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Posts posted by ES1

  1. Yea, couple people I know confirmed H showing up on their AIS phones today in Pattaya with significant speed increase. As far out as the Dark side (other side of sukhmuvit), up past 3rd rd, and around Tucom. So sounds like it's all over.

  2. Other suspects, including PAD leaders, turned themselves in and were undergoing various stages of judicial and prosecution proceedings, Somyos said.

    Yet another difference between reds and yellows.

    There's still a gaggle load of Red Shirts that remain indicted fugitives.


    May of which can now be found in the current elected gov't. So shouldn't be hard to track them down. I'm sure the police will get right on that.

  3. Nothing beats kids crying. Especially when they are directly behind you and kicking the seat constantly throughout the entire 12hour flight. Can't top that.

    Parents should be forced to pay triple for kids as a dissentive to travel with them. Or maybe it should be mandatory to give kids a sedative like they do with pets. One can only wish.

  4. I wonder how long and how many people he needed to come up with such a brilliant idea! Our tax paying dollars working hard for us!

    "Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, who took power last month after an overwhelming win in the July 3 election, has not yet revealed her travel schedule".

    May I suggest those countries with the largest 'estimated' dog populations first, then the greatest number of chickens, pigs third, goats fourth and so on until the number of chosen animal populations equals the number of countries to be visited.

    It shouldn't be "incredible India" but "incredible Thailand" as this country is much more deserving of such a label to sum it up!!!:blink:

    Or maybe the countries with the least amount of ghosts first. Like most Thais, I would assume Prime Minister LuckyOffspring would be big on that

  5. Interesting to note that it seems as if the greater majority of the T.V.F Thaksin and Red Shirt proponents seem to have upped sticks and left already, they are. indeed conspicuous by their absence in this particular thread.

    One can only but presume those proponents are seeing the truth at last in all its ugly facets.

    Never too late to learn is it .

    No, they have just given up on the hatefest which this forum has become.

    Does that mean that you want to defend the red shirt intimidation, but don't like so many responses asking you to justify your position?

    No It means that I am tired of any post or point of view which dares to see anything other than evil in any of the current governements actions being met with abuse, scorn and accusations of stupidity, deceit, dishonesty, fascist sympathy and even on one recent occasion accusations of being a paedophile. True that one was removed by the mods, but the effect remains. Meaningfull debate has been closed down, and even the ability or desire to express an opinion has been removed. I and I suspect many others have had enough. And the ultimate irony, those responsible are always harping on about democracy!

    Really? Like getting your son off of a murder charge with multiple witnesses? You mean like that? Just like what the guy who is now second in command did. You mean like that? And yet you ask why we don't believe these people will do the right thing? laugh.gif

  6. Taking bets on the next military overthrow. I give it about a year. As soon as they try bring back Toxin it will boil over again. They learned from the last time and will do a much better job of it this time. Probably in ways that will make sure these people will not be around to get back in power ever again.whistling.gif

  7. Thai Embassies and Consulates abroad to be stricter with requirements when applicants are applying for Tourist visas for Thailand.

    Does this apply to "Visa Exempt" entry also?

    What happens if the tourists are staying with friends?

    Or if you are married to a Thai citizen and will be staying at their/your residence.

    Too me this sounds like another way to kill tourism.

    Unfortunately, nothing will stop the throngs of sex tourists heading for Pattaya.

    So, what's your problem with it? No one is forcing you to go there.

    If you don't like prostitution why are you living in LOS, as the Thai sex industry is huge, or is it just farangs having sex that you don't like?

    These "I don't like the sex industry in Thailand" posters always amuse me since most of the guys around here would have NEVER discovered Thailand if it wasn't for the sex industry. Either that or they are female.

  8. I don't know much, but what i did,is put down a small deposit for a house and got her to take out a 30 year loan, if i leave she can't pay it, if she gets a new farang, i'll beat the shit out of him, if she leaves, I'll pay her a small monthly allowance, in 30 years ,she can do what she wants hehehehehehe, small investment, i'd say, unfortunately, she loves me and has to suffer for the egoistic ,thieving,ungrateful antics of her fellow species here in Thailand....

    Or.....you can just keep it simple and rent.whistling.gif

  9. Another case of screwing the farang? I think a high percentage of the Thai population don't know the difference between right and wrong, or simply don't have any morals.

    My take on this: foreigners have few rights in Thailand. Keep renting and you can't go far wrong. Don't buy anything you can't put in your name.

    Some people just don't get the message and keep coming back for more?

    So True! Reducing exposure daily.

    Because there are far too many punters in Thailand with more money than brains.

  10. When is someone going to throw the switch in Pattaya? Yea, I know about True3g which is 3g in name only because it's slower than edge most of the time. Pattaya should be a fairly easy town to cover. Put some base stations up on the Buddah hill and throw the dam_n switch.

  11. Hey guys,

    Don't let the "incredible" speeds (as some have breathlessly claimed) fool you. It's safe to say 3g in Thailand will be like everywhere else. Fast at first....until significant numbers of people start using it. Couple that with TiT and well you get the drift.cool.gif

    That Chonburi map sure does look a lot like Pattaya. Railway is about right but Sukhumvit looks a bit off. I'll bet there is signal in Pattaya. AIS executives go there on the weekends too. Maybe just not not built out and tested enough to advertise it but I'm sure it will be up and running soon enough.

    I can read Thai and I assure you it is not Pattaya.

