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Posts posted by TheJoker12

  1. So the OP asks "Am I just a typical stupid farang" and anyone who tells him that he is, should be ignored and must be on yaba?

    This kid really is totally delusional. She randomly goes out drinking without telling you and doesn't come home even on your birthday. What were you, sitting there at the kitchen table wearing an apron holding onto the cake you baked yourself looking at the door and holding the phone hoping that this time she would call?

    sounds like one of those isaan music videos, but in reverse!

    Joker what you seem to be ignoring is the fact that those were a couple of isolated incidents over a very long period of time (9 months I believe he said). While she may very well have been cheating on him or lying to him on those couple of incidents, that does not support the blanket statements and assumptions you are making about her, her character and her motives.

    How many of us have gone out with other girls or to the gogo bars and lied to our girlfriends about it? Does that mean we love our girlfriends any less? No it isn't moral or right to lie to your loved one in that way - but rare instances like that do not automatically nullify any chance that the persons feelings were genuine, it is just human nature - especially in Thailand. Genuine monogamy seems to happen here less than in any country I have ever been to - both with women and men.

    Sorry, I would never let a woman treat me this way and I can't respect any man who does. Once is all it would take, but then again, I would be able to tell in advance if she was that type of girl and would have never even been in a relationship with her in the first place.

  2. I've been reading about the dangers and adverse effects of vaccination for babies and children - e.g. Autism, neurological disorders etc. Haven't done a thorough research but are all the vaccines that are recommended really necessary?

    What are your thoughts on this matter?

    Vaccination causes autism is propaganda. Google is your friend.

  3. I think someone got to her after I left.

    Many they already got to her those nights she never came home. :)

    The guy is down enough don't kick him in the nuts as well.

    Its called tough love. Id do the same to my brother, son, or best friend. If you placate him and fill his head with BS about cultural differences and excuses and he'll go out and find the exact same girl again.

  4. So the OP asks "Am I just a typical stupid farang" and anyone who tells him that he is, should be ignored and must be on yaba?

    This kid really is totally delusional. She randomly goes out drinking without telling you and doesn't come home even on your birthday. What were you, sitting there at the kitchen table wearing an apron holding onto the cake you baked yourself looking at the door and holding the phone hoping that this time she would call?

  5. Stop with the nonsense about grey areas.

    Thais I know would never make excuses for this girl and her actions.

    Yes, you are just another typical stupid farang whose squeeze is out there getting tossed around by half the town.

    Put her photo up, lets see how many of us know her.

    You know all this from the OP's first post? :)


    Yes. Its all there.

  6. Stop with the nonsense about grey areas.

    Thais I know would never make excuses for this girl and her actions.

    Yes, you are just another typical stupid farang whose squeeze is out there getting tossed around by half the town.

    Put her photo up, lets see how many of us know her.

    Tough words but the truth mate, if you can handle it.

  7. Being a wizard - also in money matters- I look after the investments. Day to day on spending each of us spends what we think is reasonable on what we want - mainly from a joint account. The Mrs spends less than me though and is pretty careful, whereas I'm better at making money "disappear" with a larger view of what's "reasonable". In all the time I've known her I can't ever remember her spending an amount of money on something I'd object to.

    This is my situation as well.

  8. it seems like for many farang their number one topic of discussion is how many farang there are that dont love thailand as much as they do. you'd think you'd have some other hobbies than looking at other people by now. :) they should just have a "loves thailand the most contest" and be done with it. the 2nd most favorite topic of discussion is "Good Girl Blah Blah Blah"

    A very intellectual group we have here.

  9. Sorry but this is wrong. Why would drivers not giving way cause your journey to slow down by a factor of 4?

    Traffic slows because:

    -Flooding causes traffic to move slower

    -Drivers are driving slower

    You might not notice the flooding on Sukhumwit, but in the places that it does flood, it causes the traffic to get backed up everywhere.

  10. Thailand's big problem is that they have had a history of a military involved in politics. It is a dangerous arrangement to allow a fox to guard the hen house. what happens when you ask him to leave and he doesn't want to?

  11. a few weekends ago they had Thais doing tributes singing and dancing and dressed like micheal jackson. there was a thai girl who gave a really good performance. she could sing and could definitely move her body better than he ever could. i am looking for it on youtube but can't find it. i am hoping someone knows what i am talking about and can find the video on a thai site.

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