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  1. I've never had a problem with Nams as long as you book in advance. But try these Booking - Mr.T Airport transfer services with Cherry Taxi. Starting from 1000 ฿
  2. Dear Collingwood supporter, YES its a @@@@!!!! scam. Block delete.
  3. Dont worry there'll be plenty more coming here to retire
  4. The pot and girls on tap 🤪
  5. Can Trump explain this one? Did Donald Trump Jr. Do Coke While Standing Next to President-Elect Trump? | Snopes.com
  6. Will they be charged for taking jobs reserved for Thais?
  7. The local LB brigade would've sorted out these trouble making CC Indians.
  8. Thankfully no money was lost.
  9. Hmmmmmmm something smells off here going by what this other article has to say! So are they telling us to only venture to the beach only during the day and avoid it at all costs at night due to the quality tourists using it for bedding at night? Pattaya Beach Wins Three Awards for Beauty and Eco-Friendliness Same Same but different!
  10. With his basic intellect and caveman instincts he thinks he's at the beach and has the sudden urge to pee
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