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Posts posted by ES1

  1. This thread should be renamed...."Best burger in Pattaya and that is why the place went out of business".....Which is my whole point. You cannot get the quality without the price going up and nobody stays in business doing that unless you are a mega chain like Burger King....who's food (and I use that term very loosely) barely passes the legal definition of food btw.

  2. Stopped in to take a pix just for something to do. Name is washed out because I used my crappy cell phone camera. It's not as bad as I was led to believe but you certainly can't see that tiny sign from the road. Of course that guard post does not help. This is looking towards the beach.

    And the food? By the way, people are making way too much out of the guard. He is not standing there with an AK47 searching every person, he is normally asleep. He is there, not for people, but to keep cars and motorcycles from going down the road. Where the road goes to, I do not know (rich person's house?). The guard is a non-problem. John told me he was working on a larger sign that will be placed near the beach road. The place is not hard to find and worth the trip or phone call for delivery.

    I didn't try the pizza. I got a burger at Just burger down the street.

    Note that the owner is making fresh pizza dough and homemade Italian sausage. I am eagerly looking forward to trying his mushroom and sausage pizza and will do so soon and post the results here. ES1, I think you should try sandwiches and pizza and then post your view (that is fair, right?). Maybe you will actually like it :) By the way, if I do not like a place I say so. I have found nothing to dislike about the new pizza place, but I have only had the corned beef sandwich, potato salad and pickle, all three items were outstanding (and if you like rye bread, it is made fresh and is incredible/wonderful).

    You think making their own dough fresh and using italian sausage is somehow unique? A lot of places make the dough from scratch and use imported ingredients. What is with all the shilling around here. First just burger and now this place. Probably all from the same guy who owns both places or their drinking buddies.
  3. Stopped in to take a pix just for something to do. Name is washed out because I used my crappy cell phone camera. It's not as bad as I was led to believe but you certainly can't see that tiny sign from the road. Of course that guard post does not help. This is looking towards the beach.

    And the food? By the way, people are making way too much out of the guard. He is not standing there with an AK47 searching every person, he is normally asleep. He is there, not for people, but to keep cars and motorcycles from going down the road. Where the road goes to, I do not know (rich person's house?). The guard is a non-problem. John told me he was working on a larger sign that will be placed near the beach road. The place is not hard to find and worth the trip or phone call for delivery.

    I didn't try the pizza. I got a burger at Just burger down the street.

  4. Man oh man the garbage I read on these forums. So I went and tried this place and not impressed at all. Meat was dry and tasted like it was filled with sawdust. I would say it's probably the worst burger I've ever had in Thailand. Granted, I rarely eat burgers in Thailand. Still, not worth the price imho. Whoever started this thread shilling for this place owes me 89baht. And here are a couple pictures of the place taken from my crappy cell phone camera. Everyone who said it's within the range of ok to great doesn't know what they are talking about or they are just shilling for the place. Save yourself the time and money. Trust me.

    Interesting that you did not post a pic of the burgers. You did post a pic showing two customers who, I suppose, are "shilling for the place." I have no idea what "shilling" means, but my guess is that it is some sort of insult. I am also guessing that you are a vegetarian who is on some crusade against burger lovers :) IMHO, Just Burgers is OK and better than McDonald's.

    LOL....a vegetarian.....now THAT's funny. cool.gif

    There are all kinds of clueless tourists mulling about Jomtien. Not surprising a few of them wandered in. Don't bother with this place. Those Denmark burger stands all over the place are better as are just about all the other burger stands around Pattaya. Don't waste your time going out to Jomtien. I suppose some people think this is what passes for an ok burger in Thailand. I know you can do better than this place that's for sure.

  5. So, after stumbling on to this thread because I ran away from BKK, is this Just Burger place still open and is it 'still' any good? I am staying at the end of Jomtien Beach rd, so jumping into the car and heading up to Soi8 would not be a big deal.

    Getting a very good burger would really make my day.

    Yes, it is still there and I still enjoy them.


    Excellent. Thanks.

    So I went and tried this place and not impressed at all. Meat was dry and tasted like it was filled with sawdust. After cooking burger was kinda small. Menu says 1/3 pound which of course means before cooking. I'm skeptical of that. Burgers did not look all that big before cooking and major shrinkage after. I would say it's probably the worst burger I've ever had in Thailand. Granted, I rarely eat burgers in Thailand. Still, not worth the price imho. Whoever started this thread shilling for this place owes me 89baht. And here are a couple pictures of the place taken from my crappy cell phone camera. Everyone who said it's within the range of ok to great doesn't know what they are talking about or they are just shilling for the place. Save yourself the time and money. Trust me.



  6. Better enjoy it while you can. Judging by the comments of how hard it is to find and how uninviting it is to go in I am quite certain their days are numbered.

    As soon as they get some permits and licenses, they will have a sign or two and it will be MUCH EASIER to find.... Oh, Nostradamus...

    They already have a sign outside the shop and one is being made for the Beach Road entrance.

