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Posts posted by ManilaLover

  1. I dislike Siam TV very much and boycott them, they are the one who often spoils the athmosphere in my peaceful village with insane noisy loadspeaker cars. Their service is crap too, buy something and try to return it because you don't like it, they try eventually for hours to make you change your mind. Ask for the technical details of a washdryer and they tell you total nonsense just try to sell you the one that gives them the best kickback. Waiting for your newly purchased product at the warehouse at the back easy takes more then an hour, return with something that has been broken, replacement is not in their dictionary, they take it from you for weeks even months, won't call you when it's back, when you go and check you get it back, still not OK.

    I am done with Siam TV really.

  2. 'hair looking like a parrakeet's arse feathers' :):D did it look not OK for you ?

    This one: at the nitebazar, go to the trafficlights at Pantip Plaza, go left, after a 100 meter or so you pass a 7Eleven, 30 meter or so futheron under the trees (and right opposite a soi) there is a very good hairsalon, a mensjob cost 150 bath, he is gay (but harmless :D ), he is very friendly, he has won awards in Bangkok, just a modern no nonsense hairdresser.

    Do it.

  3. Being interrupted I see as a personal insult and makes me very angry, I got that annoying 'make yourself feel like an idiot by counting yourself away (again)' feeling too often and not accept it anymore, simple.

    Who interrupts/ignores me while I am in discussion with someone has a day he will not forget easy.

  4. Don't take one of those expensive private mailboxes, go to the regular postoffice, choose a nice number and pay only 500b. per year.

    I have a mailbox at the maeping post office (near the nawarat bridge) since many years. Guess they have 10 - 20 boxes to choose of. When the office is closed sometimes at the backside they are still open, you can walk in there to get your mail.

    the address is:


    maeping p.o. box XX

    50301 chiangmai


  5. Netherlands is searching for 32 missing people from Laos who were given refugee status in the Netherlands. They stayed in a refugeecamp in Thailand and from there they would go to the Netherlands, a spokesman of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs explained.

    In December however Thailand decided they would have to go the Netherlands via Laos, and Thailand sended them back to Laos. "Since they were not collected by the government they probably went to their original hometown." The spokesman said. Netherlands however does not fear for the lives of the refugees.

    The 32 are part of a group of around 150 refugees, which would go to Western countries, including the United States. Together with this countries Netherlands now is trying through the governments of Thailand and Laos to identify where the refugees are located.

    The refugees are part the Hmong population, according to the spokesman. In Laos the Hmong would be not save because during the war in Vietnam they cooperated with U.S. intelligence agency CIA against the Communists.

  6. Do you mean you think the single syllable nicknames are ugly in sound or there true meaning?

    (about those single syllables) I mean in originality, like it pulls people down when everyone has the same short nick, as if the real given name (and individu) has no value (ahh yeah that's what they learned since kindergarten right) And come on... OM is not a name, it's more like a code.

    Actually those nicks often DO MATCH, just seem to confirm the few variations in personalities.

    Therefor I dislike those single syllable nicks.

    Many find it exiting if you give them a matching foreign name, but don't use Angelina Jolie or Byoncé because thats what they all want... again.

    Luckily there are still a lot who have more original nicks, like you can see here. Just see the name Pasawan, well thats a nice, exotic name and easy to pronounce... But no more Ois Oms Ams and Oums please, and also way too many Kungs walking around !

    <deleted> loosing my time on this again...


  7. look at Holland, has legalizing drugs has solved all their social problems?

    The Netherlands have hardly any drugs related problems indeed, and there is professional care for anyone who wanna get out. Many ex junkies, dealers, criminals get back their normal positions in the society, often educate school children about their experiences.

    Stigmatising is a very bad thing.

  8. 84067646.jpg

    If the gov does not change their 'softy' approach of those annoying red mosquitos the situation can only get worse. Gov is being confronted with their own incapability and therefor it make me laugh as well, but actualy it's very sad how Thakin still manages to hijack this country by misusing those simple people.

    I would launch some Spanish bulls on those red shirts, hahaha... the ones from Pamplona are the best :)

  9. @ PhilHarries: yup this dog and his owner have seen a lot already. It's very nice to see the bond between those two. :D

    Thanks for the wishes. The dog has several issues and they aren't easy to tackle. For another problem I need a plane. :):D

    Anyone? :D

    Hmm... I hav'nt got a plane as Santaclaus refused me many times. But I do have 2 Petmate DeLuxe Varikennels medium for airplane travel, used only one time. We brought our 2 bordercollies from Holland but both died already, one of heart problems, the second one put to sleep a few months ago because of HD in a far stadium, very sad because bordercollies are great dogs and become real partners.

    The 2 ridgebacks we have now are not that important to me that I will spend another 2,500 euro to eventually take them to a next destination.

    So, if you are interested in the Varikennels please let me know.

  10. It is a little bit South of the new McDonald's at Thapae Gate, right next to a fairly new massage parlor on Kotchasan Road with a bunch of girls always in front. There is already a sign there with an Italian name. However, I've heard that the main emphasis will be on Italian style pizza and there are so many places aready. I really enjoy most of Sergios food, but not so much his pizza. :)

    That's another one. (Supposed he did not change the name, it was closed when I went to look there so could not check)

  11. Going on 9 years.....attitude has changed definite...now have to get out of Thailand a couple of times a year to get my sanity back...LOL

    Same here I guess.

    Most harmful for me are the traffic around Chiangmai I feel so <deleted>**ed up then, also Carrefour, Shoppingmalls must have real bad energies and I seem to absorb them too easy.

    Big lack of peace, tranquility and harmony here, still can't rhyme it with people who call themselves Buddhist.

