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Posts posted by therealmrbrightside

  1. Yup...I can see the logic in your thinking, I am also guessing you are from an older generation than me? I'm under 35 btw.

    I was kind of brought up in the way that you need to 'sell' yourself to the companies. So if you are saving them the cost of a mandatory training course then you are doing the right thing, as you will know ALL companies cut costs wherever possible. This would be different when dealing with more skilled workers - as you accurately stated, they wouldn't knock back say, an engineer or supervisor because their BOSIET was expiring, but this is not the case with green hands.

    My own experiences and from people I know who have got their feet in the door using O&G agencies, some companies in the UK offer these offshore training packages including rigging/banksman/H2S etc etc. Again as you say this certainly doesn't guarantee you a job, but I have heard of guys who have done these courses and registered with websites like 'rigzone' or 'oil&gasjobsearch' and have been contacted by drilling companies offering them a trip as a roustabout thus getting that foot in the door.

    The biggest problem I have noticed and again you stated is the guys who act on bad advice in regard to courses. My good friend spent thousands doing a diving course, but spent almost 1 year waiting for a start, and when he did, he ended up going offshore as a roustie.

    If I could give some advice to new starts, pick a trade, then go for the trade in the service companies. DON'T pay for a course without researching the job openings. NEBOSH is probably the best course you could do, as even if you don't get offshore immediately, you can always start HSE work onshore. Oh - and if you do manage to get offshore in Health and Safety, you will have the slackest best job on the rig.

  2. Again i have to disagree with Soutpeel on the BOSIET.

    If you have a BOSIET in hand, and you register with agencies or apply to service companies you will take favour over people without the BOSIET (both equal skills).

    You NEED the BOSIET to get offshore, so how could it possibly be a waste of money? You are saving the service companies money by doing this course yourself, and thus making yourself more attractive to potential recruiters. Throw in a Banksman or rigging course and go to agencies - you will get a start eventually.

    Can you tell me your own experience in offshore job SEARCHING? Because from the sounds of things you've not been unemployed and job hunting in this industry for a while, and completely lost the knowledge of 'standing out from the rest'

    No offence intended.

  3. How are we British coping?

    Yes we get less baht for the pound, but we still get housing, electricity, water, petrol, diesel, cigarettes, beer, whiskey, vegetables, fruit, meat, manual labour, women, taxi's, police, etc etc etc. at a fraction of what it costs in the UK..

    I think it would take the baht to drop a lot more than this to really affect the Brits who are established in Thailand.

    • Like 2
  4. Yep the pizza's are not very authentic, but a hell of a lot better than Donjai's. I was given a pizza with pork FAT topping there once. It's a nice restaurant but the food there is a joke. Sintawee restaurant has just re-opened under a new name (can't remember what) and the food is quite good, they still do Thai food too so ya can bring the missus!

  5. Bought a 55" LG Smart TV and a cinema system, all in costing over 65,000 THB.

    After 2 months, the cinema system bass speaker started crackling so took it back to the shop along with the warranty guarantee. They took it.... fine.

    Just been called back to be told that the speaker couldn't be fixed. We would have to buy a new one. Even after trying to explain the meaning of ' valid warranty', they still insisted that only 'Cinema System' itself was covered..but not the speakers.

    So be warned, if you spend any money in the LG store in Laemtong - don't expect a repair or a warranty but expect a 'som num nah'

  6. Seems quite sad how even after a confession, people on here are still venting anger and distrust of the victim and her circumstance. What a bunch of heartless bastards.

    I think you are not accurately repeating what has been reported.

    Women said she was gang raped by 4 men. One man has admitted to having or attempting to have sex with her with her consent ("ok, good" ) and this "story" is backed up by a friend who was there. Meanwhile the women can't i(or won't) identify this guy though she said earlier she remembered two of her 4 attackers faces right down to the gap in their tooth. Yet, no reports of a video showing 4 guys going up to her room but just this guy and possibly his friend. The women has also stated she only remembers bits and pieces of the night and was reportedly so drunk she was asked to leave a bar in NST. Lets face it. she has little credibility but this certainly is not to say she wasn't raped. Sadly my guess is she is about as confused as to the events as most of us.

