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  1. I can't see this ever happening to the Teflon bureaucrats. I am just amazed he got a jail sentence, tho whether he serves the 5 years is another matter
  2. I would have thought that his actions make him well qualified for the job. He probably couldn't find the right person to pay off as he did for his previous promotions. The story will disappear into the journalistic black hole and he will be fine.
  3. Wasn't it a condition of his parole/freedom that he stayed out of politics? He just wanted to play with his grandkids he said. Liar!
  4. Nice move guys. People make international travel plans well in advance. Today I booked a return ticket for 16th May, giving my partner and I 35 days in Thailand. To get a visa we have a 2 hour + trip to Manila, and pick it up 2 business days later, not an easy or cheap process. Hopefully they will give this change their usual effective implementation.
  5. You want to give ladyboys a 30 day visas! The tourist was not aggressive, but that wonderful Thai culture can't handle criticism. If you are going to get on the 'ban 60 day' bandwagon at least pick a relevant thread
  6. That would have no effect at all. Corruption is so entrenched in the police force (indeed in all of Thailand) that they will just continue to collect. It's what they join up for!
  7. No it's not! Dogs around me bark at anything and everything they see. Happens all the time, at any time and everybody just ignores them because it means nothing!
  8. There are no 'free visas', they are 'Visa Free' entries. A Tourist Visa requires an application, providing data on the tourist, which can be verified. These folk just turn up at the airport and are let in.
  9. Or superiors at work. The guy who really knows how things work, and all the reasons why the latest idea from management won't work, just keeps quiet.
  10. "and enforce mandatory leash and cage. They lack common sense. " Which is exactly why any such law would not work, plus the BIB would ignore any reported violation of that law. Same here in the Philippines. We live in a private sub-div with those rules. Of course the dogs are bored and bark at anything that moves. Dogs wander around unchecked all the time, I do fear for the little ones.
  11. The actions of many Monks over the years should have done more damage to the religions image than 2 kind foreigners giving them a lift. What a ridiculous complaint.
  12. I doubt it was ever checked by anyone. There must be a huge stockpile of meaningless paperwork in Thailand.
  13. I recall some years ago BKK came up with a brilliant solution. Flags in holders, at the crossings, which people could wave as they walked, stopping the traffic. Unfortunately they had to abandon the idea as a truck wiped out some tourists! Not stopping for pedestrians is part of Thai Culture and would be hard to change without serious enforcement and big penalties.
  14. Many would remember the world-wide negative publicity when Thai immigration threatened the Volunteers who came to help after the Tsunami.
  15. Many years ago a new directive was issued for baht bus routes and it included a service down 3rd road. Of course the baht buses ignored it, as they did with a few other directives, the police did nothing and it was just forgotten TIT
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