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  1. I doubt it was ever checked by anyone. There must be a huge stockpile of meaningless paperwork in Thailand.
  2. I recall some years ago BKK came up with a brilliant solution. Flags in holders, at the crossings, which people could wave as they walked, stopping the traffic. Unfortunately they had to abandon the idea as a truck wiped out some tourists! Not stopping for pedestrians is part of Thai Culture and would be hard to change without serious enforcement and big penalties.
  3. Many would remember the world-wide negative publicity when Thai immigration threatened the Volunteers who came to help after the Tsunami.
  4. Many years ago a new directive was issued for baht bus routes and it included a service down 3rd road. Of course the baht buses ignored it, as they did with a few other directives, the police did nothing and it was just forgotten TIT
  5. Yes, if you get detected at the airport, as most do. However, if you are detected in another way like an accident, random stop eg then you will be detained at a police station and eventually sent to IDC. So many people just pay at the airport that some have developed a casual attitude to it. It can have serious consequences tho
  6. You can use the Priority lines if you are over 70.same as Families, disabled etc. When departing you bypass the regular security and immig checks as well
  7. '. A proper entry visa should be obtained in their country of citizenship prior to entering Thailand: What a stupid idea! I have a British passport, a country I left with my parents aged 11. I now live in the Philippines but you want me to head to the UK to get a Thai Visa? Think before you post stuff.
  8. The Swedes had the benefit of brown paper bags rather than brown envelopes........ they hold more!
  9. Not sure how the introduction of a digital version of an arrival form they scrapped 2 years ago and obviously didn't need, is going to enhance the tourist experience or speed things up! The TM6 data was mainly used by TAT to justify their jobs and they don't need it...... they just make the numbers fit their targets
  10. A few posters have mentioned PROBATE. One said it can take 3 months! Under what circumstances is Probate required? Is it on every will. Does it depend on the value of the assets? Does your heir have to show Probate granted to withdraw monies from your bank account, transfer your car to their name etc etc. All valid questions as part of the process I think. Any actual experience on here?
  11. I have used Wise for many years from OZ and, Iike Farma, got the same message from them after a transfer a few months ago. I changed the original BSB account number to the one given in their message and have made several transfers using it since. The message was from Wise and would not appear to be a scam, but you are Wise to be cautious.
  12. KBank app works fine for meh7 in Philippines. As was said earlier make sure you sti ll have access to your profiled phone number for any text mssges.
  13. Most likely someone at a lower level in a govt dept realized when this was first proposed that it would present criminals with an opportunity. Unfortunately Thai culture does not appreciate those who criticize their superiors. They would want to keep quiet about it.
  14. yes, if your overstay is detected at the airport. If it's found out by the police, traffic stop etc then it's arrest and detention with removal to the CDC as happened to him.
  15. Don't pay them if they don't attend, that will increase attendance!

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