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Everything posted by berrec

  1. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/hillary-clinton-trump-is-an-illegitimate-president/2019/09/26/29195d5a-e099-11e9-b199-f638bf2c340f_story.html
  2. Why collect more tax from Americans and corporations when what you collect now is wasted on unnecessary programs. US government don't have a current tax collection problem, they have a wasteful spending problem. 9 Crazy Examples of Government Waste in 2022 Paul's annual report details more than $54B in wasteful federal government spending Watchdog calls out the government’s most ridiculous spending
  3. Interesting comments on this topic. Most unfortunate, some people posting really believe their own political BS. Actually sit down and research the complete facts behind Flynn's case, then it might give some validity to your comments rather than garbage. If you're just an anti-Trumper, the first thing I deduct is your biased posts contain significant garbage. I enjoy reading people opinion posts on the forum and the occasional humor, but quickly skip over the garbage posts. BTW, not a great fan of Trump and Biden or Obama as individuals, but did like Trump's polices of America first.
  4. Hi I have been using Google, Bing and Thai2English for years for translations of English to Thai and the reverse translations especially in business. They all have their shortcomings, but the secret to success as mentioned previously is small sentences at a time and try to compose the context with common nouns, proper nouns create more of a challenge; a good translation engine will not translate proper names if it does not have it in its vocabulary library, rather than generate rubbish at times. But some recent research I have done with ChatGPT AI is excellent and running the Eng to Thai translation back though Google, Bing and Thai2English they all translate the context pretty much 99.9%. A bit about ChatGPT AI translation engine: No, I do not use Google Translate for translations. I am an AI language model trained by OpenAI, which means I use a combination of algorithms and natural language processing techniques to generate responses. My responses are based on patterns and rules learned from a vast corpus of text data, and I do not rely on any external translation tools. However, please note that machine translation can still have limitations and may not always be 100% accurate, especially with complex or idiomatic language. This is really unusual for all 3 translations to be near identical, BTW Thai2English breaks down the Thai syntax structure. The reverse translation from Thai to English in ChatGPT AI is also pretty good also from my experience. Not perfect, but should get better with ChatGPT-4 when rolled out. They are all free (ChatGPT at the moment), so give it a go!
  5. Very sad, but just a normal Thailand day for many of these idiots I see driving pickup trucks. They are just accidents waiting to happen. Speeding, erratic driving, weaving in and out of lanes, overtaking on the left, tailgating other drivers.
  6. If you can't measure it, you can't manage it. Give every customer a survey form from the immigration officer to fill out after their paper work is complete. Have a survey box at each immigration exit point.
  7. Re: I was in banking for over 40 years with major banks in the USA. What I have experienced with Bangkok Bank is that each time something is asked, it is like it is the first time the person has ever heard of such a thing and no they don't do it. Happy for all those that have had good experiences with BBK, but mine over the years no matter what the request is the standard response is always "No we Can't" Unfortunately, there are reasons I have to continue to use BKK, but I did open SCB and KBank accounts where I find them much more sensible "Yes we Can"
  8. Well, if you live here long enough, you know many laws here are treated as guidelines by Thais. Enforcement of any new law in itself often leads to more opportunity for corruption.
  9. Yes, agree on your opinion for this tragic lost of lives, so sad and devastating for all the families of the deceased involved. I'm not sure it's about physical driving skills which are generally good in Thailand. But really, According to data revealed by ThaiRSC on Friday, road accidents claimed 14,737 lives and injured 924,799 in Thailand last year (2022). Of them, 536 deaths and 7,885 injuries were foreigners. You need to get out on the actual highways more often to see how these crazy morons are out there trying to kill themselves and anyone else around them.
  10. The Bank of Thailand and the Thai Bankers Association (TBA) have dismissed a widespread suggestion on social media, claiming that a charging cable can be used to steal data stored in smart phones. U'm, interesting comment from so-called banking experts on IT financial data theft.
  11. Sad for all parties involved, especially the loss of life of a mother and her unborn baby, RIP. But, these types of fatal occurrences are unfortunately regular events on Thailand roads every day and night. They will continue unabated for years to come.
  12. Hey, what happened to the 6 am morning raid with FBI agents and SWAT teams and CNN on Biden's locations where documents were found. "C'mon Man" "You know the thing" It's just a political setup by the Democrats to ensure Biden can't run in 2024 and inflect more nonsense and stupidity on Americans. "Look, here's the deal man" Gavin Newsom, come on down, it's your turn in the WH. Gav's going to turn all of America into a California look-a-like basket case.
