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Posts posted by oz457

  1. Hi all,

    Thanks for all the replies. The reason I want to have dual sim, is that I want to use one sim for phone (I have a very cheap contract with my Belgian phone company) and the second sim would be used to have 3G (from another provider).

    If the procedure to root the phone is difficult, it is not a barrier. I'm a computer engineer, so difficult does not mean impossible.

    I am now looking into the i-mobile Q1, Q5 and Q6. They seem to have fair prices when I look at their specs. Honestly, I don't care about brand name. If you go for a brand name, you pay for it. Finally, all phones are running the same operating system -android-, so it does not matter what is the brandname of the hardware.

    So, my only question is, those of you using the i-mobile IQ models? Are they good? What about battery life? Are they solid phones? Screen quality in sunlight? etc. etc.

  2. I don't care the brand name, but here are the requirements for a new phone:

    1. Dual Sim card

    2. Android system

    3. Can be rooted (or upgraded to newer software where root access is available) (and or upgraded with cyanogenmod)

    4. minimum 1,2 Ghz speed

    5. removable battery

    6. GPS

    7. 3G

    8. Wifi

    9. Engish language support

    Anybody any idea what could be within the requirements what's on the market now?

  3. Hello everybody.

    Is there a service somewhere where you can rent a safe. I mean, not at a hotel, but a safe to put your belongings and money into it, so I don't have to travel with my cash money all the time.

    Any help is welcome.

  4. Hi all,

    Please apologize if the subject is in this forum channel. I haven't seen a channel related to driving, etc.

    My wife will come over to Europe (Belgium). Can she use her Thai driving license to drive a car in Europe or does she require a international driving license like we do when we go to Thailand?

    In case an international driving license is required, where can she get it and what are the costs involved?


  5. Dear friends,

    it has been a year I have been to Thailand, I have to travel next Tuesday to Bangkok for business. As the flooding is getting worse, will it be a problem to travel from the airport to Samrong?

    Last year, the BTS Bearing was still closed for construction. Is it open yet? Maybe I could use the airport link and go further with the BTS to Bearing station if it is operational.

    Are there still busses running from the airport to Sukhumvit?

    Greetings to all.

  6. Dear friends,

    as I have been riding the honda wave bikes 5 years back, I have bought myself a honda wave (in Europe named innova) about 3 years ago. As I have no dealer close to my location, I am facing the following problem:

    There is a black tube that comes from the bottom of the carburetor. And it leaks, not just one drop, it leaks about half a tank when standing still for more than 4 days.

    I have opened only the bottom side of the carburator. There was some dirt in it, cleaned it, and checked the float set that floats in the fuel of the carburetor can so if it can move up easily. I also checked the small pin that is supposed to stop the fuel entering the carburetor what the float pushes it up.

    After cleaning and checking, there is still fuel leaking out of the carburator? Does anybody have any experience? Do I have to take off the entire carburator? Should I buy a new one when I go to Thailand next month?

    Kind regards to all, and thanks for any help.

    PS. Parts of the motorbike seems to be available at the following website: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B0fPe4feWkfeNmFjNWI3YjQtYzdkMy00ZjRhLWE2Y2MtYjE3YmI3NTc5NjBi&hl=nl

    see carburetor page 20 section 3, 17 and the picture under.

  7. Funny thing, as my wife got scammed by police in BKK today - just the usual 500 baht for something that was very clearly not a traffic offense - I was thinking how to counter that, and the only thing that could actually work is a public opinion campaign.

    Every scamming officer gets filmed. Every "offense" gets disputed in the courts. How long would the traffic police corruption last? Not long. But some people would get intimidated/beat up along the way, and the person starting this would basically have a target painted on their chest.

    ps: yes I told her to not stop, but she wouldn't listen - growing up here can do this to you I guess. I never stop for them anymore. If it's a scam, they won't come after you because for one they can hardly start a police action for nothing ("didn't pay me 500 baht for a traffic violation I just invented"); and secondly, in the time it takes to go after you they could scam 5 other people instead.

    Just do what I did: put 3 to 4 dummy camera's with a led light in the camera and tell the police officer to smile, because your camera's are running all the time.

    He'll smile back and let you drive on....

  8. I'm in Kho Chang at the moment. I met a German neighbour in the guesthouse where I stay and he told me it is possible to get another 14 day stamp upon my 30 day stamp in my passport. He told me to go to the immigration Bureau close to the pier at Centerpoint and they will add up another 14 days and it is even free.

    I have many doubts regarding his story, because things like that are not for free in general.

    Is this true? If so, is it really free.

    I can of course just to a visa run to Cambodia, but that's of course about 1200 baht.

    In case I can get another 14 days, is the immigration bureau open on Sundays?

    Thanks for any help.

  9. This question has come up to this forum a thousand times, but as my internet connection is very very slow, I don't have the luxury to check all the board.

    My Visa on Arrival will expire on feb 17. I will fly out on feb 26. As I will be heading to bkk next week, is it possible to get a 9 day extension? I have no other stamps in my passport, so no problem with any other 90 days out of 180 days rule things.

    Another option for me would be to do a border run to Poipet? But if I go to Bkk immigration office, can they provide 9 more days, and if yes, what is the price?

    Thanks for any short reply.

  10. I have been coming and going to the family in Thailand.

    I'll be back for one month and a half and will be spending my time 2 weeks in Bangkok (eeuw - don't like bkk) and in Nong Khung Sri, Kalasin.

    What is the best value solution for my mobile internet access in Bangkok.

    For my stay in Kalasin, I have tried 12call, True and Dtac, being Dtac GPRS service offering the best signal and fastest solution.

