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Posts posted by smotherb

  1. On 3/5/2017 at 3:14 PM, bazza73 said:

    I don't think there are too many full OAP in Thailand. The ones that are would have to be using agents to fudge bank deposits, or providing false income statements.

    Off topic perhaps, it is possible to live here on the Australian OAP alone. However, the Thai government doesn't really want skint retirees, it prefers well-heeled ones.

    I'm very sure if you can't afford to meet the income and/or cash deposit requirements in Thailand, you have no hope in Australia.

    Getting married in Thailand to meet income requirements of the Thai authorities ( who can change their rules at any time ) strikes me as a remarkably desperate strategy.


    Not really. Let's say you have only USD1000/mo income, but you have saved USD 2000. It seems you could simply transfer the same USD 2000, from your home-country bank to a Thai bank withdraw it and TX back to your home-country bank every month; thus, actually having USD2000/mo. deposited monthly in a Thai bank.  Doing so would only cost you the monthly TX fees and/or any rate fluctuations, which may or may not be to your benefit.  I do not see this as illegal, since Thai immigration told me that I only had to show at least B65k/mo deposited in a Thai bank monthly, but I did not need to spend it all here.

  2. On 3/5/2017 at 0:43 PM, Pepper1959 said:

    I have always written my stat dec in AUD and then the conversion using the rate from Bangkok Bank for that day, since that is the bank I am with. When I then go to Immigration, they never accept my conversion and go online and redo it, To be fair, it is a couple of days later and the actual figure has probably changed by a hundred baht or so. Always do their job letter to their law, which I suppose, is a credit to them and I can never fault them whenever I visit.

    In ten years, Hatyai immigration has never gotten online to check the rate for THB to USD. Maybe three or four times they have asked me the rate and used a calculator; the other six or seven times they just accepted the dollar amount was sufficient. I went for my eleventh retirement extension on March 16 and was told they no longer accepted US income letters because the US Embassy will not guarantee the amount. So, immigration told me I had to show the required income through Thai banks monthly this year or they would not grant me a twelfth extension--but once again, they did not go online to check the rate .  

  3. On 3/5/2017 at 11:32 AM, hobobo said:

    Gone are the good old days when the only "proof" required to obtain a yearly Non-Immigrant O was self-declaration. I forgot the exact words, but it was something like "I hereby declare that I have sufficient funds to remain in Thailand for one year" - at least that was on forms obtained from various Consulates in the UK.

    Yeah, just more proof for the Thais that farangs cannot be trusted. 

    • Like 1
  4. 10 hours ago, hawker9000 said:

    Oh boo-hoo.  Crazy Harry lit the fuse in 2013 and dems pour gasoline on it now by staging a filibuster, and the wingnuts lose it when Republicans take up the gauntlet and finally follow-through.  Reap it, wingnuts.  The final vote on the guy will include at least 3 dem yeas - who'll be doing so 'cause they want to be re-elected - so it'll be bipartisan in a true grassroots sense. Suck on it.


     An extremely childish and petulant move by Schumer to force McConnell's hand with the filibuster as Trump is almost sure to get the chance to submit more SC nominations during his term.


    You really have no idea, don't you?

  5. 1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    About time they grew some and stopped messing about. The best thing about it though- the Dems used the "nuclear" option in 2013, so can't complain now.


    1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    About time they grew some and stopped messing about. The best thing about it though- the Dems used the "nuclear" option in 2013, so can't complain now.

    Sorry, had to quote you twice to let it sink in.


    " . . .grew some and stopped messing around . . ." Your bias is showing; what part of being the majority amounts to growing some?


    "Dems used the "nuclear" option in 2013, so can't complain now." You seemed to be the usual Trumpeter and missed the fact that the Dems did not include the Supreme Court nominees.


    However, all of that aside; why couldn't Obama's SCOTUS nominee been given the chance? If he was that bad, the Reps have the majority, they could have just voted against him. 


    Were the Reps growing some or just spouting "Fake" information when they refused to allow Obama's Supreme Court appointee to go through the process and tried to justify it with the fairy tale that it was tradition that no Supreme Court appointees were handled in an election year?  At least, Rubio and McConnell made that statement.  


    Absolute horse manure; as is so much of what this administration spouts.  Do some research, if you can, and note that  Taft, Wilson, Hoover, FDR, Ike and LBJ all nominated   supreme court justices in an election year. 


    Don't you see, all politicians (Reps in this case, but Dems in others), and especially the Trumpet,are trying to feed us horse manure and so many Americans are just gulping it right up.  Grow some yourself. 

