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Posts posted by indyuk

  1. Proper ss should not be affected by iron or any other metal content in the water. Maybe the weld didn't contain enough Cr or just not done properly?

    A friend of mine who was a professional welder all his life suspects bad welding, maybe contaminated. But you would think these things are made in a factory on a jig with high quality control. Of course, this is Thailand . . .

    I definitely suspect the welding. Thailand's certified ss welders easily meet ISO standards. Perhaps the works inspector missed your tank and inclusions in the weld were undiscovered caused the joint to fail.

    A welding inspector could test your tank and tell you why it's failing. Such may give you the confidence to buy a replacement and ammunition to get it for free from the original supplier.

  2. Any posts from pro government posters ???

    It has been suggested that the ultimate goal of the rice pledging project is related to Thailand's extensive knowledge, and some experience, in producing bio fuel. Rice among other agri-projects was included in government funded R&D projects. The initial conclusion of the research that Thailand could not grow enough bio feedstock without creating a shortage of cereals for human consumption. I spent my life working in the energy business and remain intensely interested to find out if these Thai R&D projects can ultimately succeed.

    One bio feedstock based on farmed brushwood in Holland showed great promise but has not been put into production on a commercial scale.

    • Like 2
  3. What a good idea. For sure women are the key to a more progressive Thailand. I don't know what the figures are, but it wouldn't surprise me if they were starting to have higher educational outcomes in traditional male professions. But, the country is still a long way from an EEO policy which predominantly male politicians will resist.

    A few years ago I was teaching English to final year English major students at our local Uni. They were going out to be English teachers, and were some of the best students in that place. I asked them one day what they thought about feminism. What's that they replied ? I then asked them if they thought women should stay at home, not work, have babies, and do whatever their husband's wanted. Long pause - about 30 of the 35 students said yes ! - there is still a long way to go, but this campaign is a good start

    Him good comment. But did you know that the majority of Thai males present as misogynists.

    Further it is important to note that Thai women are not designated as full juristic persons in that if married a Thai woman cannot sign a binding contract, of which land is a component, without written permission from her husband.

    That attitude is right out of the treatment of women in the European Dark Ages.

    • Like 1
  4. Are these " lewd homophobic and misogynistic expressions" so nasty that they can't print a few examples of them?

    I mean, are they calling each other 'katoey' or what? coffee1.gif

    They simply mean that Thai politicians do not communicate in a professional manner.

    It's their lack of understanding of the political process that drives them to accusing each other of corruption rather to present arguments of opposition that can be analyzed and responded to in a coherent manner.

  5. Now check the ballistics on these fire arms and see how many hits have they been used in. As in a comment I made yesterday, these "security guards" are guns for hire, can be used as body guards or hitmen. The same type of guys that appeared in 2010 on both sides. The men in black are well documented on the red side. But there were reports of men in black on army trucks in 2010, now we have Sutheps security all in black.

    No politician in this country are innocent, trustworthy or honest.

    If any person breaks the law they must be be arrested and the law must take its course, for both sides and for rich or poor. Without the rule of law you cannot have a democracy. Anyone on any side that disagree with this and make the rule of law subject to political views, are playing with fire.

    This is crazy!

    I really can not believe you lot have swallowed this bullshit story.

    This was announced by the Thaksin propaganda machine CAPO, they fed it to the nation because it is not reported anywhere else. Not on any Thai news channel, not in any other online news channel.

    Where are the pictures that always come with arrests? The three guys sat at a table with the guns laid out in front on the desk and a bunch of happy smiling cops??

    Where is any evidence this happened? I will tell you. It never even happened, but you super-naive lot believe it because you 'want to believe it'. They would never have been able to arrest a single guard, they would not have even confronted a guard because it would have caused mayhem and they know it.

    lololol so funny you lot can't see that this has been leaked intentionally to discredit the protest guards. Probably because they want to start shooting them on sight. It is coming soon, they government are laying the stage for slughter, and all you gullible people will blame the protesters and guards for any deaths.

    Civil war in the next month. I guarantee it. That is Thaksin's main objective

    Sir from your post it is clear that your blood is boiling and that you have alot of hate in you. But it is also clear that you have never experienced a war/civil war at first hand. Its not a computer game which you can restart when you lose the game. Its the final game in which your wife, children, friends, mother, father and yourself can die. A civil war is the worst sollution to any problem as it creates more hate and the hate spurs on more murder and rapes. It creates a generation of lost children and generations of adults filled with shame, shame because they know what they have done, but also they know they could have prevented it. Please dont ever ever think civil war is sollution, its hell hole of fear, death and desperation.

    Dear Huahin62 the three Shinawatra governments were elected by the people. An outstanding feature of those three governments was that there was peace in the land, projects that directly benefited the people and no noteworthy corruption than in Thailand than before.

    Prioritise your objectives and support policies that lead to peace and prosperity and then fight the endemic corruption from firm ground.

