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Posts posted by Longtooth

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Massive problem almost World wide. My Father-in-law is 91 and in and out of Hospital in Thailand. Every time i go there the place is full of people over 85 that they are just keeping alive by one means or another. Just ten years ago these people would have been dead already and you have to wonder what the point of keeping them alive is when they have no quality of life, as it costs every country billions.

    When you reach that age you may feel different about the issues. In principle I'm in favour of voluntary euthanasia assuming there is a clear medical and a clear legal framework, but i'm aware that once such a legal framework exist it may be too tempting to modify to 'better' suit certain government needs.

    "Soylent Green is people!"

    Science fiction is written by people focusing their immagination on the future. "Futurists". If the world doesn't radically change it's ways, "Soylent Green" will certainly come to pass. Think about what the info in this topic means. We will be dead, but our children will absolutely live in a declining world. I'm sad to say. The question is, "What can we do about it?" Humanity has the same intelligence as yeast. We are in our wine vat of fermenting grape juice (our world), multiplying till our own waste kills us all. (I think that would be about 14% alcohol, or until all the "sugar" is gone.) Just have to shake your head and say, "Dunno." It's human greed, I guess. So, go out there and "have a nice day", and try to not be so darn GREEDY! smile.png

  2. If you want maximum peace of mind check the water. There are locations in Thailand that have elevated natural arsenic levels. If your well is shallow, (hand dug) you might want to check for pesticides, herbicides, coli, etc. I would bet pesticides, herbicides and arcsenic could pass through an RO filter. Dunno. I had all the checks...water sample was sent to some lab in Bangkok... about 2500 baht.

  3. OK, looking and thinking some more.... What it needs is the Turbo unit off of Ford's new 1 liter Fiesta! I bet you could mount it where the "tank" is, above the engine. The tank is not a tank. The tank is under the seat. A turbo, with heat shielding and air flow, with the turbo exhaust curving back to the front and dumping under the engine. You could fab a new "tank" to cover the assembly. No muffler at all needed, as the turbo will just put out a loud "Whooshing" noise. Now we're actually talking COOL! Probably about 25 more ponies, after tuning.

  4. Sometimes we have to be cruel to be kind. No doubt you have tried to talk with her about this problem.

    The best thing for you is to tell her that you wish to finish with her until such time as she can prove she is clean & sober.

    I have had a lot of experience with alcoholics and drug addicts but not with the drug you are talking about YaBa.

    The worst thing you can do for the addict is to prop them up, pull out all of the props and let her get to her rock bottom.

    Its called "Tough Love"

    I wish you luck

    Exactly. If you even buy her food, clothing, a place to sleep....when nobody else would....you are a "facilitator". You are preventing her from reaching rock bottom and "enabling" her to continue on with her habit. Sometimes when they reach rock bottom, they want to change their life and go clean. Unfortunately, sometimes rock bottom is death, by one of many possibilities. (Even including "old age", after a miserable life, full of lies and stealing and pain.) If you don't break off from her, you will be dragged down the same path she goes down... we all know too well where that path leads. Johny Cash talks about his speed addiction in his book, "The man in black". He got through it,eventually, after a lot of needless pain. (Or, I guess, NEEDED pain.)

    • Like 2
  5. I went in to Kasemrod Sri Burin Hospital in ChiangRai last week, and I was told by the doctor that they had no combo vaccine for my kid. Also told the other big private hospital, Overbrook, ChiangRai, did not have it. I was also told they were not really sure when they would get it. I worry about even checking at the government hospital, because I've heard tales of mercury in vaccines used as a preservative, in old style or cheap or something or another. Sri Burin told me long ago they have no mercury in ANY of their vaccines. Check net for ill effects in children.

  6. Yes, very "Batman Like". Maybe they should call it the "Re-Vultus". Could a person stab their eyeball out on a short stop with that windshield? Part of the look, but I'm just asking! With limited production and an NC750 platform, pretty sure the price will be surprisingly more than 400,000.

  7. Had you changed the hardware between the first and second installs? Windows uses hardware as part of the "fingerprint" for the install.

    Do I need to activate Windows after making a hardware change?

    Maybe. When you make a significant hardware change to your computer, such as upgrading the hard disk and memory at the same time, you might be required to activate Windows again. For more information, see Activate Windows 7 on this computer.

    Veerrry In-terrresting!! But Shtoopide!! Thanks!

  8. No worse than most of the crap they play in bars and restaurants thinking that the customer likes the same sh** they do.

    And you can't get busted for playing it.

    You sound like your dad...... " that's not music, it's just a noise". Playing copyright-free music in a bar is just not an option . It appeals to no one.

    There is plenty of contemporary copyright-free music out there because artists are no longer restricted to being picked by the record companies.

    Many of them stick good music out for free to get themselves promoted.

    I would suggest you maybe have a listen before you start spouting off.

    And you obviously dont know what your talking about and have never met these Music Police scammers because if you had you would know it DONT MATTER what music you are playing they will intimidate the staff and start taking ipods computers etc and even arrest staff members and lock them up in the police station until the fine is paid

    Many people are intimidated by them and that is why the pay like what has been said before take pictures start calling the REAL POLICE and let them know you know what their game is.

