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Posts posted by ManilaLover

  1. aoc.png



    Ofcourse nothing but just another teamoney case as always and everywhere, everybody who knows 'the world' a bit knows that many sexworkers are under 18, wearing sisters ID card etc, it's not even a secret. Everything is used for teamoney in the barscène, under ages (under 20), playing copy cd's and dvd's, taxfree liquor, openingtimes, I knew cops who are always freeloading in the bars, no bar owner will force a cop to pay his bill ! etc. etc.

  2. I don't want to learn "tourist thai".. I am want to be able to comminucate with the children in the orphanage I support and with the rice project I do for slum kids.

    'tourist thai' ? hehe... i am not talking about 'tourist thai', it depends on your personal level, but you need to learn the basics however. it's more useful to speak a little but fluent then knowing all the grammar but not being able to speak one word.

    i did only 10 hours course after i lived here for few years, the rest you learn most fast by practising, a dictionary and sometimes a friend who teaches you few words. best is really make a list of the words you gonna need in the orpanage.

  3. On the subject of pollution this is the Ping in front of Muang Mai market at 10:00 this morning:

    Showed the pic to few friends around the world, they all find this very schocking and a big shame... you could expect this in some industrial zone, but not in the middle of a city !

    Guess you should report this, the shocking evidence speaks for itself, but don't ask me where, even a local greenpeace staff would not be interested.

    In Europe newspapers love this for sure... but here... all just all the same cr**.

    This is very, very schocking !

  4. There are so many places where you can learn Thai, I got some private lessons from a teacher in the same street as the CM Sunday walking street, coming from Tapaegate halfway cross the trafficlights, 3rd building on the left, it has a big yellow sign above the doors. They do a lot, coffeeshop, travelburo, excurisons, lessons. The teacher I has was called Ann and the courses where fun. All well educated people there, they did some translations for me as well.

    Another way is to learn Thai via the university, some courses support you getting a non-immigrant one year visa.

    Depends on somebodies feeling for language how long it takes to learn the basics, I suggest concentrate on short sentences that you already can use in daily life, that's what I did.

    At the same time learn to count, days of the weeks, months that are good exersises. Small sentences you can use everyday for sure, good one is: 'lot dai mai ?' (can I get a discount ?)

    If you really go for it start excercising the real name of Bangkok out of your head (I admit I can't): It's Krungthep Mahanakon Bovorn Rattanakosin Mahintharayutthaya Mahadilokpop Noparatratchatathani Burirom Udomratchanivetmahasatan Amornpiman Avatarnsatit Sakkathattiyaavisnukarmprasit. :D and your Thai friends will be totally stunned.

    The english translation would be something like:

    The city of angels, the great city, the residence of the Emerald Buddha, the impregnable city of God Indra, the grand capital of the world endowed with nine precious gems, the happy city, abounding in an enormous Royal Palace that resembles the heavenly abode where reigns the reincarnated god, a city given by Indra and built by Vishnukarn. :)

  5. Hello,

    I suggest consult a doctor at Munkala Chinese Clinic at Ratsjamanka street (the other end of soi 2 that starts at Johns Place at Moonmuang)

    Very good doctors there, they often have a better vision on the situation of the patient that regular doctors who just send you away with a large bag of drugs that make you even feel worse and often not cure the problem.

    Very good stories from Munkala.

    Phone 053-278494

  6. In most countries Mercedes drivers are the most hated ones, ALWAYS very arrogant people, not rarely it's the lowest part of society who uses an oversized old Mercedes as EGOBOOSTER, so not only because they are favorite for pulling trailers, hahaha.

    Here Mercedes is a little degree worse then the poor sukkers who need a Fortuner or Camry to show their financed fortune (and lack of integrity)

    How primitive can we be...

    what a lot of twaddle

    what car you drive ??

    What does it matter what car i drive? You think I'm defending Mercedes drivers? You're wrong Sunshine. I'm simply pointing out the stupidity of your generalizations.

    I guess in this case it matters yes.

  7. That's long list... I believe if you program all these in your phone you will gonna need them for sure, somehow this is asking for trouble.

    Now I remember I did a First Aid course, I stopped it because in that 2 months everywhere I went minor accidents happened, after I stopped the course it was over... very strange.

    For sure I am NOT gonna save this in my phone for the same reason, but this list should be pinned on top of the Chiangmai forum for sure.

  8. In most countries Mercedes drivers are the most hated ones, ALWAYS very arrogant people, not rarely it's the lowest part of society who uses an oversized old Mercedes as EGOBOOSTER, so not only because they are favorite for pulling trailers, hahaha.

    Here Mercedes is a little degree worse then the poor sukkers who need a Fortuner or Camry to show their financed fortune (and lack of integrity)

    How primitive can we be...

    what a lot of twaddle

    what car you drive ??

