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Posts posted by oz457

  1. Dear all,


    I will travel to Bangkok on 7th of January 2017. I will fly out to China for a visit of a company around the 13th. If I apply on Monday at the Chinese embassy in Bangkok, will 3 working days be enough to get the visum done?

    How long does it takes to get a Chinese Visa?


    I know it costs 1000 baht, but there is no information available on how much time is required to get a Chinese Visum issued.


    Thanks for any reply.


  2. I think the OP (original poster) has the right to get a very clever answer.

    If your girlfriend is willing you to buy a house for her, she needs to earn it. Or even better earn it together. I suggest not to give in and talk with her. Tell her that in our Western standards, if you as a couple want to get something, you both have to work for it.

    Tell her to put about 5.000 to 10.000 baht of savings aside and start to get to the 400.000 baht.

    Imagine, 5.000 baht each, 1 year is 60.000 baht per peson, thus 120.000 baht for both a year.

    After 3 years, you have the amount and you can start build the house.

    If you just give her the money, she will not feel like she has earned it. And let me tell you a story so you understand me better. You better give this example to your girlfriend, because this is the truth.

    When I was working for a company about 17 years ago, I got a car for free, the fuel card for free. It was all offered by the company. Well.. I drove like a madman with this car. Not taking care of it at all.

    But when I started to work and I had to earn my car myself, believe me, the day I bought my own car with my own hard earned money, I was taking so much care of the car, because I was working for it for 3 years.

    Well, what I want to tell you, is that love is not to be measured on how much she gets or what she gets. Love is measured in what you realize together and if you are worth both sacrifices on doing so. If she is not open for the idea, i'm sorry to say to you, but she is only interested in the money, not the relationship.

    In Thailand, and Thai culture, the misperception of a Thai lady with a Farang is: why hasn't she received a car/house/nice skirt, etc. from her rich bf.

    I have had many conflict situation about this and this is an area of conflict in many relationships in Thailand. We can respect their culture, but they have to respect ours too.

  3. As I'm from Brussels, I will still contact AZ leuven and check with them too. Not sure what is their reputation about eye surgeries.

    As you figured it out, Medipolis is a private facility and therefor is more expensive.

    I also contacted Rutnin eye hospital. I'm feeling sorry I didn't know about this hospital a month ago, because I was in Thailand for business and holidays.

    My next visit to Thailand is scheduled next year, or, if sales is good maybe in September.


  4. @sunnyjim5

    In my case, the procedure was recommended by the Belgian Medipolis clinic in Antwerp.

    I was looking forward to find other procedures, but apparently, they come at a price. You will eventually loose some focus on objects far away.

    So you'll gain sharpness in objects (books, smartphone) close, but you'll loose some quality in objects far away.

    The IOL procedure seems to be the one with almost no price. Far and short objects should be sharp HD quality. But.... you might loose some contrast. That's what I have been told.

    I have been testing with daily contact lenses in one eye of +1.5. They are hard to find though in Thailand. I only found them around nana area, frequented by tourists. It seems the thai's are more in need of minus lenses.

    I would love to hear from other people their good and bad experience about IOL operations. You know, the eyes are one of the most important organs of a human. And I don't want to fool around.

    Kind regards.


  5. Hi all,

    The clinic I have been recommended is Medipolis in Belgium. They call it a IOL, they call it literaly translated, lens replacement.

    This is done to all people who have no specific problems with eyes, just suffering from farsightness caused by ageing or also called presbyopia.

    Lasik and all other methods are, according to Medipolis not recommended, because when adjusting the eye for better reading, you will eventually loose sight for objects far away.

    Therefor, a lens replacement is recommended.

    I try to find people who have experience about this procedure.

    In Belgium, the entire operation is at a huge cost (€ 7200).

  6. Dear all,

    I'm suffering from Presbyopia due to my age (44). I've visited a hospital in my home country and they recommend a lens transplant.

    Someone on this board has done a lens transplant in Thailand? If so, where, what was the price, and what is your experience.

    This could be valuable information for everybody.

    Please don't continue this thread with telling how bad/good. I want some reviews from people who has done the transplant, or who might know someone who has done the surgery.

    Thanks for all.

  7. Hi Technik,


    I haven't taken any time to read the crap other posters write.

    I have been going to Thailand for 14 years for my job. I have seen older men with younger ladies, where the younger ladies are ripping the older men off, of all their savings of a lifetime. 

    I know you are not that old, but my point is, be careful. Don't show your love with money, because you will always be a looser.

    She lied in the first place. So my advise, the relationship is built on sand, not on concrete.

    If you are married, you have responsibilities. She had to think about it from the very first day when she married the guy.

    How would you react (in case it is no scam) if you are married for many years and you find out your wife is going with other men?


    There no such thing like paying money to divorce. That is bull shit. So, it is clear it is a scam.

    I advise you to move on with your life. I know it is a hard pill to swallow when you realize you have been loosing so much time these few months trying to build up something that fails.

    If you feel no good, get depressed, get some Saint John's wort pills, and you'll get over your depressed feelings pretty well. It is a natural product that will help you a lot and after a few weeks from now, you'll start to see things more clearly.

    I don't want to make a fool of you like some of them love to do on this forum, I want to be a helping hand.


    Wish you good luck and please, don't let love and money interfere with each other.