  6. 3 years seems to have changed RTP attitudes remarkably. Perhaps it wasn't time that did it.

    No, they're just following the orders of the Big Boss in exile as always, nothing's changed.

    Until such time as ALL these bodies (RTP, Army, Navy, Air Force, and all the Govt panels and bodies etc) are truly independent, the same old shit is going to keep going on and on. Sickening and disheartening.

    Dear Tatsujin the more you write the more negative you sound. I wonder what colours you are flying?

  7. Despite all the rhetoric about logic and debate, at the end of the day those with most votes win the argument.

    You should probably read that rhetoric more closely.

    I am talking about Parliamentary reform so that the party with most votes does not have an automatic right to force things through or hog the agenda. I would criticise other nations around the world for this same reason, although much less so than here in Thailand.

    Being elected as the Leading party should not mean you control the Parliamentary system, it is like you are hijacking a plane, a powerful machine capable of flying at high speed, but if you just hijack it and don't know anything about flying planes at speed, and you refuse to listen to veteran pilots offering you helpful advice, you can crash it. I propose anti-hijack security measures to be fitted to the Parliamentary aircraft.

    I propose that changing this in Thailand, to the Parliamentary system attributes I listed above^ would solve the power-struggles here overnight and give rise to genuine Democratic progress and national development.


    As I read your post, you are saying that MPs in Thailand are less experienced with the mechanics of democracy than those in Europe and other countries that use a Parliamentary system? Most political parties with which I am familiar have a party platform and those MPs in the party are supposed to have the discipline to adhere to the provisions of the platform. The party platform is the 'agenda'. If a party is fortunate enough to enjoy a majority, I am at a complete loss to understand how using their political power to pass the measures in their platform is an abuse of power. As far as I know all democratic bodies in the world have rules. Most of the rules allow the 'minority' party to only delay the agenda of the majority not to block it. And I think it is safe to say that all legislative bodies have a rule that allow the body to vote to limit or end debate. Under 'Robert's Rules of Order' - the standard relied on by most legislative bodies, a motion to limit debate takes precedence over all other pending motions. Once debate is stopped, then a vote on the pending motion is in order. I am a loss to understand the rules to which you refer give the minority a right to prevent the majority from ultimately enforcing their will on the minority no matter how spirited the debate or the 'logic' applied. IF, I was a member of a political party, I would be philosophically aligned with the principles of that party. If didn't align myself with the purpose, party platform, etc., there would be much reason for the existence of political parties at all. And I would note, the MPs in Europe follow the 'party line' much more strictly than other places of which I am aware.

    An outstanding precis of democratic principle and objectiveness.

  8. So this is Anti Thaksin but only the other way around...

    To compare Thaksin with an incompetent trouble maker trouble maker is a strange thing for any well informed person to say. The people want peace and security not a communist revolution from a dictator that paves his progress with threats.

  9. The whole problem is the the people rebelling against a corrupt government? It was nothing to do with the additional corruption in the tourist industry? A large portion in the tourist industry is untouchable, it is controlled by the influential people and the police. Every entertainment facility must pay the police for protection. This type of operation also goes on all over the world. If you own a restaurant in Chicago or New Jersey, and you do not pay your monthly contribution, your place will have a fire. Clean up everything. beatdeadhorse.gif

    You are wrong I think. My take is that the Thai political system is being held for ransom by an individual who can access sufficient money for mobilising protesters, some of which will do anything he wants in return for promised farvour. Neither he nor his hired hands represent what the people need. And that of course is peace, even with the warts of corruption and all..

  10. Ahem.

    Wasn't he implicated up to his eyeballs in a scandal?

    He doen't seem to have thought this out. If this law was already in force he and members of his own family would more than likely have already been executed given the Phuket and Samui land grabs and conflict of interest case.

    Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    How many times has he been to court and how many times has he been found guilty and sent to jail?

    How many times has Thaksin been to court and found guilty and sent to jail?

    Guilty once, jail never because HE skipped bail and became a convicted criminal fugitive.

    He is at liberty to return to Thailand to serve his sentence at any time. Only He is delaying it.

    I agree with you entirely about Thaksin. He should never have been bailed.

    As for Suthep, he too has escaped justice as do the vast majority of corrupt politicians here.

    It needs someone who has not benefitted from corruption, and has always refused to recognise that, who needs to lead a fight like this.

    Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I think that it is not credible to refuse bail to a citizen whose only conviction was for a misdemeanor that would not have attracted a custodial sentence in any western nation..

  11. From my personal point of view I worry for my own future. Because I am committed to living in Thailand indefinitely, on Thailand's not so very generous terms' I feel assaulted when one political figure after another insults me because I'm a foreigner.

    For example:-

    'Thaksin announced when electioneering stated the he would eject farang if that has purchased a house via his limited company and give it to a Thai family.