  9. I've got a big pond outside my hotel room and the frogs serenade me every night. By morning their songs are replaced by barking dogs, crowing roosters and cooing doves. However, the frogs croaking sure beats the mosquitos buzzing in my ear when I'm trying to sleep. I don't mind them biting me, but I hate that annoying buzz. Thai mosquitos are 1/3 the size of Canadian mosquitos and twice as fast. I can hardly hit the little blighters with my electric swatter. It DOES give a satisfying ZAP when I get lucky enough to hit one though.

    I learned years ago that Thai mozzies are much more clever then those large slow dumbos in Europe, here they hide themselves behind objects if you are chasing them, nasty clever bastards.... it must be in the genes.

    Ahh a suprising cool wind is entering my office now... guess more rain is coming today.

  10. On the subject of pollution this is the Ping in front of Muang Mai market at 10:00 this morning:


    Chiangmai Rose of the North... (disturbing yes I know)

    Dzjeeesussss... that looks terrible !

    For me it would be a reason to sell the condo and leave, can't see that depressing view and would feel very emberrased to my guests.

  11. why cant certain things be banned online..............chat rooms for one,pornography of any kind another.There is nothing wrong with some censorship.Yes i know "but where do you draw the line" press freedom should not be unlimited in my opinion,especially where there is obvious harm to young people.

    come on get real, so you also want to ban cars because they cause many deaths, alcohol, sex in general because it can cause HIV, you want to ban electricity, you want to ban rivers because people drown, you want to ban people because they can kill other people...

    freedom on the internet and education for the people, and non of those unfunctional 'problemsolving solutions' because it is just another excuse for not changing the complete educational system. if your house is sinking you improve the foundation, not just highen the floors from time to time.

    add: and not forget that all things that are forbidden become attracting !

  12. Yes I have frogs a couple thousand of them. Want some? every time they flood the rice fields they come out to serenade. Great way to go to sleep. :)

    You lucky ! Your FROGSOURCE can make you a wealthy man, did you know they do 100-200 each on the local market ?

    Even better and less hassle... raise few bamboo huts in your garden, buy some table barbeques and paint a large sign: (NEW NEW NEW) CATCH YOUR OWN FROG ! ANY SIZE THE SAME PRIZE !

  13. BLUEEYEDTHAI, you may call 0-5340-9345 to report the incident. I live in the Nimmanhaemin area and sometime early in the morning the fume was just unbearable only I've not been able to locate the source.

    Now that's this is being discussed AGAIN, could somebody please translate this text into Thai:

    'If you live close to other residential properties your garden burning may cause nuisance to your neighbours if the smoke drifts onto their property. That is just common sense and may be averted by not burning when there's either very little wind as the smoke may hang around unpleasantly, or when the existing wind blowing at the time causes smoke to enter other nearby properties.

    Always be sensitive to the fact that for fabrics hanging to dry in a neighbor's garden only very short exposure to smoke might mean the clothing absorbs a smokey odor, and many some peoples's smell senses are highly tuned, and highly disgusted by these smells.'

  14. Not really... only have 4 little turtles in a box with water but as usual they don't sing, at least I don't hear it might be on another frequency then my ears can receive.

    Usually lotta froggies in the swamp back of my hut but not last nite, maybe they were stoned from the heat yesterday or evaporated.

    Or all catched and eaten, locals here love to catch them and sell for big money.

    What I find more annoying however are those loud and sharp chirping beatles, seems more hard to catch however...

    And wish my neigbours cocks disappear in the soup soon (and neigbours themselves too if possible)

  15. It is a little bit South of the new McDonald's at Thapae Gate, right next to a fairly new massage parlor on Kotchasan Road with a bunch of girls always in front. There is already a sign there with an Italian name. However, I've heard that the main emphasis will be on Italian style pizza and there are so many places aready. I really enjoy most of Sergios food, but not so much his pizza. :)

    can you give more details please ? new massage salon, do you mean the tiny colorful decorated shop on the corner that used to be Sandra's Door Cafe ? there's not a bunch of soupchickenUHHH girls in front, just a few working inside. more south perhaps ? could not find any.

  16. In most countries Mercedes drivers are the most hated ones, ALWAYS very arrogant people, not rarely it's the lowest part of society who uses an oversized old Mercedes as EGOBOOSTER, so not only because they are favorite for pulling trailers, hahaha.

    Here Mercedes is a little degree worse then the poor sukkers who need a Fortuner or Camry to show their financed fortune (and lack of integrity)

    How primitive can we be...

  17. Must be somewhere close to the railway station, but no one can tell.

    For lovers of Delicious Italian Food, it's also worth driving the 20 kilometer to the Italian restaurant Doi Saket !!!!!

    At the trafficlights in Doi Saket go right for 200 meters, last of a block of townhouses with a woodframe decorated terrace.

  18. sorry, but is this news we need to know ?

    this crook does not need our support right and hopefully will get what he deserves, just googled him and he looks like a big arrogant *$$hol€ if you ask me.

    btw i had never heard of him before, probably because i have thai music, radio and tv banned from my house and usually try to avoid local news spoiling my mood.

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