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  1. Are you kidding or simply verbalising your ignorance. Do you realise the influence Americas foreign policy has on the world and all the strategic wars they have started post WWII? They took themselves of gold standard and made their currency the worlds reserve currency. Thats why its important to those outside of the US.
  2. Looking at the number of likes currently on your post I have deduced there are at least seven members here who have read your post that are all up to date with their covid jabs.
  3. Christian Brothers College? Or perhaps the Centre for Disease Control?
  4. The difference is that it was governments who made it mandatory, in most cases, for everyone to take them. So of course nobody could possibly have died or had an adverse reaction to them. Now repeat, facing the mirror, every morning after you wake up: "NONE of them have ANYTHING to do with "covid booster shots"! And you are good to go.
  5. Ahhh that old chestnut! The brown envelop conveyer belt must be in need of repair.
  6. You forgot the words “stupid and gullible” between encourage and hormone.
  7. While this is mostly true the breed was bred to be aggressive and fight. This, in itself, was stupidity as they were always going to end up as pets. It probably has the highest incidence of death or serious injuries amongst other breeds. It’s a bad breed!
  8. But kick somebodies arse and it’s on national media with street protests!
  9. Uk citizenship based on exactly what? She has a better chance flying to France then ditching her passport and any ID’s and jumping in a boat and come across that way. Seems to work for everyone else. She’ll get the red carpet and fast tracked when they see its a female.
  10. Have not flown on a Thai Airways flight in over 10 years! The last flight the stewardess burnt the back of my arm with the scolding hot metal tea urn while jabbering with person behind me. She was completely unapologetic until I got pissed off. But she was still not happy. Never ever ever again!!! As someone else pointed out...far far better Airlines to choose from.
  11. There is way way way more to this story than what has been reported. Indeed all the reporting seems in direct favour of the plaintiff with no evidence (in the report) of the so called plan to kidnap anyone. I can make a number of plausible guesses as to what is going on but let’s wait and see.
  12. Does he mean like all Thai Hi-So’s do when they stuff up for far far far worse? A Thai is granted equal justice under the law in most civilised western countries but it’s clear you can’t expect the same in return. Not that I think the accused doesn’t deserve punishment but this is clearly turning into a lynch mob not dissimilar to the days of the KKK minus the sheets.
  13. Must be here on a Turdist Visa. I do hope he has reported its exact location to the relevant authorities.
  14. All these news outlets are scrapping the bottom of the barrel trying to get these “bad farang” news clips since the A-hole down in Phuket kicked the Thai Doctor. Both these incidents and the others reported are all foreigners who are behaving badly but there are far far more who do not and go out of there way to put up misbehaving and extortionist Thais who, in my experience, are in the vast majority. Where have all the stories gone of gangs of thais beating up foreigners? Seems to be a very nasty xenophobic witch hunt against foreigners recently at the exclusion of other news. If it’s that bad please stop all foreigners entering the kingdom. I dare you! I would have thought that the economic ruin for most that the covid knee jerk and subsequent closure of borders caused would have been a lesson, seems not. Media please stop whining and gaslighting the very few misbehaving drunk or idiotic foreigners who come to Thailand. The vast majority respect and appreciate Thai culture and the differences it offers.🙏🏻
  15. In round one I score it 10/0 in favour of the Chinese dude.
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