    The only real Buddhists I know are in Holland and Germany.

  12. I usually ignore nicknames and call people, usully girlfriends and gigs by the -often beautiful- real name, in the beginning they are surprised or somehow flattered when I say I like and prefer to use their real name in stead of the ugly Noi Poi Koi Toy Oum Num Bum Tum Am Nam Kam Ham etc.etc.etc. and all that 3-letter nonsense that I can't remember, if an Am calls me it can be 6 of them.

    A girlfriend named Lanethong I don't call Noi !

    So, I don't give nicknames but I 'give them back' the real names.

  13. Was he brought to the airport under gunpoint by criminals and forced to do this -or his family would be hurt- or was it for his own benefit ?

    Guess the local police just focus proudly on their catch, who can also have being trapped, abducted and being an innocent victim himselves. Criminals are very, very intelligent more then most people want to know. Who can afford a kilo pure heroine does not work alone !

    Why not let him pass, being followed at his destination and have the real network rolled up ? Because most police corpses have a very hungry ego more then they use the brains.

    I guess this guy is totally innocent, just being used as carrier and not chose to do this but forced, professional drugs gangs know how to protect themselves, they can't be catched, they can't be known just another totally innocent person will be mangled by the dumb justice system.

    If this is also the case here... very sad for him and his family.

  14. Hi, I wonder if it is a good idea to rely on 3rd party services like z.pe, because you give control out of hands and you never know what might happen with them in the future. It would not be the first time a free service disappears without warning, destroying 1000.000's of websites !

    There are enough short domainnames available, especially under the .li top level domain, so you could easy set up subdomains (better then redirects!) by yourself, and e.g. when you buy the (available) http://tvf.li you can create subdomains like http://1.tvf.li until http://zzz.tvf.li and millions of combinations are possible, when host tvf.li under one.com it won't cost you much, just the hosting.


  15. Behind the smiling facade here is a whole lot of piled up anger and frustration in almost everybody, imagine when it's not done and seen as 'loosing face' to relieve anger what happens ? It stays inside and accumulates, and it can stay there for long time. Until any little spark lit the bomb they can explode easy.

    Participating in traffic is the most easy way to find this out, when eg. you point a cardriver on the fact that he almost killed you by some stupid movement he made he easy get totally mad at you shouts like an idiot as if you just did big unjustice to him. Also they never learned about responsibilities, not used to be pointed on his responsibilities always sabai sabai and maipenrai, a totally twisted ego and 'pride', guess pointing someone on his/her responsibility became extremely dangerous in this culture.

    So, or adapt yourself to 'if you almost got killed ? maipenrai' or just tell him the truth and risk to be shot. The true face of Thailand.

    When you just honk at someone in traffic he/she feels like attacked by evil spirits and immediately honks back to scare them off (like the fireworks at a cremation or funeral)

    Be careful, a young German has been shot dead 2 weeks ago outside Chiangmai after something same.

  16. British national Jim McCormick of Global Technical Ltd has been arrested because his 'bomb detectors' appeared to be a scam and proved totally fake. But reading the article in todays Bangkok Post it looks like as if this news has never reached the local gov, or actually, it reached them but it seems they don't want to know the truth :)

    The GT200 bomb and drug detetector is not the only model in use in Thailand. The GT200 is used widely in the South for bomb detection.

    ONCB secretary-general Krisna Polananta yesterday said his agency had been using the Alpha 6 device since 2007 to combat drug smuggling along the northern border. He said the ONCB could not afford to buy the GT200 as they were not suited to the office's work and were too expensive. The GT200 costs between 900,000 and 1.2 million baht. The GT200 is superior to the Alpha 6 in terms of its ability to detect both drugs and bombs from a distance. Serious doubts have been raised about the effectiveness of the GT200, made by British-based Global Technical Ltd and used extensively by security forces in the three southernmost provinces. The army's Anothai bomb disposal unit yesterday demonstrated the use of the GT200 before media representatives at its ordnance department in Ratchaburi. They worked without a hitch. Unit chief Taweesak Jantrasin said the devices had helped thwart many bomb attacks in the South. However, he said, the GT200 should be tested against other detectors to compare its effectiveness. (really?) The Internal Security Operations Command Region 4 said on Tuesday there were two incidents in which the GT200 had failed to work in Yala and Narathiwat last year.

    ...nothing about the loss of face because they have been terribly scammed :D


  17. Sadly, I feel the need to repeat this assertion (too many slurs and misunderstandings of my points about the more general issue of the upcoming nightlife crackdown) -- personally I am in favor of a crackdown against ALL underage prostitution purveyors in Thailand, gay, straight, kathoey, and Martian.

    The trade is bad for everybody except for maybe the profiteers if they don't caught. The kids should be in school in an ideal world but Thailand isn't an ideal world. The existence of this trade also puts foreigners at risk who ACCIDENTALLY get involved with this by being fooled by fake IDs and lying bar owners/managers. My feeling is that many more foreigners end up being involved in this illicit activity accidentally than by design. It is very hard for westerners to tell the age of Thais in the borderline age groups.

    A complete and total effective crackdown on ALL underage sex trade would be very welcome. However, get real, it isn't going to really happen, there is too much money in it including to the police, we all know that, and that's a shame.

    Just in 1995 the last real sexparlours in Chiangmai that exploited very young children were closed after by police raids, they were hidden in the infamous earth wall, still in the middle of the city.

    Men who rape young children must be for an 98% locals not rarely brothers and fathers, but this is never in the news, just when a foreigner has been cought it's blown up in the media.

    So it's not a typical problem brought by foreigners, as many think even back home, how annoying ! Here they better start looking at themselves first.

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