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Posts posted by ManilaLover

  1. Not interested in this girls, but those peeps hanging around with camera's, just wondered if John Lennon jumped from this bridge :)

    Did he jump, or was he pushed ? :D

    Please get your facts straight. I read, he got shot and his body was dumped over this bridge. Very sad.


    Or perhaps izzit teh phamous footprint of the Big Yeti on teh old steel bridzj ????

    BTW I just remember, it must have been 2 years ago when I took this pics myself on the bridge... an escavator that fell of a pontoon was lifted up from the bridge, very strange how they managed to get the heavy tow trucks on the small bridge...














  2. You wanna buy my Dutch Batavus citybike ? Batavus is a famous 400 year old brand from Holland, the bike is in excellent condition because I did'nt use it a lot.

    7 speed, drumbrakes and serious 'Amsterdam-Proof' locks, just need a new saddle because the rubber is kind of 'melting'.

    New it was around '90.000 bath' so don't expect a bargain, because I don't really NEED to sell it, but can contact me. This top quality bike is unique in Thailand and you will get many reactions from locals who are impressed...

    Very smooth and pleasant to drive !


    Batavus Staccato

  3. <br />Anywhere do gas? Mr mega phobic to dentists!<br /><br />David<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    dr. kitcha tells me the only place with gas is 'dentalland' on nimmenhaminin

    Dr. Kitcha is telling fibs. Grace also have Nitrous Oxide.

    Dr. Kitcha is a crook, forget that guy. He charges a lot of money for a temporary plastic crown that's normally just include in the price when you wait for a new crown to be ready. And he insulted my old mum by proudly saying 'Heil Hitler' to show his knowledge about Germany although we are Dutch with jewish backgrouds.

    The best dentist might be Clark Lamberton, a 90 (!!!!) year old American who lives here for 50 years and has a lot of knowledge and inexpensive.

    His shop is opposite Sansai market (the road to doi saket just pass the 2nd ringroad) next to the Charun Optic. He is a great guy who loves his job, his staff are nice and respectable people too, not like those timid young chicks from Kitcha.

    If you go for cheap go to a clinic connected to the university, but can't tell you where.

  4. I don't believe this,

    2 years ago I was driving an insured rent motorbike in Chiangmai when a female cardriver cut' me off on my lane and I hit her cardoor with 50km/h, I was lucky not to get seriously injured.

    It was clear that b**ch was 100% wrong, though via threaths of her dad the tourist police warned me for court procedures that could take years, and loss of my visa if I did not simply agree to pay the 7.000 damage of her 20+ year old car just to get the case closed quickly.

    (may Buddha punish them !)

    Guess it's kind of the same story...

  5. note that webs (former freewebs) though very popular hijack your webpages with a large, ugly banner right at the top. with free webhosting you get a subdomain, like www.yourname.yola.com in stead of www.yourname.com

    it depends also on how you value the information you like to share, although i have seen little diamonds hosted with a subdomain.

    also it depends how creative you are, what's part of the fun for you etc. some free instant web editors give very limited space for creativity.

    if you like to play with graphic design but html and other coding is not your cup of jasmintea then http://webpage-maker.com is a great little tool. i created dozens of webpages with this one, it has an build-in ftp (upload) function that works very fine with eg one.com.

    you won't win any webdesigner trophy because the codes produced by this socalled wysiwyg editors (what you see is what you get) are not following webdesign standards, but you can design very fine websites with it !

    one.com is a very userfriendly hostingprovider that does not give any headaches. they were rewarded as best AND cheapest, really something to consider, you will get your own domainname.

    enjoy :-)

  6. How long shall the improvement of education and s o need to change those attitude when driving. What do you expect? It doesn't look like it'll take place within the next decade.

    And no I didn't scream to all as I'd been almost dead in India and Cambo and in the moment I'm thankful for most of the things in my "Nanny State". Both has it's price.

    Thanks for the cretin rude Mr. Harris. :)

    Guess this is never ever gonna happen, very hard to imagine yes I know. There is kind of 'split-developments' here, technique goes forward but mentally there is a impossible-to-halt scary degereration going on here with 'lost generations'. It all starts at the basic educational system and some Thai professors have written interesting stories about this. If the people don't want to change nothing ever will change unless there is e.g. a civil war coming over. Many cultures start developping after a period of heavy suffering like a period of war. So far it seems a dead end street. It's interesting to know the statistics / percentages of different kind of Thais there are but hard to find information about it.


  7. After years of trouble with the lines of TOT then Maxnet I moved to CAT CMDA wireless and I've got the best internet ever ! Their are no limits you can do everything like fast downloading, watching online TV etc. First time you pay 7.000b for the usb stick then 700 a month.

    Maxnet is big crap (in my region) and their former callcenter 1103 are a bunch of unprofessional buffalows who not understand their job. The same for the callcenter from TOT, nothing but false promises when you need their service. The new callcenter seems to be better but I left already.

    For northern Thailand (above Ajutaja) CAT runs the CMDA, below it is done by Hutch.


    CMDA is not the same as GPRS internet via a simcard (via phone or not) because GPRS sends bytes in packages so you don't have a constant stream that you need for eg VOIP calls and Youtube, also for downloading films not useful.

    With CMDA wireless you'll get a permanent connection of 300mb and more.

  8. Hi there, few years ago I shared information with starting websitemakers via few forums and I created a webdirectory for the members where they also could submit a link to their new websites. Now I don't join this forums anymore but still run an improved directory with links for starting websitemakers: http://webdesign.coolstart.nl/ I don't make any money with this just for fun. All websites and applications mentioned are tested by myself and are safe to use. There is a section 'First steps to webdesign' in the 3rd column. For specific technic questions I suggest the Programming and Design section of answers.yahoo.com.

    It depends if you focus on sharing your information or you wanna learn good webdesign. If a: I suggest Moonfruit, Yola or Weebly (all they don't spoil your site with ugly ads or banners) and b: if you wanna go further in webdesign then 110mb is a better starter. You can start free and later upgraded to pro.

    However myself I love one.com who offer an all-in-one package for the price of a can of beer per month. (USD 1,45) including your own domain. I'm sure you will love this one, see screenshot. They have a great live chat option for members and non-members but you won't need it because they have the most easy user interface.


  9. After blocking websites that they don't like now MICT is blocking webapplication http://cbox.ws this is a chat/commentbox that you can find embedded on many websites. Instead of blocking the website where they found the commentbox they block the application itself, very annoying for innocent webmasters who are using this often via a paid subscription.

    Can't they think ?

  10. Well in a county where even drivingschool owners can't drive properly, where police does not obey the trafficrules themselves and nobody cares about safety and 30 year old cars without lights, brakes and insurance are normal you really think there will ever be any improvements ? Stop daydreaming, this is a sinking ship as you know.

    Since the 15 years I walk around here the only things that being renewed and updated are immigration rules !

  11. ...if they really wanted they could work, even on thai wages, in so many hotels and guesthouses in phuket - looks, like they are alkoholics, not able to take care of themselves...

    Better don't judge, unless you know all the facts; even if you feel that you are right :)

    I like these two better than Mr. Teal who is a lot more rich, but no less un-legal.

    Very true, why people are always judging without knowing more than just the polarized story in the news, I dislike that a lot.

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