    As I have not been in Thailand for a while now, so I want to know if new technologies have been implemented regarding mobile internet.

  11. Political and religious leaders are taking a huge responsibility regarding population control.

    Abortion should be legalized and should be available to everybody until a specified time limit. If only just to keep population growth under control.

    Just take the global picture (worldwide). The population has been growing from 2 billion in the 1920's to 7.5 billion today.

    If you just take things objectively, things started to go wrong in the 1960 when the world population exceeded 3 billion.

    In my humble opinion, everything should be undertaken to decrease the world population ASAP to a maximum of 2.5 billion.


    The human species is the worst race on this planet. They destroy everything in favor of their own profit.

    But you cannot change the mathematical truth of nature. We are now on the verge of a total population crash.

    I will explain as briefly as possible, but if you are interested in this matter, find more information on the links that I post a little lower:

    Population growth has been possible thanks to our fossil fuel exploitation. Food production has been increased thanks to technological (fossil fuel consuming) progress and processes. Strictly spoken, wit the current population, we use 1.5 x our earth. Where does this 0.5 come from? Well, it is simple, from everything we find below the ground: fossil fuels and all kinds of raw materials. But unfortunately, these fossil fuels and raw materials are at the edge of being exhausted, and that's when mother earth and mathematical truth will kick in.

    If you believe this story is far from your bed, I'm afraid to tell you, that all people younger than 35 will live in a world that will be hit by a world population crash.

    So stopping babies of being born has to be supported by political and religious leaders. If they don't, they are all responsible for destroying a planet and creating misery.

    More information: follow the links


    http://www.lifeaftertheoilcrash.net/Index.html - aim at this one


  12. To promote a population increase is mass murder.

    Within the current population increase we will be running with 21 billion if a baby born today will be aged 70. With the population increase, oil use per capita increase and finite petrol reserves, we are heading for a population crash. I hope Thailand population minister is aware of that.

    For those who are interested in this subject, and even those people who aren't, I strongly recommend to view the video from Pr. Al Bartlett on the following link:

    For a lot of people, after have viewed this video, they all get another perception of the crash we are heading to. The economical crisis, piek oil, world population crash, etc. etc... it is all weaved together.

  13. Open an account with VOIP discount, Poivy.com or another of these cheap voip systems on the internet.

    Check the local number to call into (local UK number)

    Contact you mobile phone company and ask them a fixed price to call this number and certainly don't tell them this number is from voipdisount! (I pay € 10 to make UNLIMITED calls to one specific fixed phone number, in this case the one of voipdiscount)

    And call your contact in thailand and elsewhere in the world for free and almost unlimited just by using two staged calling throught the voipdiscount free for your mobile phone dialin number...


    did you make an account with poivy?

    Now go to the following web page:


    Select United kingdom from the drop down menu. Then select the region.

    That's the number you have to call to.

    Before you can use this number, you will have to configure you poivy account to recognize the number from where you are calling. This is called the caller ID or clip number.

    Let's say, your home phone number you call from is +44 1234567890,

    then you'll have to log into your account at poivy on the web site, then go to the personal details section (in the left collumn) and you'll see something like:

    PHONE numbers somewhere in the middle of the page.

    fill in your home phone number +44 1234567890

    You can also fill in your mobile number of your mobile phone.

    Next time, you call the local access number of poivy, it will know it is YOU and it will use your account when you call on.

    So how it work? Call the local access number of poivy, then wait until you hear the operator. The automated operator asks you to dial the number of your correspondent, which in your case is thailand. Dial 0066 .... followed with the number of your correspondent and add a hash at the end of the number.

    There you are: you are calling thailand for free through your local access number.

    Second thing to do is trying to get a subscription at your mobile phone company so you can call this local access number for free.

    I got this done with my Belgian operator. I have a monthly subscription of € 10. I never call any number but the local access number to call all over the world. My monthly subscription fee never exceeds this 10 euro, although I can call up to 10 hours per month for free within this subscription fee to this only one number.

    This system is called TWO STAGED dialing. If you want to automate this two staged dialing to your correspondent, then save the number of your correspondent as follows:

    localaccessnumber + pause + correspondentnumber

    let's say your local access number is 0987654321 and your correspondent number is 0066876543210 then you save the number like this


    in your phone

    to make this p, if you use nokia, just press 2 or 3 times the star key.

    I hope this post makes it clear as crystal water.

  14. I would like to know some experiences about people who drive a car and got involved into an accident. Of course, it depends if there are casualties or not. I heard stories of the police trying to rip off the farang because he was not supposed to be there when the accident occurred.

    What to do? To you run away, do you help the casualties, etc. etc.

  15. Open an account with VOIP discount, Poivy.com or another of these cheap voip systems on the internet.

    Check the local number to call into (local UK number)

    Contact you mobile phone company and ask them a fixed price to call this number and certainly don't tell them this number is from voipdisount! (I pay € 10 to make UNLIMITED calls to one specific fixed phone number, in this case the one of voipdiscount)

    And call your contact in thailand and elsewhere in the world for free and almost unlimited just by using two staged calling throught the voipdiscount free for your mobile phone dialin number...

  16. Racism? I'm Belgian and I can tell you, the government of my own country thinks we are working dogs to pay taxes. As a native of my own country, I don't get the advantages of immigrants. My own government hates it's own native population. We are just working money machine generators to fill up their pockets and the pockets of their friends. We get taxed 54% here, so I would prefer to earn twice as less and get no tax.

    Food? If you don't like the food out there, just cook your own food. Here in Belgian, with a normal income, you are unable to go to the restaurant at all, except for some fast food and some french fries.

    In these 15 years you've been around in Thailand, things have changed in your own country, believe me.

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