  8. I got around the farang price alreay many times because I do speak Thai. I joke with them and ask them to charge my wife the farang price, because she already stole all my money. Just a little joke in Thai, and all is cleared up. If one day it doesn't work, I'll just show them how sad I am and I'll just won't go in. They'll feel bad about it, because I'll loose face for them, but I will also make them feel they loose face as well... so, loose, loose situation.

  9. I was finally able to get a hand on a new IQ6. Those who have also bought the IQ6, could you please check if your headset control button works or not. On both phones I have had, the headset button did not work. I want to map it with a program called ZELLO, but it does not work.

    Maybe we need to have root access. If someone has any news or information on how to root the phone. I need to root it to put some security software, to be able to make a full backup and to probably do the mapping of the headset. I found some info here.

  10. Hi all,

    @TommyTucker @damole

    everything can be configured. You can have the phone ask you at every call which sim card you want to use, you can force the phone to use one of the two sims for phone, you can configure the data over 1 of the sims (of course, you can't have data on both sims at the same time) and you can force to have only 3G , 2G or automatic, i.e. 3 G as a preferred data network connection.


    I have Tom Tom SEasia on the phone works perfect. Very fast and in the car, on the backseat have a good satellite receive.

    But..... I have the phone that fell on the ground and since then, it has a very bad operator reception. I had to bring back the phone. No visible damage on the phone from the shock, but it is very strange to me that the receive of the operator signal has gone down. I don't know it is due to the shock. The think is, they give a nice silicone body with the phone that makes the phone very resistant to shocks.

    So, I had to bring it back to the Big-C where I bought the phone. As the phone was not yet purchased less than 7 days, they have taken it back, as it was undamaged.

    I wanted to exchange it, but they are out of stock.

    So, the thing is: is this a generic problem or not? Maybe I had bad luck, but I remember before the shock the receive has gone down.

    To give you an idea, I live right next to a DTAC antenna. The signal was only half. The 12call AIS antenna is about 2 km away from my home. I didn't have any signal any more although I had a full receive before I started to have the problems.

    As I have been refunded, I am desperately looking around for a new one. But they seem to be sold out a little everywhere I have been. I live upcountry between Kalasin and Khon Kaen. A phone call to BigC in KK also reveiled they are out of stock and they won't get any in.

    I will go down to Bangkok by the beginning of next week, and I hope to buy one in Bangkok.

    I hope I will be more lucky next time.

    Just looking for other people who have bought the mobile IQ6.


  11. After all, I have finally purchased the i-mobile IQ6... released the 24th of January. Purchase price: 8490 Baht minus a member card from Lotus Tesco value of 548 Baht. Total price of the phone: 7942 Baht. Very good value for the performance of this phone.

    I am coming from a small 800 Mhz ZTE Blade phone, so the change is enormous.

    The screen is much larger and this is good for me, because I'm getting difficulties with short sight. I try to avoid using glasses, so this mobile phone is much better for me.

    The phone is running Android 4.1.1, not rooted.

    I will try to root the phone once it has been fully documented on the websites. Any info is always welcome.

    Speed: 9,5/10

    I can run DIVX movies I normally view on my own laptop, MP4 files, etc. I have not seen any shocks when playing the movies.

    FULL HD camera is asking too much processor power (see lower)

    Screen: 9,5/10

    No problem using the phone in full daylight. I never had to put my hand over the screen to have a better screen view, so, all I can say: PERFECT

    Touchscreen: 10/10

    Smoothly, very accurate.

    Battery life: 7/10

    I'm picky here... I'm a heavy user. This means, I use it all day. I can go about 6 hours on a full charge with permanent use.

    I'll solve the problem like I have always done in the past: buy a pair of spare batteries with a battery charger, change the battery with a fully charged battery by taking it out of the phone. I hate all these phones where you have non removable batteries (i.e. Iphone, Sony Ericcson, etc.). I have learned my lesson from some friend who had a phone that did not allow to take out the battery. It fell in the water, and because the battery could not be removed, it ruined the phone completely. If you can remove the battery, circuitry won't short.

    Sound and speakers 7/10

    There is still some work here. I think the phone is not loud enough, but I'll try to put some software on it and I hope I won't burn the speaker when over-driving the speaker.

    Camera 9,5/10

    This is the part where I have been surprised the most. Even my nikon camera does not take pictures that are that good. Of course, you don't have a optical zoom, but the 12 million pixels makes the pictures come out really perfect.

    I have been using the camera also as video camera. It can go as high as super HD 1988 x 1280 pixels. I think they have added this camera without checking if the processor would be able to handle to compress the movie in real time. This is where you see some problems, and I do not recommend the use HD on this camera. The standard HD 1280 * 1028 quality works perfect though. I think you have to be an expert to be able to see the difference between both video quality settings. So 1280 x 1028 video is just perfect

    The camera comes with a handy panoramic automated assistance, so just make 1 shot, turn around and the camera does the rest. I have not seen any red eye effect so far. In very sober light, the video and pictures start to pixellate, but you'll get that with any camera.

    Other stuff, it comes with a silicon case, screen protection cover, headset and of course a charger for the LiPolimer battery.

    One final thing, I have not been able to use the knob on the headset to pick up a call. Maybe it is me, maybe a bug.

    I also sometimes get a message in Spanish language when charging and using my phone as an access point, so I can surf the web with the wifi of my computer over the i-mobile. Another small bug.

    Overall, 9,2/10. That is very high.

    Please allow me to tell you I have never used any Galaxy IIIS. I have played around with the Iphone, but as I have written a little higher in the review, this phone is not good for me due to the battery restrictions.

    Any questions, let me know.

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