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Posts posted by TheJoker12

  1. i don't mind people eating them although i dont think you should be allowed to eat the breeds that are endangered but i dont think these companies should be allowed to decimate an animal population under the guise that their cartilage actually does anything. can't they just sell the idiots powdered sugar pills and tell them it will prevent cancer and grow their penis at the same time? then the sharks can live, the suckers get trimmed and everyone is happy.

  2. As you would expect, students do not converse in English outside of class unless that is the language that they are most comfortable with.

    Students are friendly enough towards foreigners, but again, not speaking the language is going to leave you just nodding along if you are in a "Thai as first language group". The vast majority of foreigners I know, end up in groups of native English speakers, those who might also speak Thai but prefer Western company.

    Bangkok is a huge city. Its not like you have to limit your social group to those who you attend class with.

    You will of course hear differing opinions on the internet. Many of our members have slept with the entire female campus, at least their Thai Visa user name virtually has :)

  3. Sorry, I don't see the difference between enrolling to meet girls and just going to where they hang out, be it a cafeteria, Siam Square or shopping mall. Its like you are set on buying construction equipment to fix a leaky faucet.

    I take it you never got an undergraduate degree?

    Campus clubs, activities, trips, forced interaction (group exercises - asking for help or being asked for help), familiarity (seeing each other every day over long periods of time - then bumping into each other at another location - or adding each other on Facebook etc etc).

    Many many other ways as well. Not to mention the one I gave earlier, the most desirable girls will most likely not give a random person who hangs out on campus the time of day - however they will probably be much more open to somebody who is also a student at the University (in the case of Chula this implies a good background, social status, affluence, work ethic, ambition etc).

    I went to a really selective University in Calfornia for my BA, where most of the students come from rich families. There was also a very large community college nearby who anybody could get into and lots of 'townies' attended, who did not come from wealthy backgrounds. Lots of these students (as well as just lots of random people in general) would come to the parties of my University and they had a stigma among students of my University - they were viewed somewhat with suspicion and were definitely perceived as intellectually inferior to 'us' as well as being of a lower social class, unless they demonstrated otherwise.

    In a country with an even larger disparity between rich and poor than the US, I imagine this same dynamic exists at the top Universities in Thailand - probably moreso.

    Well, if you are looking for a WIFE, then sure, your plan sounds good. If you are looking for GIRL FRIENDS (emphasis on the plural) which is what all your posts in this thread up until this one made it sound like, then no, I would think that it would be even harder for you to "hook up" with these girls if they were afraid that you would go around telling everyone in all of the social circles about it.

    I don't think you quite have the experience of dating normal educated Thai women, no offense. It sort of sounds like you were one of those guys who has been with only bar girls and is now going to "find and marry a Thai Elite General's daughter" to fulfill some silly fantasy of being powerful in Thailand.

    I think you will find as you get older that the eliteness of your wife and her family will have little correlation to your compatibility in a relationship.

    If your plan is to court and hold hands for 1 year+ before you get into her knickers then by all means, go for it. I am sure you will have the chance to charm many such ladies. More likely though, based on your posts, you will end up bored, the conversations will all be in Thai during the study groups, they will be polite to you but see through your charade when they catch you endlessly drooling over and starring at all the girls, the Thai male students will be c-blocking you at every turn also seeing through your charade and you will end up just chasing after easy girls the way most guys do.

    The girls who are very serious about schooling here and not like the ones back home who will still go home with a guy on a second or third date.

    Good luck and keep us posted on your quest for Thai Elite Girls.

  4. "..in forging social relationships with these hoes and will just use them as masturbatory objects of flesh..."

    Wow!! they are human beings too!! Some of them were forced or sold into the industry due to horrific economic family conditions!!

    Walk a mile in her shoes!! You have a big head as well.

    I feel sorry for YOUR wife

    its a service for money. what, do you want me to ask them their names and story and emphasis all in one hour? wouldn't that be emotional cheating?

  5. Sorry, I don't see the difference between enrolling to meet girls and just going to where they hang out, be it a cafeteria, Siam Square or shopping mall. Its like you are set on buying construction equipment to fix a leaky faucet.

    One difference could those late night study sessions with fellow classmates???

    Yeah, everyone there speaking Thai and OP nodding along clueless?

  6. Poor nation ? Brazil is not that poor and if Thai women where only like that because they are poor then why does eastern Europe not have many single men traveling to it ?

    As for the question, I don't know what the difference is, I am happy with Thai women so I will probably never find out what Latino women are like.

    Interesting you think so sokal. Perhaps you should check out your facts before making statements like the above.

    And somehow it never dawned on me that Brazil was the entirety of Latina women.

    Thailand GDP $261 Billion US dollars at current prices - 2008

    Brazil GDP $1.61 Trillion US dollars at current prices - 2008

    Moldova GDP $10.66 Billion...

    Seems Brazil is not that poor. :)

    is this a joke?

  7. I think you can be successful but you have to be more creative. Every person wants to open a bar or restaurant because they know how to eat. They don't know anything about building furniture or rug making, so they stick to what they know and get in line with the other thousand farang thinking the same way they do.

    Thais are poor so to make money in business here I think its best to focus on the export market. You want to take advantage of cheap Thai labor.

    I never leave my house during rush hour. I really think I would hate to work in Thailand.

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