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Posts posted by chantorn

  1. "... bottled water from Singha, Chang or any other ...". I saw an ads on TV today. Guess what. Regency drinking water. We all knew immediately it is a Regency whiskey ads in disguise.

    You kidding. Regency water????????????? Pumped from the river in Namphong, Khon Kaen? Singha from a few miles down the road in Tha Prah, Khon Kaen?

    Well do the maths......

    They all have water supply, and one decent sized RO system, they pump it out at 10000% profit.

    Cheaper and more efficient than distilling, fermenting, filtering, bottling and all that other mess.

    I don't blame anyone for it, other than allowing these companies to hide behind the guise of protectionism, whilst pretending to have the "THAILAND" blasted front and centre as their motto.

    This country gets the system it deserves. If I can understand it, everyone in the government does too.

    Not joking. Here is the ads

  2. No benefit to top up with Nitrogen. Don't believe the stuff expend less than Air (which is about 80% Nitrogen anyway). Go read up the PVT (Pressure Volume Temperature) section in your school physic book. And the section on molar mass & molecular weight in your school Chemistry book. I give you a clue. Molecular weight of N =7, and O=8. http://en.wikipedia....ogadro_constant Avogadro constant ring a bell? The volume of a gas (at a given pressure and temperature) is proportional to the number of atoms or molecules regardless of the nature of the gas.

    If you argue that nitrogen in bottle has no moisture, what about just remove the moisture in air. There are cheaper way of doing it than buying bottle nitrogen bottle to fill your tyres. Like bubbling air through water absorbing chemical (glycol if i remember correctly). Didn't you do those experiment in Chemistry lab in school? Easy & cheap.

    Yet you people keep saying that Thai education is bad. I thing farang's worst.

  3. Thanks everyone for the info!

    floridaguy could you give me a bit more info on where you saw the BiB? I'm of 2 minds when it comes to using the road under the tollway... sometimes the frontage road is just too crowded with songtaews stopping and buses and taxis and everything else, but on the other hand I wouldn't want to run into a proper police checkpoint under the tollway; any BiB there in a large group must surely be on a mission.

    Sorry, what exactly is a BiB?

    Try google, found nothing matching http://www.google.co.th/search?hl=th&defl=en&q=define:bib

  4. Red shirt Brahman sentenced to 8 months in jail for violating Emergency Decree


    Double standards? of course not!!

    Must be an interesting story as when I try to access it I get rerouted and get "An access to such information has been temporarily ceased

    due to the order of the Centre for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation (CRES) under the authority of emergency decree B.E 2548 (A.D. 2005)."

    Really? no problem here!

    Wouldn't be surprised if they did block the story though.

    I use True Online ADSL connection in BKK.

    I can confirm that it is block. I use TRUE in Bangkok.

    การเข้าถึงข้อมูลดังกล่าวนี้ ถูกระงับเป็นการชั่วคราว

    โดยอาศัยอำนาจตามพระราชกำหนดการบริหารราชการ ในสถานการณ์ฉุกเฉิน พ.ศ. ๒๕๔๘


    An access to such information has been temporarily ceased

    due to the order of the Centre for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation (CRES)

    under the authority of emergency decree B.E 2548 (A.D. 2005).

  5. Maybe this is too obvious, but why don't you get a cloth measuring tape (for sewing) and measure it? Or, you can put a little dab of paint on the tire and roll it until you have two spots on the pavement and measure the distance between them. This is what I did to determine the tire OD for my bicycle to set up a bicycle computer.

    Bicycle computer? Like this one?

    post-98578-011119700 1282055604_thumb.jp

  6. I drove there last week via Bangna-Trat. Did not use the overheard toll way. There are some re-surfacing, about 5 km stretch, near the BangPaKong river (before Chonburi). Other than that, it is fine. I like to drive under the toll way because it provide shade. I don't know if motocycle is allowed? You might need to use the frontage road. I don't know. I don't own a bike, yet.

  7. I hear ya, but do you really believe what the Thai government says? They tested the river water for years....saying it was OK. Then an outside agency did the test recently and it is horrible...lots of chemicals, etc. I don't believe a word they say...

    Plus, chemicals won't make you sick or kill you quickly...it's a long process. But one that will get you in the end. In South/Central America, the water makes you sick quickly, but not usually here....

    No people drop dead dinking tap water in Thailand. But I have to agree craigt3365 about the long term effect. By the time you realize it, it will be too late.

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