    Stopped in to take a pix just for something to do. Name is washed out because I used my crappy cell phone camera. It's not as bad as I was led to believe but you certainly can't see that tiny sign from the road. Of course that guard post does not help. This is looking towards the beach.


  7. Fiddling while Rome burns.my factory at nava has closed with the loss of 500 jobs and the lies told by the government in giving false info has caused huge damage. What about the Japanese companies like Panasonic NEC Seiko etc. More important to think about her family than the country. In the land of the blind the one eyed women rules ok. She is pathetic.


    Very well put. There are so many much more important issues to be dealt with at the moment.

    And don't forget Sony


  8. The bad ones are a minority, Im sure there are a minority of bad ones in every city in the world. I don't think Pattaya's any worse than anywhere else.

    Beer belly, bald head, tattoos, pigeon english, £5.00 trainers - thats me does that make me some how a "worst" or "bad" one?

    Did anyone actually move to Pattaya for any other reason than cheap beer, women and all the other taboos that bring in the lowest of the low? Perhaps the op was unaware of what Pattaya was all about when he moved here!

    I did not move here for the cheap beer (I don't drink), women (I have a partner) and all the other taboos that you mention. But I was aware of Pattaya's reputation and I am comfortable with it provided that one canstill escape the "seedy" side, which we still can for now. The authorities have stated they want to "re-balance" Pattaya, and I am all for that. Whether it suceeds is another matter.

    Believe it or not, there is quite a significant number who moved here for work (usually at nearby industrial estates or Laem Chabang) or liked the location since it is close to a major city (BKK), beaches and a well connnected airport. A place that affords a lifestyle somewhere between big city and laid-back resort. I like it here and I totally reject the notion that Pattaya is all about sin and nothing else, so forget any efforts to make it more livable, forget cleaning up beaches and just leave the city alone for bars, beer, working gals and their patrons. Sorry guys, you gotta share with us boring people.

    Well put. Many of us hardly ever make it to Central Pattaya. If you avoid that part of town, it's a great place to live. Just got back from my 1+ hour walk on the beach. Fantastic. Hardly saw anybody.

    Tell me exactly how one can live in Pattaya and walk on the beach for an hour (in one direction I presume. Not just in circles) and still manage to avoid beach Rd. Yes, I am aware of Naklua and the crappy beaches there. Technically that is not Pattaya and you will still see these so called seedy people you seem so averse to. Jomtien, Same same.

    If it weren't for the sex industry Pattaya wouldn't be much different than Ban Saray. Just another sleepy fishing village town with a so so beach and no infrastructure or tourist facilities. The sex industry isn't going anywhere. It subsidizes many things you take for granted every day. It's changing but change is always inevitable.

  9. Better enjoy it while you can. Judging by the comments of how hard it is to find and how uninviting it is to go in I am quite certain their days are numbered.

    You would be surprised actually - they are doing a very good trade with deliveries and given time they restaurant will be busy as well.

    BTW it is not that hard to find - I don't live in Jomtien and I found it first go, following the same directions that are on here. They will very soon have the sign for the beach road entrance which will make it much easier.

    I'll take bets they won't last past next low season. So by this time next year.

  10. Just need one of Thaksins family in the military now and its game over.

    Nice one Rick,... remind me to never get into a game of chess with you,.. your strategies would be unbeatable :rolleyes:

    Urrrum, you must not be much of a chess player then. Moves that obvious are only found in checkers actually. It's not nearly that simple though. You can put people in charge of stuff but until you have the country by the balls you can't get their hearts and minds to follow. You can't just put some token loyalist in charge of the military and expect everyone to follow them. And then there is the Monarchy. Not to mention it was not just the army and their leadership but everyday people that made the last uprising successful.

    Dont play chess or checkers, but this strategy is obviously being used to to pave the way for Thaksins return. If he controls the Government, Police and the Military, who is going to arrest him on the tarmac?

    Whatever it is, it's not chess as you said. That implies intelligence, long term planning, and moves that are not immediately obvious. This was entirely obvious, requires zero intelligence, and the only plan is to get Shadow Prime Minister & Brother Thaskin back in the country

  11. I agree that Jatuporn was COMPLETELY off-the-wall with his comments. That's what is so completely disgraceful here: grown-up adults who think and act like this during this time.

    The game the Dems are playing is to respond to it at all - a Dem response could add nothing. Again, completely irresponsible at a time like this.

    Why aren't all of them out filling sandbags?

    Both Jatuporn and the democrats are playing wild poltical games at inappropriate times. But neither will stop in case the other side doest too. The blame and popularity game is too important it seems even at a time of tragedy for all.

    What are the democrats playing?

    When the opposition party is attacked with ridiculous claims it is completely appropriate to respond regardless of what is going on. You are only making yourself look foolish by making these repeated "both sides are doing it" claims.

  12. Just need one of Thaksins family in the military now and its game over.

    Nice one Rick,... remind me to never get into a game of chess with you,.. your strategies would be unbeatable :rolleyes:

    Urrrum, you must not be much of a chess player then. Moves that obvious are only found in checkers actually. It's not nearly that simple though. You can put people in charge of stuff but until you have the country by the balls you can't get their hearts and minds to follow. You can't just put some token loyalist in charge of the military and expect everyone to follow them. And then there is the Monarchy. Not to mention it was not just the army and their leadership but everyday people that made the last uprising successful.