    Although nobody deserves to be assaulted, regardless of their condition, people should take some responsibility for their own actions to prevent themselves from becoming a victim and getting so drunk they can't remember things and heading off by themselves in a bar where you don't know people and don't speak the native language, in the middle of the night and in a less developed nation is simply putting yourself in a position to become a victim. If she was raped then the criminal needs to be punished but given the fact this women lacks credibility, probably won't be around for a trial and can't remember events or remember them accurately, it is doubtful we will see a conviction and the best we can hope is that if there is a rapist that justice finds its way to him somehow and that she has learned a lesson that will dramatically lesson her chances of assault, robbery and/or rape in the future.

    She has denied that she was drunk. She said she might have been drugged. How could she help that if true? She has unfortunately been taught a lesson as you say...being raped and all.

    Actually she admitted to drinking numerous drinks and drinking at at least two locations. One would think if she was drugged then she would not have stayed at the bar when a friend suggested they leave and she said that she would be fine since she lived close. One might also think the friend (presumably a male since initially reported as boyfriend) would find her behavior strange and out of the ordinary unless it is common she gets unknowingly drugged while out drinking. Maybe she was drugged but given the reports, it seems like she is a girl who enjoys getting drunk and like many people her age may get too drunk sometimes though none of makes raping her okay but it kind of gets old hearing people assume somebody put something in their drink when they simply drank enough to make themselves very drunk..

    Yep, completely believable and also possibly far from the truth. As many people are stating there are many plausible angles to this, and being in the country we all know and love, 'the truth has many windows'. We will probably never know what happened. I don't think it's fair though, to assume that the girl made up the rape. I'm sure all the posters on here would make great detectives, or possibly been in Thailand too long.

    • Like 1
  7. What absolute numpty buys their 18 year old student son a Porsche Cayenne..In a place with the most dangerous roads on the planet?

    More money than sense.

    Don't be daft. So you want his parents to buy him a click to get killed on. rolleyes.gif

    Not the point I was making. Porsche Cayenne's are high powered and very expensive. You can buy about 3 Toyota Fortuners for the price of a Porsche. If that Cayenne was the Turbo, then it has about the same power as a fast sports car. Giving it to an 18 year old kid in Thailand, is like handing a knife to a toddler and not expecting an accident.

    Again I ask the question, What absolute numpty buys their 18 year old student son a Porsche Cayenne?? In a place with (some) of the most dangerous roads on the planet. (Saudi is pretty bad too)

    Total rolox. If we all had your thoughts we would all be driving Allegros AND still killing each other in LOS. Get a grip man. rolleyes.gif

    Eh? What drugs are you on.... man?

    Don't you think a Porsche Cayenne for an 18 year old is a bit excessive?

    Can you even still get EggRolls?

  8. tragic


    What many owners of high-speed cars do not understand here, is that the carspeed also has to fit with the road, traffic and weather conditions.

    These powerful cars are built for the German Autobahn and not for the village-ban-nok highways in Thailand.

    I would say that there is no road in Thailand where you can safely drive over 120 km/h.

    No guardrails, missing road markings, crazy U-turns where the overload Trucks have to turn with 30 km/h on the right speed lane, countless Holes in the roadways, Motobikes and even Cars driving on the wrong side against the traffic direction, whis drivers who ignore traffic lights and roads signs,Overtaking on the left, slower lane, ignorance of safety distances and braking distances, Bullock carts on the highway (with there on fishing lines attached CDs, as a reflections light system), unlit vehicles, Residents who dry their harvest on the highway track, unaware what a turn signal on the car is of, etc.

    May 10 hours compulsory driving lessons would help to bring the death toll on Thailands Roads significant down..

    Thailand: Drive safe = Drive slow!

    Driving slow on Sukhumvit road is the surest way to die. Keep ahead of the traffic - buy an R1. 120mph everywhere...all the time. thumbsup.gif

  9. What absolute numpty buys their 18 year old student son a Porsche Cayenne..In a place with the most dangerous roads on the planet?

    More money than sense.

    Don't be daft. So you want his parents to buy him a click to get killed on. rolleyes.gif

    Not the point I was making. Porsche Cayenne's are high powered and very expensive. You can buy about 3 Toyota Fortuners for the price of a Porsche. If that Cayenne was the Turbo, then it has about the same power as a fast sports car. Giving it to an 18 year old kid in Thailand, is like handing a knife to a toddler and not expecting an accident.

    Again I ask the question, What absolute numpty buys their 18 year old student son a Porsche Cayenne?? In a place with (some) of the most dangerous roads on the planet. (Saudi is pretty bad too)

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