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Posts posted by smotherb

  1. 3 hours ago, losername said:

    We all have our rights and freedom.  Those rights and that freedom exist so that we can choose to do something as well as choosing not to do something.  I choose not to smoke.  If someone comes into a bar, sits next to me and blows smoke in my face he is denying me my choice.  Same with Songkran.  I am a prisoner in my own room because I choose not to play water games at Songkran but the streets are full of people who deny me the option of going out and exercising my right to go freely on my way without a soaking with cold water. 

    You sound like the home-owner who complains of aircraft noise, even though he bought near an airport. You chose to come to Thailand.

  2. Yeah, some will undoubtedly complain.  However, read about supply and demand--enough said.


    Just back from my Water-gun Brunch; had a great time. Heard a story I wish on you all who leave Thailand for Songkran. This one old reveler at brunch was having such a good time, I had to introduce myself. As would be expected, the conversation got around to Songkran Haters. He told of several years ago when he tired of Songkran  and flew to Cambodia to escape the moist madness. It seems it was Khmer New Year at the same time and he was forced to go through much the same thing he intended to avoid. As he was cussing the world and trying to drown his sorrows; he noticed an old man in a wheel chair out in the street water-gun battling it out with all comers. He said the grin on the old codger's face was ear to ear and that changed him then and there, he went out and played water too. Funny how that grin in the story reminded me of the grin I saw on my new old-friend's face. 

  3. 1 hour ago, jenifer d said:

    i let my Thai friends in the house CONSTANTLY; only thrice (out of hundreds of times)

    did anybody attempt to steal from me; once,  a Thai friend called to alert me (she was actually one of the other 2 who had stolen from me -lol) the 2 other times, i caught them

    -and nobody has even pretended to steal from me since i gained respect from the locals

    in the last 5 years...


    You may need to be more aware of who you invite to your house. I have lived overseas most of my life and, yes, I have been stolen from; however, not from those I call friends and invite home.


  4. 8 hours ago, Ijustcashier said:

    Are you serous? Not everyone wants to blow 15k to fly out of the country and book hotels, taxis, the wasted half days at the airport all because of water wars.

    Shame the good general doesn't reign in this deadly festival to one day.. Many lives would be saved including children

    I am prepared to accept 1 day and get wet even.

    So, the Thais should change their holiday to suit you--Gee, that's mighty white of you.


    If you don't have the money that seems your personal problem.

  5. 11 minutes ago, overherebc said:

    Isn't telling me to stay home and not do anything being dictated to?

    I follows that I can tell all the people who want to throw water all over anyone should stay home and stop doing it.

    I am not dictating--I am suggesting. I promise I will not come and get you if you don't do what I say.


    Me telling you how to avoid getting wet is not the same as you trying to change the Songkran revelers habits. 


    If you can't see that, well . . . .

  6. 22 minutes ago, dazzz said:

    smotherb said ,
    "Not another cry-baby Songkran rant. It seems so simple; if it hurts, don't do that.  Go out of country for Songkran. Stay at home for Songkran. If you have to go out; drive your car, or wear a raincoat and goggles.   "
      Everything losing teeth , crashing my tuk tuk , burning my legs and the massive amount of carnage is not another cry baby rant , it does hurt , why should i have to go out of the country for some morons who want to hurt me , i dont have a car . raincoats and googles not much use against urine and ice cubes so my poorly written response (dont understand that as english is not my first language so i thought ok , perhaps you should try welsh ) negates everything you said . I am staying at home , locked in by mindless morons . No other country in the world would allow this but of course it is ok to hurt and kill people in thailand as it is their country and thier culture ,NOT

    If it hurts, don't do that.

  7. 6 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

    The posters who stated the festival was gentler decades ago are correct- what has changed is the attitude of people who now throw water, ice and some of it filthy at anyone and anything. It used to be when you indicated not to splash water- people complied. Today, they ignore a reasonable request . It is they who are selfish and without manners. I used to enjoy Songkran but no longer. It has evolved into a drunken expression of everything that is wrong with people in their me only attitude. I will still go out anywhere and everywhere because I know how to avoid the drunks and fools who waste water while the Nation needs it for crops. When the prices go up later in the year for vegetables and basic commodities- the smart people know why and the water wasting fools can't figure it out.