  13. Oy Vey. Do you see a lot of pastures and cattle farms around? You think there are going to be a lot of ranchers moving to thailand to raise cattle just so a few farangs living in Pattaya can have their beef fix. Also, I'm no rancher but I suspect Thailand is not exactly an ideal place to raise cattle.

    This is a slight diversion from the topic, but you asked and deserve an answer. Cattle are being raised all over Thailand, but they are originally from India and are mainly Brahman. These cattle are well adapted to the local environment, but the beef they produce is odd to many of us, especially those from Canada, USA or Australia. So, in Isan an experiment is taking place to grow a mixed breed. I have seen both Charolette (sp?), Hereford and Black Angus in Thailand. I think they are cross-breeding them with the local Brahmans, looking to the future market that might evolve. If Thailand could produce some quality beef, they could not only provide the needs of farangs and upscale Thais, they could also possibly export it to Japan and Korea. Time will tell. Right now the Thai beef is crap and I am not sure about the so-called Thai-French beef. Back to the topic: I do like Burger King and they are flying their beef in each day from the West.

    Sigh...some day.....Pretty shallow argument there.

    To answer this burger king nonsense. If you like to eat that garbage that's up to you but it's probably the worst thing you could possibly consume. The thai one is probably different since they seem to be smaller but most of you will just order 2 to make up for it. 40g of fat. 980mg sodium. That's why it tastes good. Because salty fat tastes good. A heart attack on a bun. Knock yourself out. And how about adding some processed cheese and bacon with that. Yummy.


    I thought this thread was about best burger. Not best salty fat with cow lips and buttholes added for flavor.

  14. I also keep hearing that the Hard Rock Cafe does a very good burger (if one is willing to pay the price...something like B 400-500 right?)

    It is one of the best in Thailand, but would not be considered very good in America, so not worth the price to me. There are some burgers around that are much cheaper and just as tolerable, but you have to look for them as they are not common.

    You seem to know where they are in order to make such a statement so how about giving the locations and prices of these "burgers around".

    Look at the burger threads in the Bangkok and Western food section. There are several places in Bangkok. These places change, but one burger that used to be much much cheaper and just as good as the Hard Rock Cafe was the Big Mango Bar's char-broiled cheeseburger when it was located in Nana Plaza. I have not tried the new location.

    Take a look at the title of this thread and ask yourself what "Best burgers in Pattaya" has to do with Bkk.

  15. I also keep hearing that the Hard Rock Cafe does a very good burger (if one is willing to pay the price...something like B 400-500 right?)

    It is one of the best in Thailand, but would not be considered very good in America, so not worth the price to me. There are some burgers around that are much cheaper and just as tolerable, but you have to look for them as they are not common.

    You seem to know where they are in order to make such a statement so how about giving the locations and prices of these "burgers around". No doubt hard rock has more of a mark up on everything but I'll bet you won't find anything much cheaper or better using the similar quality imported ingredients. Few have the buying power and distribution network of Hard Rock which is also a factor in price. And of course hard rock is not going to go out of business by not selling enough 500baht burgers. Again, basic economics which is apparently a foreign (no pun intended) concept to many of you.

  16. Didn't Bobs shut down?!?

    I found Just Burgers cheeseburger quite OK. Nothing to write home about but good for Thailand. Don't think much of their fries, and they are overpriced.

    Thanks and please tell us where to get the best cheeseburger in town. You know, the American burger made with excellent beef grilled over coals. And not costing an arm and leg.

    People are funny. They want the imported beef with imported cheese but not willing to pay for the jet fuel that brings it here. The reason it's so hard to get a good burger is because people are not willing to pay the price to support the ongoing viability of the business. So you have to compromise by using local ingredients. It's just simple economics. None of you wanke_rs whining that you can't get a burger like back home are actually willing to pay for the luxury so I think you should just shut up and enjoy what's available.

    A real burger just like back home with the imported beef and cheese would probably end up costing 2 or 3 times what the local ingredient burgers cost. So of course you will have a hard time finding that. Anyone doing it ends up going out of business.

    Burger King is doing it :) But I understand what you are saying. The cost of imported beef/cheese is high and has to be passed on to customers. I disagree that "none of you wanke_rs whining" will pay extra for top quality. Actually, I disagree but I am not sure what a wanke_r is :) British? But, if you are correct, you go out of business if you use crap beef and you go out of business if you use excellent, imported beef. That is a major problem. Why, oh, why can't Thailand get it together in terms of the quality of its local beef? That would, of course, be one financial solution making good beef cost effective. I have heard about Thai-French beef, both good and bad things.

    Oy Vey. Do you see a lot of pastures and cattle farms around? You think there are going to be a lot of ranchers moving to thailand to raise cattle just so a few farangs living in Pattaya can have their beef fix. Also, I'm no rancher but I suspect Thailand is not exactly an ideal place to raise cattle.

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