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Posts posted by simple1

  1. Every time a tragedy like this happens the Thai authorities fail to rise to the occasion.

    Visitors to Thailand should be made more aware at home of the obstacles and problems that arise if anything goes wrong whilst they are visiting this country.

    Very, very sad for the parents to lose their loved ones. FYI the Canadian government travel advisory URL for Thailand is:


  2. This is at odds with other developed countries, where a charity can be legally registered and operational for the benefit of a cause that lies outside the borders of that country.

    I don't understand "other developed countries" in this context, are you referring to Thailand?

    It would be much better to register a charity in the country where you're soliciting donations in order to qualify for tax-deductable status there, and then simply establish a foreign office in Thailand.

    Maybe it would be better if this appied in other countries so we would not have so many NGOs committing effective genocide here.

    Sorry don't understand your comment re NGO's, care to explain? Thanks...

  3. However, CCTV footage later revealed SHE (not escorted) had returned to her hotel safely after becoming separated from her Australian boyfriend.

    So would I be correct in assuming that everyone is taking the word of the thai police? (the ones that most bash on TV)

    No chance that Thai police are trying to preserve tourism?

    CCTV footage has not been made available even after she was sentenced?

    If I was a judge or lawyer I would be doing more than taking someones word for it before condemning ANYONE

    Never take authority as the truth, take the truth as authority.

    Having said that, I repeat, I am not siding

    Your queries have been responded to and you just do not wish to believe/trust anyone, but carry on with your theories. As you are so persistent, why not phone her parents in Sydney to hear their side of the story and let them know what you think. I'm sure it will be appreciated.

    carry on??? wow is that how you get your way? , you have already judged me after what, 2 messages to me, is that how much time it took you to judge this girl guilty or not? but please tell me, you have never bashed thai police, the media, governments, thai people?(do you understand what I meant by bashing them, or do you want me to draw you a picture) so your conclusions are based on what? the people you distrust and love to bash?

    where do you get off telling me Im carrying on with my theories.

    Trust is a luxury, maybe you can afford it if someone else is paying for it, or are you just doing the buddy thing like a group of gutless punks beating on their defenceless victim, or perhaps your just incapable of thinking for yourself and riding on the back of the masses.

    I never asked anyone to trust me, why should I trust anyone or are you a character of exceptional repute?

    Yep carry on with your conspiracy theories and enjoy Thailand

  4. However, CCTV footage later revealed SHE (not escorted) had returned to her hotel safely after becoming separated from her Australian boyfriend.

    So would I be correct in assuming that everyone is taking the word of the thai police? (the ones that most bash on TV)

    No chance that Thai police are trying to preserve tourism?

    CCTV footage has not been made available even after she was sentenced?

    If I was a judge or lawyer I would be doing more than taking someones word for it before condemning ANYONE

    Never take authority as the truth, take the truth as authority.

    Having said that, I repeat, I am not siding

    CCTV footage has not been made available even after she was sentenced? She is appealing her sentence & is out on bail, so no CCTV would not/should not be released.

    Your queries have been responded to and you just do not wish to believe/trust anyone, but carry on with your theories. As you are so persistent, why not phone her parents in Sydney to hear their side of the story and let them know what you think. I'm sure it will be appreciated.

  5. Why is this particular accident featured in the news? I only ask because I witnessed the aftermath of a fatal hit and run and actually watched the young lad pass away on the road before the emergency services could arrive in Phuket a few months ago and it wasn't on any news or in any paper anywhere.

    I'm not saying this accident should not be in the news, I mean every accident, especially one where somebody dies, should be.

    Officially and unofficially, how many fatal traffic accidents are there in Phuket every day? And how many in Thailand total?

    I always try to make my gf more aware of how dangerous the roads are here by telling her but I've forgotten if approx. 30 deaths a day is all of Thailand or just Phuket.

    around 12,000 deaths a year in traffic accidents in whole of Thailand

  6. it appears no one has seen the cctv footage.

    Maybe she was lying, maybe she wasnt unless I missed something.

    Im assuming the police held her for 2 days questioning her?

    Is it possible that she was coerced into stating she was lying, and in return they would only give her 15 days, perhaps they scared her into this by threatening that the court may give her ??years in adult prison.

    Most on TV agree that the police are corrupt and inept so whats to say the police took advantage of the fear a young girl would have.

    Sure if shes guilty she should be punished accordingly but not according to saving tourism.

    Just a thought

    She had an Australian government representative assisting, so no wasn't coerced into making a false admission.