    I think you may have explained it, you said, "I used to enjoy Songkran . . ." People's attitudes change with age; some people anyway.


    My first Songkran was in 1967 or '68. We hired long-tailed boats and had jousting contests at high speed up and down the khlongs--guess where we got the water.  Most of the revelers were drunk, some used ice-water, and some let you pass if you asked. The major change factor I see is age.

  8. 11 minutes ago, dazzz said:

    This is for you and the other people who have no idea what they are talking about. This is NOT thai culture. Songran is whern all the people go to the temple marching through the streets putting scented water ,flowers and powder on you to wash away last years sins .
     3 yrs ago i was driving the udon to nong khai 3 lane road when after passing parked truck 2 days before songran  2 little boys ran out and threw a bucket of water with ice. I was doing about 80kph. It knocked out 2 of my front teeth, smashed my visor damaged my neck which still hurts . Their parents just smiled like it was fun even though i wanted to punch the teeth out.
     Next year was driving my skylab tuk tuk but never thought that the engine was between my knees causing the water to steam and burn my legs quite badly .Later that day i was driving slowly thorugh a village . I sa  a water place ahead but when i got close a motorbike came from the other direction . 2 little girls about 5 not seeing me run out right in front of me to get the bike  . I could not stop so drove of the road overturning my tuk tuk . I was unhurt but 5000 baht damage to my tuk tuk.
      In the  villages by 5pm most of the water is thrown by drunk teenagers . There IS a group every year near my house . They put ice in the water . I have seen the urinating and putting vixol toilet cleaner in the water . THIS IS NOT SONGRAN !
    This adulterated version of songran is carnage . Death and injury all over thaialnd . It is not like kaosan road most of it is on fast roads where it is madness to throw water esp with ice at passing motobikes . It is only fun to drunk people , all the thais i have spoke to , not one says they like the new songran esp older people

    So, what in your poorly written response negates anything I said?

  9. 7 minutes ago, GarryP said:

    Why should I have to pay to go out of the country for Songkran? Why should I have to be housebound for Songkran? Why shouldn't I have the right to choose whether to participate and that right respected by others. Why can't I go out to do some shopping or visit friends without some idiots soaking me? Don't say it is a cultural thing. It is not. It has got progressively worse and worse. As another poster says, there should be designated areas for those who wish to enter water battles and it should be strictly controlled or banned elsewhere. 

    Why should you? So you don't act like a cry-baby.


    What makes you think you have a right to change a Thai custom? And, it is a Thai custom no matter what you say. 


    Many things in Thailand are getting worse and worse; so, what is your point?  


    Gee, is Prayut that other poster? I believe the Thais are trying to have designated areas for celebrating the water festival part of Songkran. I am sure they will be happy to hear you agree.

  10. 5 minutes ago, Cats4ever said:

    I am not an apologist for this word strangling practitioner but, - he was comparing the use of gas on the battlefield, including civilian targets when he mentioned that even Hitler did not do what Assad had done. The use of gas to murder millions of concentration camp inmates was a penal use rather than a military use. I am not diminishing the seriousness of it. I suspect that Mumbles Spice was not thinking broadly when he made the claim. Assad and the aforementioned dictator are both beyond the pale.

    I really feel for Spicer, can you imagine having to defend Trumpisms?



  11. On 2/22/2017 at 9:27 PM, Shawn0000 said:


    You expect a 25 year old to repeatedly rape a primary school girl?  What is wrong with you?  But I do agree that she is also to blame, quite obviously, as she has admitted forcing her daughter to sleep with him.

    "You expect a 25 year old to repeatedly rape a primary school girl?" If the 25 year-old is inclined to do so; why would he not repeatedly do so? 

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