    Urrum yea, I get that. Perhaps you misunderstood. I was stating that is sure 'looks' like Pattaya. I get that it's not after reading several posts saying it's not.

  12. Perhaps people need to write in/complain to TRUE more often. Perhaps they would try to improve things if they knew... or perhaps not.

    Have you tried calling them?

    5555 Have you ever met a Thai who gives a dam_n ? 5555

    They just hang up on you when they realize how angry &

    frustrated you are with their service .. It's like talking to a

    3 year old ...


    That is because you obviously have not learned how to deal with Thai's. Getting angry is the last thing you should do. It may work in the western world sometime but will get you NOWHERE in Thailand.

    Sadly, most Farangs don't get that.

  13. Hey guys,

    Don't let the "incredible" speeds (as some have breathlessly claimed) fool you. It's safe to say 3g in Thailand will be like everywhere else. Fast at first....until significant numbers of people start using it. Couple that with TiT and well you get the drift.cool.gif

    That Chonburi map sure does look a lot like Pattaya. Railway is about right but Sukhumvit looks a bit off. I'll bet there is signal in Pattaya. AIS executives go there on the weekends too. Maybe just not not built out and tested enough to advertise it but I'm sure it will be up and running soon enough.

  14. Every story has 2 sides and in Thailand you usually only hear one of them.

    Lot's of farangs mysteriously have problems and depending on which side of the story you get, it's either ALWAYS their fault for being there when the bullet went by or whatever or it is never their fault. They didn't know the people there were hanging around with were yaba dealers or whatever, just an honest mistake. But the truth is probably often in the murky middle somewhere.

  15. I've used it and I think there are a few small problems that add up to nobody wanting to use it. First is what others have pointed out about Taxi access. In my case coming from Sukhumvit area middle of the day turned into one of those <deleted> traffic nightmares that is status quo in Bkk quite often. What would have taken me 15 minutes on the MRT ended up being over 1 hour sitting in traffic in a taxi. In that hour I could have easily made it to the airport in that same taxi.

    Which brings me to the second problem. Nobody with luggage is going to use the MRT because they check everyone with luggage. So who want's to have to open all their luggage at the MRT station when they can avoid all that by sitting in an air con taxi. So that pretty much kills the second potential advantage of using Makkassan which is the MRT station.

    Of course MRT isn't even all that great an option for people without luggage because it's not linked with the station yet. So that is yet another problem.

    If they could address those things somehow and provide some assurances that luggage will be safe I think things would improve. To me, luggage at Makkassan is no more or less safe than luggage at the airport so it doesn't bother me to use it if they address the other issues.

    Oh, and of course they have to get more airlines in there.

  16. Yawn, ok first of all people. Mexico is not just one big drug war...lol. But that is the story the media has decided to tell you I guess. And you all have obviously bought it hook line and sinker. Oh well, I guess it's better for those of us who go there regularly and know what is going on.

    Second of all, Russians will not start going to Mexico anyways. It's a hell of a lot farther for them than Thailand. My understanding is they come to Thailand because it's the closest cheapest tropical destination for them. That's it. I've seen them walking around Pattaya and the only things they seem interested in are Sun and Shopping. They are definitely not interested in sex with the locals or with us farangs that's for sure. The sex industry doesn't seem to bother them all that much either. They seem to be kind of cheap and that is probably what is bothering the tour operators. I don't see them being any more obnoxious than any of the other tourists. They are not the friendliest people but I don't see too many extreme cases either. They do seem to bargain pretty hard for deals and probably don't tip much if at all. That is probably the real reason some tour operators don't like them.

  17. What a crock, European tourists do not go to Pattaya to learn about the Thai culture they go for sex, if they arrive totally unaware that Pattaya is the biggest brothel in the world they pretty soon find out and have a disappointing holiday. I must add I admire the large expensive hotel chains that are moving in, but being a cynic I suspect they have their eye on the rich middle East guys rather than mum, dad, granny and the three kids from Birmingham

    I totally agree with you, that's why I never went to Pattaya...

    not that I don't like sex whistling.gif but, for what I heard about the place I'm rather sure that it's not the kind of tourist site that I would love to stay in.

    Yes, please stay away for Pattaya. It's not a very good place. Tell all your friends to stay away too please.cool.gif

  18. What a crock, European tourists do not go to Pattaya to learn about the Thai culture they go for sex, if they arrive totally unaware that Pattaya is the biggest brothel in the world they pretty soon find out and have a disappointing holiday. I must add I admire the large expensive hotel chains that are moving in, but being a cynic I suspect they have their eye on the rich middle East guys rather than mum, dad, granny and the three kids from Birmingham.I must add this guy sounds a little crazy ( read a lot ) to suggest Mexico will be a rival to Thiland ref tourism, nobody dare go to Mexico because of the drug murders. I have Mexican relatives living in LA who are too afraid to cross the border to visit their own family. does this guy work for TOT //???????

    Sorry but ur post is a crock. TUI is a package tour company that cosset their guests from the seedier side of Pattaya, they don't have planes full of sex tourists as the generally travel independently.

    As for Mexico, Cancun is still a huge tourist destination regardless of the problems in the rest of the country.

    Jeez, gotta love Thaivisa, old crones with no knowledge of the subject tapping away on their keyboards like the fountain of all knowledge. I heard a guy in a bar a few days ago tell another old crone 'you've got nothing to say, and you are saying too much of it'. Rather fitting don't you think....

    The voice of reason in a cloud of dillusion. Read this thread up to your post and so far you seem to be about the only one here who has a clue what he is talking about.

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