  13. Just a Thai Wai and sorry plus a 500 Baht fine and Bob's your uncle........ done and dusted ... incident resolved.
  14. https://www.google.com/search?q=oh+god+no+oh+god+no+video&rlz=1C1GKLB_en&oq=oh+god+no+oh+god+no+video&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i22i30j0i390l4.9936j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:933938a9,vid:umDr0mPuyQc
  15. Thailand to Relax Rules on T.M.30 Immigration Requirements - https://www.tilleke.com/insights/thailand-relax-rules-tm30-immigration-requirements/ The Royal Thai Police has issued a notification which relaxes the requirement for property owners or hotel managers in Thailand to notify an immigration office every time a foreign national stays in their property. Titled “The Royal Thai Police Notification on Residence of Heads of Household, House Owners, Landlords, or Managers of Hotels, Who Accommodate Foreign Nationals on a Temporary Basis,” the notification was published in the Government Gazette on June 16, 2020, and will take effect on June 30, 2020. Under the notification, there will still be a duty for landlords or hotel owners to submit a T.M.30 form to an immigration office within 24 hours of a foreign national staying at their premises. However, they are no longer required to resubmit a T.M.30 form every time a foreign national returns to stay at the same place, which was an onerous requirement under the previous version of notification, issued in 1979. Under the new notification, when the head of a household, property owner, landlord, or hotel manager submits a new T.M.30 form to the immigration office, they will also be required to indicate the period that each foreign national will stay at their premises, i.e., the arrival and expected departure dates. In the event that a foreign national travels and stays in another place on an occasional basis, and then returns to stay at the same premises within the period of stay specified in the T.M.30, then a new T.M.30 will need not be submitted each time they arrive. The new rules are applicable to all foreign nationals who stay in Thailand on any type of visa, including holders of multiple-entry visas and re-entry permits which enable the holders to leave and return to Thailand within their visa validity period.
  16. Well, maybe there is more of a scientific answer to the current unusual weather patterns in Asia / Thailand La Niña has persisted for some time and is predicated not to end until early next year. WMO predicts first “triple-dip” La Niña of the century. https://reliefweb.int/report/world/el-ninola-nina-update-august-2022
  17. English is often said to be the language of internation business. If Thai's remain encapsulated internally in Thai business practices, they feel they don't require learning other language skills. And they say they have Google Translate anyway (as good or as bad as it is) Learning another language it often the mother of necessity. Have you every noticed that many of the Thai's at the grassroots of servicing tourists speak and understand basic English better than the rest of the Thai population? Why! Because their livelihood depends on it.
  18. Best Sunday morning posts I have read in years. Food for thought and lots of laughs. Thanks for all the input.
  19. "The laws will have a period of five years before being subject to review." The old revolving door of Thailand government policies. Yes, No, Yes, No, Yes, No Sorry Farangs, we are going to repeal that law, and you can't own land as a foreigner in Thailand. You have to surrender the CHANOTE back to the Thai government. <deleted>, you mean you have screwed the old Farang again!
  20. What the hell, the CC money spinner. Look who enriches themselves from these CC initiatives. Always follow the money to hone in on the real facts. Man-made CC impact, Real or Rubbish; up to each individual to make their own assessment. "Correlation does not imply Causation" refers to the inability to legitimately deduce a cause-and-effect relationship between two events or variables solely on the basis of an observed association or correlation between them. My only opinion, 500 million years of CC has passed us by, and I will not be here for the next 500 million year anniversary of CC. Neither will any of you, so chill out!
  21. Yes, absolutely important, after entering your passport and nationality, hit that magnifying glass to have the rest of the form autofilled with your immigration 90-day form details. You can then review what the application has in the form fields that have been retrieved from the immigration database. If you see any information mismatches, you will require immigration to adjust your details. If the only form field mismatch is your visa expiry date is incorrect, but your passport has the correct current visa expiry date, don't worry. Submit your application, and it will be rejected, just keep resubmitting it until approved, there is often a disconnect between the visa renewal information between the 2 systems. Eventually, someone in immigration will resolve the visa expiry dates in your form submission. I have had up to 3 rejections until someone fixed the visa expiry problem, then approved it. This can often happen after your annual visa renewal. The above has worked for me 100% of the time since the new online web service was released.
  22. Um, you don't think CW is trying to drive you towards using a Visa agent. I have been down this road before with CW for years, exactly the same issue. (and a few more to boot they dropped on me) No more issues for the last 3 years now, I pay a Visa agent each year and I require less paperwork and have total peace of mind. Remember, Thailand is driven by the almighty Baht, it speaks all languages and solves all problems.
  23. FYI.................Yes unfortunately I have been vaxed! COVID-19 Jab Does Not Work Heres Why.pdf Brain Degenerating Diseases From COVID-19 Vac.pdf COVID Jab Is Far More Dangerous Than Advertised.pdf COVID-19 Vaccines Are They Gene Therapy.pdf Spike Remains in Body Affects DNA.pdf Big Mistake on COVID-19 Vaccine.pdf
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