    Abhisit closed the Thai Rak Thai party down, damaging every Thai and farang by wrecking the economy with projects and programs that were not successful.

    Yingluck insulted me by reintroducing the threat of her Brother to steal my company house.

    Suthep pulled the Pua Thai Party down for his own selfish reasons, as any resident knows all Thai governments are corrupt so there is little point in replacing a government for that reason.

    Again the Thai economy is in a state of collapse and according to the PCDR will be for at least 12-14 years while Suthep himself designs a form of government that works. How can he doesn't even understand the problems.

    All of these events damaged my life and business. And no I'm not leaving Thailand.

  12. The People's Democratic Reform Council is an impossibility since it is undemocratic itself and led by a Dictator.all of the committee and members

    The PDRC leader's proposal is to select committe members from his 'privileged peoples class' and the Democrats.

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  13. The fact that the basis of the Suthep proposal is that he will run Thailand with his committee of "friends" and a members house of four hundred (selected) representatives. This formula is not proffered with good will it is to be implemented by him with threats and menaces if Thailand does not accept his offer.

    This has been tried in Thailand 1n the 1950's it is utter insanity, as all dictatorships are.

  14. What protests? I live in Bangkok and you wouldnt even know there was any trouble. You only notice it if you live in the government district around the palace and monument intersection.

    Who are they going to replace Yingluck with ? A decent moral PM for once. No chance in the world. The next gov will be just as bad as the former.

    Nothing changes in Thailand.

    Your words the next government will be just as bad as the former ????? impossible. The problem all stems from the FAMILY, not so much from the actual government--they are only doing what they are told so as to keep their noses in the trough.

    You cannot have a ex PM a convicted man running the government, with his family in stranglehold positions, it is not normal, it smells of corruption. It seems to have to have this big ego power thing, publicity, VIP, --sad image really, I nearly feel sorry for them. It IS time for them to step out of the limelight and go enjoy their money together, be happy with what you have.

    Thailand will have to pick up the pieces. I have a big feeling come an election, there will be some big surprizes WITHOUT this family and its wealth interfering.

    What is it with people who have got what they want, and still not being satisfied want more and more ???? enough is enough. GREED is what you have taught the Thai people, who now get what they can when they can, they only copy the tutors.

    Tourism will get back to something like when the smoke settles BUT the TAT will have to go and be replaced with a workmanlike body who does not need 6 billion annual Baht. Giving true broken down figures of the different kinds of arrivals, not spout about the amount of entries and class them as tourists--STUPID.

    You are just a miserable trouble maker, there is no evidence that the Yingluck government is or ever were corrupt.

  15. Thai Visa commentators have become so negative that is possibly depressing to spend time reading them anymore. Thai Visa was a mine of information and banter yet has become the purveyor of malice and pessimism. Guess I'll have to spend more time reading stickmanbangkok since at least it is mainly about Thai people and their farang lol.

  16. I think their imagined support is simply another take, a reversal, on 'you're either for us, or against us', a classic in flawed logic.

    Then there are the many thousands that showed simply because of "The Event" nature of the protests. Facebook is awash in selfies from the event.

    I am curious as to how you can grant legitimacy to the reds who protested in the streets and deny it to Sutheps group. I don't think Suthep is anybodys ideal leader, but you can't deny that he led the largest protest this country has ever seen. Those people didn't turn out because of Suthep, they came because a corrupt government tried to ram through an amnesty bill to benefit an even more corrupt individual. Surely there must be some accountability for that.

    OK Ramrod I hear you but can't agree. First the Red Shirts protest was to win a fairer Democratic government than Thailand had.at the time. Whereas Suthep's protest is for his own ends and the abandonment of Democracy, which would be a disaster in terms of Thailand's legitimacy in the international community. Suthep is coups 'ing as a potential dictator leading a people's committee chosen by him and and the people that are financing him.

    It also important to point out that the present government is not beholden to the Red Shirts. The Red Shirts are made up of numerous independent groups. Some 100 or so red shirts were imprisoned without trial. Yingluck refused to press for their release saying that they are accused of crimes and must face the consequences.

    ​However the PTP are in a coalition government which includes the United Front Against Dictatorship which is one red shirt factions and which incorporated itself as a political party. The rest of the red shirt factions are not involved in government and probably never will be.

    At this time there is no evidence that the Yingluck government is corrupt.

    ​For my part I hope that the next government is democratically elected which ever party it is. That will be fine for me because I don't relish the thought of twenty years in Thailand ending in seeing the Thai people blighted by a dictator.

  17. Yingluck must be shitting bricks, she will face exactly the same premeditated murder charges in a personal capacity for her authorizing and ordering snipers to execute innocent students hiding at Ram Uni last week. Talk about digging a deeper hole for herself.

    You certainly do have a black heart my friend. You suggestion that PM Yingluck would actually do such a thing is, in the light of her near perfect record, repulsive.

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