  6. 11 hours ago, kannot said:

    I dont eat like an American so fortunately I only need a "normal size" fridge...................supersize me:smile:




    Yes, I know, but neither do the people in the Central African Republic--normal there may be a burlap bag for food storage.  


    I couldn't believe the tiny rooms--especially bedrooms, kitchens and bathrooms--archaic temperature control devices, and lack of garage and yard space all over Europe.  However, Eurp is somewhat better than in the CAR.  

  7. On 4/5/2017 at 7:12 PM, kunfish said:

    Was surprising how small the fridges are here. Don't seem useful at least from a USA perspective. Suppose people shop more often but where do they find the time if they work and fight rush hour and have long hours.

    Or people eat out often.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

    Well, let me remind you; this  is not the US. The Eurps are generally not as concerned--as one stated, his was fridge-size. If you have to have a larger fridge they can be had.


    However, I have found a number of smaller ones have merit. I have a small fridge for drinks and maybe fruits in my bedroom. Another  fridge in the bar and even one outside in the garden for the bamboo hut. The kitchen has a rather large one/Thai style, but the wife handles all purchases; she keeps them all topped with ice, food, drinks and sundries.  So, as long as I can open the door and make the selection I want, all is right with the world.

  8. 10 hours ago, Docno said:

    One man's rationalisation is another man's explanation :-)  


    I don't completely disagree with your second statement, but think about this for a moment: why is it the man's 'job' to satisfy his wife/gf/etc more than in the other direction? This is another area in which supposedly oppressed women have the better deal. We have to work harder--we make more of an effort to guarantee the satisfaction of the other--and they're the ones making all the noise (obviously enjoying themselves) and who can pop off multiple orgasms. The 'poor' guy has to focus his efforts on her, do most of the physical work, hold back on his pleasure until she finishes (how many times?), and then pull down the shutter with little more than a grunt. I don't see a whole lot of oppression in the sack...  

    Yeah, rationalization is explanation. My posit is another basic for my rationalization. If it is a man's job to satisfy his wife; then, he must be the one to develop more skills.  As previously noted, I expect the woman to be and do more than customarily expected. Life ain't fair; I  simply want what I want, when I want it and how I want it.   

  9. On 4/5/2017 at 4:59 PM, Trujillo said:

    So you were jaywalking? Is that what I understand? 

    And you, "...smashed the bonnet with my left hand to reduce my own speed towards the vehicle." So that means the car didn't actually contact your body? 


    If this one minor incident makes you question your being in Chiang Mai, or Thailand, then maybe SE Asia isn't really your cup of tea. 

    I agree, but even more so; I question his logic that somehow the manner of his attire added pertinence to the situation.

  10. Just now, junglechef said:


    If I wanted my kids to stare at a screen at a movie or video games I'd let them use the iPad more then 1 hr a day (you'd know that if you read my post) as they don't have phones.


    Yes they play together (you'd know that too if you read the post you replied to)


    I'll take your advice and do things with my 5 yr old that you and your wife do, sure he'll be thrilled


    My deepest apologies for doing my best to be a good parent and thank you pointing out that wanting to make my kids enjoy their holiday is a problem. 


    Do you have to read my post? No but I bet you could learn something from it 



    As I said, do I have to?  

  11. 2 minutes ago, junglechef said:

    Did you actually read my post? 




    Do I have to? There are shopping centers with movies and video games in Samui--ask the staff to get you a cab. 


    You really seem to be perplexed by the rain. You have already sent them outside to play; so keep doing it. The weather is not cold, if they chill, they'll come in a have a hot shower. 


    There are three of them; can't they play together? I'm surprised they aren't just playing with their cell phones anyway. 


    My wife and I took a walk this morning in the rain. We shared an umbrella and went a few blocks for a cup of hot Chinese tea and played played word games.


    We came back through the rain without the umbrella--we gave it to a little old lady who was afraid to get wet. Amazingly, we are still alive, but then we took a hot shower . . . .


    I wonder how you would handle a real problem.



  12. 57 minutes ago, junglechef said:

    To answer your questions:


    Yes, they usually sleep inside and sometimes use the house toilet. 


    They do keep themselves busy swimming in the pool, playing on the beach and snorkeling in the sea here.

    At night they are allowed an hour of games on non-school nights if we are in otherwise they read or enjoy each other's company doing art and other such activities.


