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Posts posted by ManilaLover

  1. I offer that the Muslim and Jewish approach to a funeral is the most responsible and ecologically sound. The dead are to be buried in simple burial shrouds, in a simple coffin. There is no embalming, which means there is no runoff of toxic chemicals when the coffin and body decompose. Jews don't even allow for nails to be used in the coffin or for large tombstones or crypts.

    The money spent on a lavish funeral would do far more good if spent on the living or in planting trees dedicated to the memory of the deceased.


    is one of the essenses of buddhism also not 'leaving with nothing' ?

    however, i more or less respect cultures that are not mine and only share personal vision, not intended as judging that's lord buddha's job :)

    to be burned on a high mountaintop by just few close friends, (without gasoline to lit the fire!!!) a tree to be planted, as i do for my dogs.... sounds most peaceful to me.

    no party... just a positive thought..


    TWEET: coffeetime here

  2. It's not offensive, just telling it like it is. And to a Westerner some of the practices don't sit well.

    I have seen some horrible things happen at funerals here, including bodies not catching light, or being only half burnt.My personal prefererance is not to be surrounded by plastic flowers, fake gifts etc.

    For some they don't like the idea of being burnt, then if I can quote my Ex, he didn't want to be buried because he said he didn't want worms crawling in his holes.

    I have sidestepped the issue by leaving my funeral arrangements to my son to do as he sees fit, saves me agonising over it.

    Also he is the one that has to cope with my death, some people can;'t come to terms with a family member rotting away beneath the ground, then others can't cope with cremation as suddenly your loved one is just dust, so I guess he will do what he feels is right for him and me at the time.

    those whole funeral rituals have nothing to with buddhism, just based on fear... big big fear insecurity and superstitiousness, scaring evil spirits away with fireworks etc. thats not buddhism etc. but that's another discussion.

    was it china or taiwan where the gov has forbidden burning fake presents for the dead because it's just plain stupid and getting worse ?

    when talking about respect for the dead how about a body rotting in a coffin for at least a week, decorated with useless plastic crap, liquids dripping out of the coffin, beer crats stacked 6 high and people just eating, getting drunk and play popmusic... that goes on for days and when the smell becomes too worse they drag the rotten remains away to be burned, but in front of the althar take it out of the coffin again to say goodbye pukey.gifpukey.gifpukey.gifpukey.gif

    respect and grieve for him who passed away, or just culturally self-occupied with perverse nonsense ?

  3. 5096905118309a230b4o.jpg

    Zebra crossings should have never been copied in Thailand, they just don't work here. Thais have also no affinity with Zebra's so a solution may be to invent 'Panda Crossings'.

    Panda's are revered, cute animals that touches every Thai, careless respectless behaviour on a Panda Crossing leads to bad luck and poverty.

    As Panda's don't have that (so useful for a Zebra Crossing) black/white lined pattern a Panda Crossing will look slightly different from a Zebra Crossing. On both sides of the road there will be attractive Panda'ish decorations that can't be missed.

    Panda Crossing are fun ! Stopping for a Panda Crossing brings good luck !

  4. I think you should suggest to the Poo Yai Baan that he bring in an international refuse disposal consultant who could advise your home owners association how to best handle this problem. He might advise, for example, that each household purchase trash compactors which would allow for easy collection and disposal by a certified agency to the local refuse dumping area.

    Get real, you live amongst a bunch of under educated peasants, what to you really expect them to do?

    One of the best suggestions in years, international consultants can help Thailand a big step forward (if not the only solution!) foreign waste management consultant, foreign traffic safety consultant are badly needed really, beside that foreign tourist promotion consultants that can put Thailand back on the map. A foreign city management consultant that can give Chiangmai a big push upwards and help make it a pleasant city again, with car free zones, newly painted buildings, standardizing sidewalks, a new taxi system (past time for those filthy songteaws and tuktuks) etc. etc.

    Amen !

  5. If it happens to me I wish to be burned within 24 hours, following muslim traditions. My best friends in town are muslim and we talked about this already.

    It's real discusting what Buddhist Thais do with the bodies of dead family members, if not pervert (storing it in the garden for a week or more surrounded by fake gifts, taking it out of the coffin again etc. and all those environment unfriendly materials they use for decorations) I will avoid this for any price.

    I NOT want my ashes to stay on temple area (too many dark spirits there), just to be dumped in a river or whatever.

  6. I have met many Thai women in the states who will not eat beef, big animal no can eat.

    that's why they have a perfect solution for that, mince it into small hamburgers, no big animal anymore !

  7. Religion is forced in many countries I remember standing at school aged 8 for a God I didnt believe in, in the UK

    It was never explained to me in any way that "God" was a fictional character.

    nice avatar you have, you know what's actually the longest animated .gif ? it's this one


    totally off topic btw i know

    the christian thais i know are the thais i like most of all, they are much more 'aware'

  8. Anyway, back on topic, I'm quite impressed with your rice in a bottle thing. I might try it myself with my village should be good for a laugh :)

    Seriously though, Keep up the Good work :D

    the rice-in-a-bottle-thing actually started because i had a crush on her daughter :D but it worked out well (with the bottles).

  9. I only burn/burry plastic bags etc. that the recycler will not take. Which isn't much. What do you think happens to the items that your recycler doesn't take. Next time your refuse collection comes around follow them and see what they do with it. Burn , Burry or just fly tip I suspect.