    If indeed they are back then its the publicity that got them arrested last time so pictures and video is order of the day.

    If fake police can kidnap and lock up people at the real police station, then what good would it do to call the real police, if they're already in on it? Very scary.

  9. Decent piece but inaccurate (except for the part about emails).

    You can walk right up at Starbucks and say, "Small coffee," and no one would blink. Also, I have never heard anyone say tunafish and certainly not sodapop!

    The writer goes to far with this and missed a big point right from the start: many Americans have little to no faith or respect for authority.

    I think it would take more than "small coffee" to decribe what you would like to drink at Starbucks. I think the long preface statements at Starbucks are made by wannabe hi-sos to pissoff the peons (pronounced "pee-ons", taken from Mexican "peones", poor folk.) behind them in line. "Question Authority" was a great bumper sticker. As to tunafish and sodapop, you need to be both old, and from "Calli."

  10. I love my Makita 2-stroke, BIG engine model. (They make normal and BIG.) Sound never bothered me. They include a real easy mixing container.

    Just get an old 4 liter plastic engine oil jug, fill it with regular 91 octane, fill the mixing container to a line on it, fill higher to another line on it with 2-T oil, and you have 25:1 mix. Starts after sitting weeks on second pull. The guy at the shop said much stronger than a 4-stroke Honda. When I encounter a stand of smallish bamboo or largish reeds, I just rev it up and swing it through like a scythe. (If that's how you spell it.) Just bought a 14" blade of thinner stainless steel for cheap, to replace the 12" regular steel one. Great! Run it just above idle at smooth running speed for normal grass and weeds. Lovely. Straight shaft. I put 90 weight differential oil in the head gear. They say to use grease, but I obviously have my own ideas.

    • Like 1
  11. I'm sure if they actually had a case against Yingluck that could stand even the slightest amount of independent scrutiny details would have leaked. This is another ridiculous attempt at a judicial coup which will again fail. In fact it's so obvious that another coup wont be tolerated that I would not be surprised if the court actually abandons its frivilous plans and acquits the pretty lady, much the same way they rejected the Democrats bid to have the Feb 2 election tossed out. Suthep has gone all in on the verdict going his way - when it doesn't the jig is up for him. 13 - 15 of March is to be victory day for the constitution, the rule of law, Ms Yingluck, truth, justice and the American way.

    I can almost visualize that guy standing behind your post... chest out proudly, hands on hips, cape flying, big "S" on chest, Is that Superman? No...No... It's "S.....................................................

  12. If you drive a motorbike in Thailand you are 100% responsible to watch out every second for any traffic around you. the bus and truck drivers are not educated and have learned driving from the dogs on the street primarily. They are most often on Ya ba and are crazy. they don't care about you and will often times go after you for fun. But at best they are not good drivers and never will be here in this country. Please watch out.

    RIP to victim, but we know his family won't RIP. This is terrible! Besides the above enlightenment, which I agree with, I say think about going faster than the traffic at all times. Use the fast lane with multiple lanes, never use the motorcycle (suicide) lane, and don't let any large vehicle catch you to run you off the road. You need a faster bike than the normal little ones, but it doesn't need to be super special. I've been riding since I was 9, and I'm serious in this advice. There is no perfect answer to this terrible problem, you just shake your head. A saddening lose.

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  13. This is about much bigger things than politics, and the anti-democratic 'Yellow Shirts' have played their hand brilliantly as they tightened the noose around a democratically elected government. I just worry about the repercussions...

    Have you been asleep for the last 10 years

    wakey Wakey

    The yellow shirts are not the main party here

    they may have joined in

    but these are The people of Thailand protestors

    many issan people are part of the protest and they hate the yellow shirts

    Sorry I am stupid thinking you where living in Thailand

    are you missing you last beer bar holiday ?

    I wonder if there will be the nice day in which you will make a post where you can expose your idea without insulting the poster you are referring to.

    Believe me, a little of manner would make no harm, really.

    Yes. Usually the insult is in the first line, and then the thought. Discussion... not CAT FIGHT. Some people are getting turned off from posting because of the predictable impending insulting retort. I'm OK, because I post and run. Does a tree falling in the forest make a sound if there is no ear to hear? I post here because I doubt there is a topic on politeness.

    • Like 2
  14. Do you have an aircon? You can turn it into a giant air purifier by adding some 3M filtrate material to the filter. Ours works great! Do a search on here to learn more about it and where to buy it. For a few hundred baht to can have a air filter that does way more volume than any commercial unit.

    Yep, used it, worked great. Smelled like smoke when I changed it. You don't need to cut to exact size and use the little sticky tabs.... just fold it around your coarse primary filter elements and slide them back in again. Lovely. If you want a UNIT, I am happy with my AMWAY large unit, after doing quite some research. Units that have electrostatic cleaners integrated probably get smoke the best. Or, there's always vacation to Phuket during the burning season.

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