yeh it was, i can vouch for that...

  3. Tree Tales Cafe, Nanklua Rd. Soi 10....Pleasant, upscale, laid back, interesting...food was wonderful, prepared in a unique way. Moderate prices.

    Try it, you'll like it!


    Wow ! what a great looking place and thanks for the heads up......i live in Naklua and always on the look out for nice places to eat....

    ironically i must drive past Soi 10 a dozen or so times a week and never even thought to drive down there....

    Will deffo be going there for lunch on Tues and will report back....

  4. many many years ago i used to be a body shop worker / paint sprayer, so i know a good job from a bad one...

    The best paint work i have seen here was from "Pattaya Garage"......

    My G/f Pranged my 3 month old Honda City and it was the Honda main dealers that recommended them...

    when i picked the car up, the job was 100% perfect, so i would have no hesitation recommending them..

    Several of my friends have also used them and been smitten....


    from North Pattaya road turn left onto sukomvit - through traffic lights by the "pattaya" bridge.......about 500 yards past the lights you'll see 3 or 4 huge green condo blocks (Lumpini)..

    Pattaya Garage is in front of them, actually on the Sukomvit Road.....

  5. So many people here missing the point of this group and to mention Arch Enemy in the same thread as an alternative, seeing their lead guitarist Michael Amott actually played on the Babymetal album is ironic. The mastermind behind the group which features 7 or so rotating virtuoso Japanese session musicians, is a chap by the name of Kobayashi and yes he works for a talent agency called Amuse Inc. he loves metal, all the ones mentioned here and he wondered what it would be like if jpop was mixed with a full metal sound. Jpop called pretty much exclusively manufactured in Japan by talent agencies and big companies for entertainment, so he only had to go to Sakura Gaikuin talent school for his 'angels'. They openly admit it's a fabrication, a fantasy concept and that the girls had no idea what metal was beforehand. There's no secret or scandal in that. Do you remember a time when you had no idea too? Well the girls were 10 and 12 when starting, they are now 15 and 16 and put on the most rollicking, energetic and FUN live performances you will ever see. There's nothing more real than that, they were auditioned and chosen, just like any band choosing a new singer. They are protected by minders and travel with their parents and they quite obviously love what they do. I usually judge a musical act by the quality of the songs and BM have some of the most enjoyable music I've ever heard, played with genuine talent and songwriting and recorded with production skill. One of the lead guitarists Takayoshi Ohmura let slip on his twitter that the current band and the girls will be writing and coming up with future songs. The BM album is a compilation of 4 years of singles and EPs written mostly by outside songsters, so it will be interesting to see what a tight and practised unit of musicians can come up with.

    Do they mime?

    As with most jpop it starts small and depending on the act and the severity of the dance moves, they choose carefully what songs can be sung live and which can not. Due to the youth and size of the unit in 2010 and also the fanbase and size of the live performances, things were mimed. BM's lead singer Suzuka Nakamoto has been singing live for past 3 years with only some vocalisations mimed for live effect. Moa and Yui have a more difficult time dancing and singing at the same time and when they were younger, management couldn't expect children to do that given the fact they were moving so quickly and energetically the entire time. At 15 and with a substantial increase in fitness and stamina, they now do sing live, again with minor stuff playbacked. Each track has a fair amount of keyboard usage which also seems to be on playback during concerts. The core of the music and vocals is completely live though and anyone can see they do it well, if they took the time to check it out that is. If they took the time to put aside there preconceived notions about what constitutes "metal".

    This isn't black metal or death metal, or even "true" metal, it's kawaii metal, it's its own thing and is a genuinely fun and well done pastiche on the history of the metal sound done in a way only Japanese can do.

    (crude language deleted by local moderator)

    Great post.....

    Times change and music moves on...

    I remember playing my very first LP - "Brain Salad Surgery" - to which my old man piped up "bleedin rubbish - why can't you listen to somat decent like Glen Miller"....

  6. That is the Benelli/Keeway 302

    Yes that is their price.

    Of course many here would not touch a China Brand but I knew of one guy

    who bought their 600 4cyl & claims it is the deal of the century

    You can read more about this 300 on the link I put above the pics

    Off toppic I know, but didn't Binelli make a six cylinder 250cc many years ago?

    No it was a 750 ( 750 "Sei" )...

  7. Sounds like those screamers in that other popular genre of Japanese youtubes.

    Lets not go there - they were plucked out of the whole teen idol scene to jump around in front of a 'metal' band but Iron Maiden they most definitely aren't. It's a shame because I'd love to see Maiden before either they die or I do wink.png

    If I want to look at women in a rock band, I like my women to have, er, lady parts !

    great ! thanks for sharing.....

  8. i'm due to got to Trendy in a week of so to put in my application...

    can someone please advise about the "proof of address" - will something like an electric bill or my driving licence suffice, or will i need to go to immigration to get "proof of residency letter" ??


    Here the proof of name address information you get from HMPO for the Group 2 region:


    All applicants must provide one document showing photo identity and one document as evidence of name and address dated within the last year.

    Photo Evidence

    Please provide one of the following:

    • your British passport (if you are renewing)

    • non-British uncancelled passport

    • national identity card or equivalent (or colour photocopy)

    • driving licence

    • any government or local government produced document which includes a photograph as part of the document.

    Name and address evidence

    Please provide one of the following:

    • visa or resident permit (or colour photocopy)

    • tax record eg a letter from a tax authority

    • educational record eg school report

    • employment record eg official letter from your employer

    • letter sent to you from a central, regional or local government department

    • baptismal or naming certificate

    • medical/health card

    • voter’s card

    • parents’ death certificates if applicable

    • immigration documents.

    I wrote to HMPO explaining that the above list could be difficult and got this as part of my reply:

    We have contacted our Liverpool Overseas Team on your behalf who has confirmed that you must submit at least one piece of evidence to confirm the address you currently use and it must be dated within the last year. You may choose from the following:

    Tax record e.g. letter from tax authority

    Educational record e.g. school report

    Employment record e.g. official letter from your employer

    A letter sent to you from a central, regional or local Government department

    National identity card or equivalent (or colour photocopy)

    Visa or resident permit (or colour photocopy)

    Where none of the above is available consideration may be given to bank statements, utility bills or their equivalents.

    Any documents that are not in English must be fully translated by a person who is registered to an official organisation or trade body for translators or employed by a recognised translation company. The translation must be attached to the original document and signed to confirm it is a true copy of the original.

    Hopefully if you live here in Thailand, you will be able to hit at least one of these marks

    thank you, very helpful.......

  9. If you pay money to go to this 'event', you're either Clinically Dead, or a Paying Member of Hamas ! ! ! !

    Sick, Sicker, Sickest ! ! ! !

    Bet you, these kids didn't bother with any Royal Conservatory . . . . . . . .

    above clips coming up to 20,000,000 you tube views.

    Maybe you have to be young to appreciate it ?

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