    I'm not saying its any better in Europe. Britain has a huge problem with waste.

    Things are getting better though

    Oh, and I do love/respect my wife, my Mia Noi and my Children and also the Earth :D

    Good Luck with the Education , As Lonstebe says they just won't listen

    if i would not have a weekly garbage collector here i would never burn nor bury the old plastic but store it in a barrel in the corner of my garden, at least then you keep control over it and it does not spread, can be replaced easily.

    in Netherlands they recycle ALL kinds of plastic, the worst ones reappear into new garbage bags, high quality street bollards and park benches, all in black. this way they also save on wood.

    oh im not afffiliated with greenpeace and don't wish so :)

    ps, can you add a pic of your mia noi ? just curious.

  10. But manilalover your not in your country which many of the people on Thaivisa forget.

    As the wizard said to Dorothy your not in Kansas any more

    but a healty environment is not a taboo to talk about right, it seems even some foreigners living in thailand still have to learn about how to love your (guest) country. when defending local cultures and customs i really think the country may have some benefits too :)

    thailand is nice enough to invest in !

  11. Wrap your potato's up in foil and throw them on.

    I was also guilty about burning my trash untill I realised we do have a bin man coming around.

    The village supplied us with a wheelie bin and we pay 20 baht a month.

    I collected a sh!t load of plastic outside and inside my land yesterday, kids with there <deleted> milk cartons from school and like MJP said the plastic from every store you go to whatever you buy.

    Good luck to the OP if he wants to educate them. It's like trying to tell them every farang is not rich.


    hehe.. i'm not planning to try educate them i'm not a missionary, but you can give a little hint sometimes.

    after i started to buy rice in those perfect 6-liter Minere or Nestlé watercans i suggested the local rice seller she could use these too. i drink few cans a week and from then on i give her my empty cans and indeed she started to sell rice in the watercans, she saves on plastic bags and villagers bring their can when buying rice... perfect.

    these cans have such high quality they can last for a lifetime. also perfect for storage of dogfood etc, and i wonder what's the worth of a can full of coins, must be enought to buy a motorbike :)

  12. Can't seem to train the wife that wet plastic doesn't burn. She's very touchy so I can't really approach the subject. I think I'm going to bury the stuff in future.

    looks like you are the perfect couple :D

    dirty people.

    Thanks for the Insult. :D 59 posts . I wonder if you'll make 100 :)

    the point is that burning and burrying plastic is real discusting and harms the earth a lot, i think you should not do that. if you collect the plastic in a large bag reclyclers will melt it to make new plastic out of it (though i wonder what nice unfiltered fumes such factories produce)

    if environment is,nt an issue at all here (and many other developing places on earth) in europe we also better stop our money slurping efforts to make the environment , because it's not gonna work this way.

    love/respect yourself and your children - love/respect the earth

  13. After years of tragedies and regularly waived bills with TOT and later Maxnet I moved to CAT 3G CMDA (mobile internet) the best internet I ever had in Thai, works flawless even half of the price of Maxnet (700 VS 1200) Only the first time it cost 7.000 for the USB (router) stick.

    Recommended, no limits in use, other then with GPRS.

    Note: CAT offers this service mainly in the north of Thailand, and Hutch in the south, check before buying.

  14. do u mean a baby rabbit and an adult? perhaps some more info would help..



    Sorry about that!! There are couple rabbits and couple bunnies. I would prefer they each go to separate house to be loved individually and not to breed. Because they multiply fast and would create the problem. Sometimes, these people didn't mean to be cruel just don't know how fast they reproduce and problem can get out of control.

    in israel they know everyting about fast multiplying :)

  15. To the OP, have you asked them if it is really necessary to burn it? Or even if they could arrange to do it at a set time once a week or so, and you could arrange to be elsewhere at the time? How would you deal with it in your home country?

    In my homecountry people are not so stupid, and police will come after being tipped by a neighbour and give you a 350 euro fine.

  16. Do the villagers have a garbage collection?

    If they do you could always ask them nicely not to burn their garbage.

    If not what else can they do with it?

    What do you do with yours?

    what i do with mine ? my housekeeper puts it in the black bags for the garbage collectors who come twice a week, no need to burn at all but some seem addicted to make little fires behind their house.

    i have no illusions making this world better but sometimes i fantasy why not organizing some local environment festival, just to educate them like in afrika there are village festivals to educate the people about why and how using condoms...

  17. I think disillusionment is a global phenomenon right now, matters not where you are.

    With low costs, no property tax, cheap school fees . . . could be worse.

    don't think so... the thing here is if you live here longer you become aware of the backward developments and degeneration of the society.

    thai used to be lovely, respectable people that's why i came living here 10 years ago. can be wrong but i always think taksin changed the minds of the people, helped them to dump good moral forever and become greedy. much work to be done here. they're totally materialized and 'what they call buddhism' hijacked the last remains of their personal mind.

    i don't wanna know all this and try to enjoy the good things, but won't stay here anoyther 10 years for sure, not fulltime anyway.

    (must be said my vision might be narrowed by too many years in chiangmai, perhaps isan or the deep south is different)

  18. I must be real hungry if I surrender to a 7-11 hotdog (not being understood when I ask for a mah-rohn) but not the first time it almost made me puke...

    Was asking myself what is more discusting, the sausage or the bun ? Guess it's the bun.


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