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Posts posted by chantorn

  1. The temple and its grounds belong to Cambodia. Full stop.

    That is not in dispute.

    Unesco has postponed a decision on Preah Vihear's potential Word Heritage listing for next year's meeting in Bahrain because the application was incomplete (graphic illustration rather than a map was submitted, which may have suggested intent to conceal), other relevant documents had not been submitted on time and there was evidence that Cambodia had kept heavy weapons in the temple. More importantly a memorandum of understanding between Thailand and Cambodia over the disputed territory in the area has not been settled. World Heritage listing is specifically denied in cases of border-area sites where the two countries do not have a firm and undisputed bilateral agreement on adjacent areas.

    Whether under Abhisit's direction or not, the Thai delegation were prepared enough to supply a map showing the construction of a road by Cambodia in the disputed overlapping 4.6 sq km zone. Under a 2002 MOU between Thailand and Cambodia, both sides agreed not to carry out any work in the disputed zone pending an official, bilateral border survey. The Thai delegation also submitted photos of heavy artillery and troops in the temple grounds.

    So it seems the editorial was a bit premature, and the Thai delegation have indeed outmaneuvered the Cambodians thus far.

    The Thais may have learned their lesson after letting a illegal map pass without question after the French had ignored the Franco-Siamese Treaty specifying bilateral mapping in the early 20th century.

    The disputed area will most likely be settled using watershed mapping standards, as the temple grounds themselves would have been subject to in the first place if the mapping had been bilateral.

    I heard that the ground that the Cambodian temple sit belong to Thailand. But I am not 100% sure. Since ICJ ruling, Thailand never claims that the temple is our, just the land it is sitting on. Thailand will be very happy if Cambodia could move the temple a few km East, into the land of Cambodia. Temple / building move is nothing unusual. I head that London bridge had also been moved to the USA.

    Maybe this will solve the problem, and stop a potential conflict. Make love, not war.

  2. A friend reports that some ladies have now made an amendment to the operation known as 'a happy ending'. It seems that in order to protect themselves from possible prosecution the ladies will now only hold their clients' member and he has to jump up and down.

    This threat is not at all funny. Don't be naughty in ThaiVisa. Please.

  3. Are you trying to condone the crime based on nationality?

    No. Absolutely not. I said or implied nothing of the kind, but I hope this question is cleared up, once and for all. What I did do was point out that Thai cultural expectations are different than western ones. That seems to be a fact of life.

    For once someone posts something that is at the heart of the matter and also totally true, well said Jingthing, I know exactly what you mean, and I dont even need a lawyer to interpret that.

    Nationality & occupation is only for statistic.

    I don't think Musician, Russian Musician in particular ,fair very well in Pattaya boy bars scene.

  4. If there was an effective and non-biased police force up there, this would probably not be necessary. If it does happen, I see plenty of police losing "tea" money from the local drug lords and smugglers from across the border.

    This is a very easy problem to solve.

    Just issue new army uniform too all the police. From tomorrow, change all the police title to army title. Rebrand all the police station to army station.

    In just 1 click, there will be no more police, and the army size will double.

    So now you will not see any more police stopping you from speeding, etc.

    Only good army boys with M16 doing occasional check on your vehicle as you race down to Pattaya in your Ferrari.

  5. Now we have a photo of the latest red/black shirt taken into custody:


    Another Red-shirt Militant Suspect Nabbed

    The Department of Special Investigation has taken into custody a soldier wanted for armed attacks during the red-shirt protests in May.

    He denied involvement in the attacks, but admitted to have witnessed planning of anti-government operations.

    Officials from the Department of Special Investigation, or DSI, arrested Lance Corporal Rachata Wongyod at Thanarat army camp in Prachin Buri province.

    A request was then made with the Criminal Court to detain the suspect.

    Investigators said Rachata is a close aide of slain army specialist Major-General Khattiya Sawasdipol. He was also linked to another suspect earlier arrested on terrorism charges, Surachai Thewarat.

    Rachata denied his involvement in the violence during the red-shirt protests in May. He claimed was sent to work in the southern border provinces at that time.

    The suspect, however, admitted he is an admirer of Khattiya and his ideology.

    He added that he was present when the so-called black-shirt militants met to plot their counterattacks against the government.

    Rachata claimed Khattiya had used his personal connection to put him in the military service. The suspect used to work as chauffeur of the late general.



    2 places at a time. Both in Bangkok and the south. A plot for Mission Impossible 4.

  6. Thailand have have the French to build and run the Nuclear facilities. I think France have the most nuclear power experience than any other counties. From memory, 70% of French electric comes from nuclear. This should be acceptable to ThaiVisa members, I suppose.

    God how I love answering Piengrudee's trolls...

    Aside from the fact that nuclear is not a particularly safe or economical option, are the French going to be given total control in building and running the plants, or will they still be working for Thai politicians and civil servants with vested interests? Will the site foremen be Thai or French? The workers? The French advisors/contractors can have all the expertise you like, but if vested interests become involved (ie: a Thai person in a powerful position sees an opportunity to steal piles of money from the project), then the French will just be flapping their gums and shrugging their shoulders, and letting it slide because the contract is worth so much to both the French and the Thais.

    If the country can't build runways that don't crack, (and an airport with toilet facilities), what do you reckon the chances are of building a reliable nuclear reactor?

    It is ridiculous, laughable, arrogant, silly and deluded to imagine that Thailand could even dream of handling a nuke plant.

    The roof of French airport collapsed. The roof of Thai airport don't.

    I guess Khun Piengrudee could be half French to be so supportive of those snail eaters.

  7. This is ours:-


    Bought about 12 months ago to replace its predecessor that went pop, don't remember the price though.

    This is a shower heater. You should not put a tap after this unit.

    Although it will work in the short term, I will break down soon.

    For hot water heater, Panasonic only have 1 model PANASONIC DH-6GM1T

    3 setting, L/M/H; 2.5, 3.5 & 6 kw

  8. I just heard from the radio that CRES has declared that nothing has gone missing. It was just some mis-labeling. Everything is all accountable for, and a press conference will be held on the 28-July.

    I thing the case will be close soon.

    I still suspect that a thieve in uniform finally return the ring due to public pressure; but this is just my opinion.

  9. I thought the video was quite moving and didn't paint any particular color of shirt wearing thais in any more negative of light than, err :blink: the other color of shirt wearing thais. :unsure:

    FWIW: 'rdockum' posted the video on You Tube with engrish subtitles for the people who can't understand thai. Unless I am mistaken (which I frequently am :D ) I believe he's Rikker; one of the Modz from the T/V Thai Language forum.)

    And another poster; 'katana' took the time to write the dialog down in thai as well :) ;


    Note to Modz: If this video has been banned again, lemme know when my 'vacation' ends. .. :rolleyes:

    Good video.

  10. If Thais would only embrace the ideals and morals of International Nelson Mandela Day (yesterday), they'd show it at prime-time for a week!<br>

    Embrace Mandela's morals? Are you serious? The man was/is and his family are as corrupt as they come. And not to smart I might add. His grandson was just charged for trying to sell the TV rights to his grandfathers story for 250,000 pounds.

    Sorry for my ignorance, but is that a crime to sell TV rights?

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