    Thanks for that reply simple1, I cant see how that would make her guilty though, in this country when your up on a charge its better to "confess" in return for a lighter sentence I guess unless you had solid proof of innocence. Im not siding with this girl but am not convinced. Why would it take 2 days for her to "confess" if the police say they had cctv footage of her going to her room, I have not seen any cctv links. The foreign governments here know how things work so perhaps negotiated 15 days to make it look like she is being punished to make it all go away. Just my view

    She is now out on bail so has had plenty of time to rescind her plea, perhaps at the Australian Embassy for protection. BTW, why would you be given access to CCTV coverage used by the Royal Thai Police as evidence?

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  7. it appears no one has seen the cctv footage.

    Maybe she was lying, maybe she wasnt unless I missed something.

    Im assuming the police held her for 2 days questioning her?

    Is it possible that she was coerced into stating she was lying, and in return they would only give her 15 days, perhaps they scared her into this by threatening that the court may give her ??years in adult prison.

    Most on TV agree that the police are corrupt and inept so whats to say the police took advantage of the fear a young girl would have.

    Sure if shes guilty she should be punished accordingly but not according to saving tourism.

    Just a thought

    She had an Australian government representative assisting, so no wasn't coerced into making a false admission.

  8. My wife's family neighbour (elderly lady) was recently diagnosed with terminal cancer and the government hospital sent her home. It's a very poor Moo Ban, but they visit and feed her every day, give her massages, some money when they can. Great demonstration that charity starts at home.

  9. Maybe you should try rereading what I wrote or do some googling.

    I have re-read your post & doesn't change my view, your argument is a zero sum game i.e. "So for my generation. We expect that we get to pay for this generations plush retirement and medical bills yet we expect to get nothing in return. So many of us are revolting from our chains and moving overseas".

    Love to know your definition of a "plush retirement" funded by government. In Australia their has been in place for a number of years compulsory superannuation for retirees to be self funding. However the funds currently required to support a fair lifestyle in retirement is around $750k to S1m that will mean contributions for the average salary earner of approx 30/35 years; this of course excludes medical care. I suggest the real issue is that government has not invested a proportion of tax payer funds over the years for the aging populations health & welfare needs. Funding is only provisioned out of the annual budget.

  10. One thing I have noticed is that the age of the expat in Thailand keeps getting younger. What I can see happening is that so many young Westerners realize that they are like slaves in their own country. They get taxed to death to pay for the pensions and health benefits of the older generation. The problem is that the growth rate declines as an economy advanced. The USA baby boomers are expected to average benefits in medical care 3x-3.5x more than what they paid into Medicare adjusting for inflation. Of course, many of them paid in almost nothing and will average much more than that. Remember, that means someone else will pay for it... You can't expect to keep passing this on to every generation. It is like the old scheme where we form a line and you give me $2 and the next person gives you $2.5 and the next person gives him $3 and it keeps going so that everyone is profiting except that you need an infinite number of players in this game. Eventually it collapses.

    So for my generation. We expect that we get to pay for this generations plush retirement and medical bills yet we expect to get nothing in return. So many of us are revolting from our chains and moving overseas.

    All you hear from the baby boomers in the USA is "more", it really is a terrible situation.

    The alternative for supporting the health and welfare needs for the aging generation is exactly what? No idea of your personal circumstances, but assume that whilst growing up you accessed the infrastructure & services paid for by the previous generations taxes. Education has been bypassed by you with such a moronic post.

  11. I think the appeal might be more to remove a 'criminal conviction' from her record.

    Preventing her from all sorts of employment (e.g. schoolteacher or government work in Australis) and foreign travel Visas in future (e.g. to the USA).

    Rather than any attempt to get out of a 15 day sentence.

    What Australian employer, government or not, would be aware of a criminal conviction in Thailand, unless the likes of a Google search is a part of the HR process. If that occurs they will identify her actions with/without a criminal conviction. Most visa restrictions are only applied if the sentence is more than 12 months in prison.

  12. Food poisoning is one of the easiest CoDs that can be determined upon autopsy, but of course, Thai officials will never let that happen.

    Thank you Dr Kildare

    I doubt I'd ever waste enough of my life to have over 8000 posts, but if that day comes, I'd hope my posts would be at least edifying or interesting, or even just slightly humorous.

    What don't you understand about your speculative comment being not in the least "edifying or interesting, or even just slightly humorous"

  13. All ready posted this on another thread, but will re post here. Just came back from Oz 5, 6 weeks ago. Had cataract ops, both eyes. Been living in Thailand over 2 years. Not entitled to medicare rebate, not entitled to an thing unless I say I have returned permanently. When I asked about the OAP. I am 55 years old, so a way to go. They said must return 2 years prior to 65 years old and be permanently resident for 2 years, then I can claim my OAP, after that I can leave the country and it will be paid, minus the extras residents get. If I return after 65 years of age I can claim the OAP, but it will stop as soon as I leave the country if I do not remain for 2 years. Then I can leave and get the OAP minus the extra s for residents.

