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Everything posted by berrec

  1. That's one really pissed off elephant. Someone or something really got under his (her) skin.
  2. Just another day on the roads in paradise. As I always say, once you enter the Thai road networks, ALWAYS expect the UNEXPECTED; (LOS Land of Stupidity)
  3. Select the magnifying glass Icon after entering your passport number and nationality, the form should autopopulate with all your immigration database information........... If you have recently renewed your visa, could have an old expiry visa date in that field but change it to your current expiry visa date. If rejected (and all required fields have your correct current information in them) keep resubmitting the form until someone actually looks at the rejections and approves it. This submission/rejection process works for me 100% of the time, even with annual visa renewal date changes and residential location changes (TM30) when I have moved Provinces. The worst case I encountered was 3 rejections before approval with the same information in each new TM47 online submission. The reason TM47 online rejections often happen are because the online TM47 reporting system DB and the immigration DB are not synchronized in real-time.
  4. That's what you get with an eXperts' opinion and a lazy journalist! You know X is always an unknown quantity.... 555555
  5. In these days of redefining yourself as any binary, race or gender. Just tell the Lumpini operators you are Thai...... 5555555
  6. Floating restaurant - Denied Reentry Stamp
  7. Ya, it was hot, from 3,200 Baht to 6,100 Baht That's it, over and out, Roger!
  8. Was it trashing the beach by throwing its junk around. 55555
  9. Well, the old saying, the more you use, the more you pay, especially for commercial usage. These are PEA rates attached, but I am sure the other Thailand electricity service providers are similar. PEA - Electricity Tariffs.pdf
  10. This says it all, just another money grabbing day in Thailand!
  11. Outcome, a Wai, sorry and 1,000 Baht fine..............
  12. Unfortunately, and very sad that it just highlights the fact, "You can't fix Stupid"
  13. A bit of fun, who was harmed........just a nipple show for the fans..... I would have thought Thailand's reputation would be more tarnished by all the recent police and immigration corruption uncovered.
  14. As like most government initiatives here, it's all fluff, all show and no go!
  15. C'mon man! You know the Thing! It's Thailand, as a foreigner everything out there has the potential to kill you or will try to kill you. Live here, enjoy life and the culture and country, but 24 x 7 x 365 keep your wits about you, wherever you go and whatever you do!
  16. Let's go after Biden for a more egregious act than what Trump is accused of. Trump had alleged classified documents in a secure location, FBI inspected and guarded by the President's Secret Service personnel Biden, had them laying in open view in multiple locations; even an alleged Chinese restaurant. What's the greater miss handling of alleged classified documents here. Yes, I know it’s a rhetorical question, Biden, of course!
  17. This says it all, it's all a Façade..... Nothing ever changes with Thai Immigration........ Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. If you can't measure it, you can't manage it!
  18. Nothing to see here! It's all part of the daily circus of driving on the Thai road system. As the previous OP basically stated, "You can't fix Stupid" And there is an abundance of it with Thai drivers.
  19. Thailand's regulations, now there on, now there off, now there back on. It's a joke and a revolving door here, the way they announce then they're unannounced and re-announced regulations changes.
  20. I can't comment on other banks but BKK Bank if you don't regularly (maybe weekly) update your passbook you get this CMB status which is from what I understand implies "Combined No bank Transaction", (lumps transactions together) And often in or around your monthly OS money transfers, it is a nightmare to work out for immigration. I use Wise, so I have to go back through 12 months of WISE transfers and reconcile them against my bank transfers back home in AUS to Wise transfer entries. Go through every passbook entry with FTT and try to work out which WISE transactions are lumped into the CMB line item amounts. I had 29 WISE transfers April 2022 to April 2023, but could only find 15 FTT transactions in my passbooks for that same period What a nightmare, the rest were lumped into CMB's (Yes and my fault for not weekly updating my passbook).
  21. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/upshot/presidential-polls-forecast.html
  22. What, no PowerPoint presentation behind her! 555 C'mon man! You know the thing! Really, that's the best press story they can come up with. Just a deflection from all the current BIB corruption stories doing the rounds. A good fell story for the BIB's.
  23. Re: Trump is seeking a rematch against President Biden in 2024 and previously used heated language ahead of actual violence — most notoriously on Jan. 6, 2021, when he told thousands of supporters to march on the Capitol and “fight like hell” to prevent certification of Biden’s Electoral College win, which they proceeded to do by smashing into the building and battling with police. Total misinformation, both in content and context. Read the full text of his speech that day. Not a fan of Trump's tweets and antics, but give me Trump's booming America over Biden’s recession America any day!
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