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Posts posted by TheJoker12

  1. i am not demanding sex. i am saying that i am going out of mind and unable to properly work and exist as a human being in society with this monkey on my back. right now, i have little interest in even sleeping with my wife because the experiences are terrible and the chance of me reaching ejaculation are not even close to 100%. our child is 2.5 months old. we did not have sex throughout the entirety of the pregnancy.

    sometimes i don't understand how these rules of monogamy even got forced on us considering how much more important sex is to men than women. my wife has no interest in sex but would probably have my head on a platter if she found out that i was unfaithful. god should have made the male genitals detachable so wives could keep them in their purse. :)

    the funny thing about cheating is that, if i were to say "look, you are not interested in sex, so why dont you let me handle it myself discretely in one hour sessions and then when you are back to normal i will get tested and all will be good. i have no interest in forging social relationships with these hoes and will just use them as masturbatory objects of flesh. i am 100% committed to you and our child" the responsible thing to do, i would get eaten alive. so instead, the option to save my marriage is to continue suffering or cheat and risk passing my wife an STD.

  2. what is her situation?

    tonight she goes "Ok. Hurry up, finish fast" standing there with her shirt on looking at the tv. then she is like "oh do u want me take my shirt off"... like, um, yeah, we are clearly not on the same wavelengths. whenever i try to approach her about any of this it just ends in some kind of crying/guilt throwing nonsense. or, if we do try, its so terrible because she is now more or less a virgin again that i instantly go soft/want to kill myself/lose interest when she starts screaming in pain, crying, body stiff as a board. i am also certain there is some intentional guilt throwing here as when we were first together she was a virgin and the acting was nowhere near the same so previously it was her intention to hide her pain whereas now she wants me to know "how much she cares for me", how terrible sex is, and how good of a wife she is :) . its like i am raping someone.

    i do understand that she likely has hormonal problems. i also understand that if she catches on that i am unfaithful or if i asked her to let me stray, while she might be ok with it one day, another day she will probably be going nuts on account of her screwed up emotional state is. :D:D

  3. sure but after presumably agreeing to father a child with the women he has to accept that her libido will be reduced for a period of time & if he wasn't able to accept that shouldn't have had a kid with her or agreed the need to extra marital sex before hand. I am amazed how many men only think of their dicks after their wives have had kids, like she hasn't got enough going on. :)

    Oh & op, are those a & b options the only 2 open to you then?

    what other options are there? my palms are practically raw. my wife eats with the baby in her arms. she is very protective and will not leave the baby anywhere for 3 hours, and I wouldn't want to either.

    i feel like if my wife wasn't so selfish she would just bring me women without me having to ask.

  4. we have a young child which takes up all of my wife's time and energy. i have offered maids and nannies but she refuses outright without discussion. we are not having sex anywhere near the frequency that i require. i have been going along with it but its starting to ruin my life. what am i supposed to do?

    a. cheat and risk passing an STD to her

    b. ask her to let me cheat (i have absolutely no idea how she will take that, obviously badly)

    i have expressed this problem to her but she does not seem to care and is just too busy.

  5. A strategic alliance there will pee all over us from a great height.

    Yeah and once the Chinese align with extraterrestrial life, its going to be the end of the modern world. :)

    Are you saying it's impossible for China to usurp America as the world's only superpower?

    China is already a super power. :D

  6. The notion that Chinese will be a more important language than English is obviously wrong.

    The bigger China grows, the more English they will speak and the less necessary it will be to speak Chinese in order to do business in China (just like everywhere else in the world). Sorry, but King George beat everyone to the punch (lol France) and the world will never change from the fact that English will be the universal language.

    'Never' is an awfully long time...

    Will China need the rest of the world should they {ahem} 'fulfil their potential'?

    What potential is that exactly? Are we to believe that China will not eventually face the same problems and stagnant periods of growth that the first world has? Is China that much bigger than the EU/Canada/USA/Japan? No. Let's get over this silly video game "WWIII" is around the corner obsession.

  7. The notion that Chinese will be a more important language than English is obviously wrong.

    The bigger China grows, the more English they will speak and the less necessary it will be to speak Chinese in order to do business in China (just like everywhere else in the world). Sorry, but King George beat everyone to the punch (lol France) and the world will never change from the fact that English will be the universal language.

  8. Myself I'm disappointed by the lack of flights to HK and Singapore at Utapao, the number of quality massage parlours open before noon, and am particularly annoyed by the local preference for scotch over bourbon (hence a fairly limited selection). But like the lack of broad spectrum English language support services, there's probably not nearly as much demand to warrant my wants, certainly not equal to or greater than what my overinflated 'surely I'm the center of the known Heng universe' ego causes my mind to imagine there must be.


    are there any open before noon?

  9. This stereotype is constantly reinforced by Farangs who spend like drunken sailors here. Millions of bht for sin sod, house, car, extended family support, etc, etc.

    They have to else the girl that is half their age and 10 times as good looking will leave them.

    Rubbish,my wife is 24 years younger than me ,her familly are quite well off we have been married 16 years and i have never paid sin sod ,or given the familly money (except her younger brother,but we wont go there as all the familly have) ,in fact when the pound collapsed last year i borrowed money off them to put in the bank for 3 months.

    you are the guy who was hustling a bride/thai marriage service if i remember correctly, right?

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