    Well unless thing are really going bad here I am not giving up 2 years of my life to get a dog food and baked bean pension. Australia will be able to use the money to help those poor boat people. Jim

    The advice Jim got is consistent with what we've been getting since this thread and its predecessor began (four years ago?).

    If you've been out of the country for more than 5 years (or is it 7?) you will have to return and stay there for two years if you want the pension to be portable to Thailand. Ditto Medicare - after a substantial period away from Oz your Medicare entitlements cease and you must return with the intention of staying in order to reactivate them. At least that was the advice I received, backed up by a brochure they gave me, when I inquired a couple of years ago.

    Mrs Xangsamhua and I will be returning later this year and put in our two years. I'm 68 and she's 63, so 2 years will give us both portability entitlements. Yes, Jim's right that a government pension or part-pension isn't much, but it's something, and Mrs X believes it's a matter of principle to claim it and get it. Of course we have some other things to do in Oz while we're there, so it's not just the pension we're going for.

    I agree with Fishhooks, too, that it does feel like one is being punished for leaving the wide, brown land, even if one has never ceased to love the country and always tried to represent it well.

    If you look at the Centrelink site it states "To be paid Age Pension, you also need to meet the 10-year qualifying Australian residence requirements. The 10-year Australian resident requirement means you have been an Australian resident for a continuous period of at least 10 years, or for a number of periods which total more than 10 years, with one of the periods being at least 5 years". URL http://www.centrelin...e_residence.htm it doesn't say anything about being excluded if you are out of Australia more than five years

  14. Thanks for enduring my questions and for the link. I looked through the portfolio and other parts but didn't see anything about the 6.6 billion acres of land I have read about elsewhere. Does your head of State also run your Government? That's the primary job of our President and his ceremonial duties are minor in comparison and that's why we think of him as the President (limited to 8 years now) rather than a head of state (permanent elite).

    Tourism revenue generated by the institution of the monarchy in the UK far exceeds any payments received by the royal family. In any case £226.5 million (2010) profit was passed to the Treasury by the Crown Estate that also exceeds payments received.

  15. just what Thailand needs, more low cost flights rolleyes.gif

    Thailand's transformation into an Asian Ayia Napa / Costa del Sol type place is almost complete.

    Just what is needed right now, when the 60-year old Australian travel agent's body isn't even in the ground yet. Australia should be seriously considering withdrawing all flights to Thailand, let alone boosting Thai tourism!

    Will never happen with hundreds of thousands of Australians traveling to Thailand every year, even with a record number of Australian tourist dying in Thailand very year for various reasons.

  16. Australia's Home Affairs Minister Jason Clare said it is believed approximately 200 people, all of them male, were on board the vessel.

    Now there's a coincidence 200 people on the boat and not a single female amongst them. I guess the persecution these would be refugees suffer is exclusively directed at single males as I can't imagine many husbands leaving their wives to fend for themselves.

    This is in marked contrast to the 75% women and children who were turned away from Bangladesh when fleeing Burma - The difference is clear as night and day.

    Maybe some (or all) are on a jihad mission ...all men right ?On a little revenge expedition Think about it,

    We Westerners are such suckers .!

    What a load of crap. Just as a reminder the people on the boat were from Sri Lanka. Tamil Tigers do not have a track record of targeting western countries; indeed the twenty year Sri Lanka civil war is now over. A terror organisation would not send a team via this method as all refugees/asylum seekers are vetted by Australian government security organisations.

  17. I spent a week @ Koh Chang in Sept 2010. There is not a lot to do around there. Some nice beaches & Bungalows. Rainy season is dicey, due to constant very dangerous road washouts. We cleared out of there after a week. Had to hike along a dodgy bypass for a road washout that killed 4/5 people at a resort below the road. We went to Koh Samet in Sept 2011. It is the driest Thai Island, so ideal in the rainy season. However; as per above posts, there is not a lot to do around there. Not much coral & reef fish in close to shore. Decent off shore diving. Also roads on the Isaland are deliberately kept in poor condition, so the motor Boat Mafia can extort money off gullable tourists @ 1000 ThB per passenger. Just take the regular 30 ThB ferries from the port of Phe; which is about 1 hr by bus from Pattaya or 3-4 hrs from Bangkok.

    Not quite true - money has been allocated to improve roads etc on Koh Samet, but corrupt officials do a runner with the funds. Happens every few years as they rotate staff responsible for the island.

  18. simple1, I was responding to a misunderstanding that Foreign Tourist Police Assistants (FTPA) are the same as Foreign Police Volunteers (FPV). They are a totally separate group with separate responsibilities and members. FTPA patrol Walking street and FPV man help desks at stations.

    OK, now understood

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