    No they don't need minuet to minuet guidance or even hourly, actually they just got in from playing in the storm drain-off during a torrential down pour.


    To respond to your other comments and implications:


    Cabin fever was just a figure of speech to describe three active boys in a smallish rented beach bungalow on continuous rainy days.


    No need to tell them to play with each other, they voluntarily spend very waking minuet together.


    But as we are on vacation here I'd like to take them out and do something together since they have been inside most of the time the last few days because we enjoy doing stuff.


    One of my sons and myself are racing in the Ko Samui Mountain Bike Race this Sunday in Mae Nam and have been practicing the course at sunrise even in the rain. 

    We also went fishing the the other from the shore and are waiting for the seas to calm so we can rent a boat and do some more.

    One afternoon we had an American Football game on the beach and taught all other kids how to play.

    My boys also like to go to the fresh market with me to shop. We got this amazing Pla Oho (Blue Fin Tuna) this morning and pan seared it for lunch serving it with a lovely homemade Dijonaise sauce. 

    We are about to sit out on the porch and play Monopoly.

    So that's just a few things we have done outside this week. 


    I feel my children have a full life and that going to do an indoor activity out of the house will only add to.


    As for me, well looking at this post obviously I have too much free time and might be suffering from cabin fever myself. 


    Thanks for your comments, hope you enjoyed mine as much.












    Send them outside to play; they aren't going to melt or shrink you know.

  13. 7 minutes ago, jerojero said:

    Trump or any other president cannot under US law order a prosecution of anyone. Get the facts instead of fake facts Donny pulled out of his ass to get you to vote for him. Sheesh!

    Duh, I was not agreeing with the Trumpet or believing he can do many of the things he swears he will do. Read the post to which I responded; Minnie was saying Trump had done everything he promised. Sheesh--you sure you're not Trumpster?

  14. 21 hours ago, JAFO said:

    When I first came to SE Asia, I visited and traveled around without having  a women as part of the equation. I had a laundry list with boxes that needing checking off like; Quality of life,  economics, country status and direction, COL, things to go off and do, safety, environment,  ease of getting around, etc etc. Usually a places grabs you when you first arrive and peaks a curiosity.  South America always intrigued me but I knew many that said the drug lords rule so much of it and foreigners are easy marks. I passed. I had seen enough being I had been to many places in Mexico and it was pretty bad. PI was the same and it only checked off a few boxes and I have friend there that has a staffing business and he wishes he had done it somewhere else but he married a Filipina and she has trapped him. Malaysia wasn't too bad but some how the food, COL, and quality of life didn't seem to work out...


    With that said doesn't anyone look beyond the "woman/girl" part? Interesting how this these discussions always seem to center around young gold digging pretty women that can be had yet all hate it.  Its clear they are everywhere and they are way more prevalent in impoverished locations because they will openly surrender and take one for the family to any man with money.  The woman would be the last thing on my list. That's the easy part IMHO, in fact to easy and that is what makes it a bit boring.  







    I've never gone anywhere where a woman was not part of the equation--so much so that I often prefer to bring my own. However, I understand the need for necessities, but I have found that money brings many of the necessities no matter where you are.  I have lived and worked in Singapore, Thailand, the PI and Vietnam and visited Laos, Cambodia, and Malaysia; so I covered SEA fairly well. Although there certainly are differences in quality of life; by and large they are all tolerable, if you have the funds to pay for the finer things.  

  15. On 4/2/2017 at 3:29 PM, lungnorm said:

    100% correct, I have settled in Cebu, friendly towards foreigners and most speak English. Compared to Thailand its a lot better in my eyes having lived in Pattay, Phuket and Chiang Mai. The only drawback is they drive on the wrong side of the road. Taxi's are cheap enough so no need to drive.

    They drive in the right side of the road.

  16. 12 hours ago, Minnie the Minx said:

    Where indeed. I'm keeping up with the news.


    Update us please.

    If you were indeed keeping up with the news, I am sure you would not have to ask.


    Well, where to begin; the choice of broken promises is so broad and the list of lies so many. All you have to do is google, “Trump Promises” and “Trump Lies” and there will be many, many hits.


    I will admit, some of his promises are worthy pursuits and might still be accomplished.


    However, as a Trumpeter, I doubt you would believe anything which disagrees with Trump—that is why he wants you to believe it’s all fake news. Sure, what do authoritarian despots do to gain control over the sheep? They discredit the media for starters, so they can convince the sheep to comply, because only their news is true news.  


    Look back through history; if you can research and think objectively.

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