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Posts posted by chantorn

  1. Here's just one example of "spew out violence-inciting lies and hatred" (get a Thai friend to translate if you don't understand Thai):

    Here is the description by the one who uploaded the video to YouTube

    Starts with a comment that Abhisit and Prem are intimate and ends by saying that Suthep's list of sensitive targets will be wiped off the face of Thailand if Redshirts are injured by government.

    And yes, that list includes Siriraj Hospital, among other things.

    Now, to the UDD supporters, it's your turn to show us something equivalently offensive from the current government.

    According to Arisaman on this video, his list of targets for burning are:

    Siriraj Hospital,

    All Muslim Mosques,

    Government House,

    Important Ministries,


    Rajavithi Road,


    Bank of Thailand,

    Commercial Banks,

    Military Barracks,

    Court of Justice,

    and NGO's

    will all be destroyed.

    His retort is:

    "Not one of these will remain standing."

    With minute in teh viedo did he say "burn All Muslim Mosques" ?

  2. am i the only one who thinks that these 'protests' are going to be a huge failure for the reds? recall that as things wore on in april and may the #'s that turned out dropped to a trickle. then a few hand fulls set fire to building- yes, i know. but the reality as i witnessed was, imo, the movement was dying out and but for a few thousand die hards with nowhere to go. everyone else had already pretty much packed it in when the govt. 'dispersed' the remainder.

    i just don't think they're going to have much of a turnout anywhere and it will reveal the lack of vocal support remaining (i realize most outside of bkk agree with the reds, but the # of those Thai's who are willing to disrupt their lives to actively protest seems pretty small at this point.

    without some sort of catalyst to REALLY bring out the masses, i see this thing dying out but for the militant wing which will try to wreak some havoc here and there, but not enough to bring about any sort of change. they should have taken the govt's deal of elections when they had it. now, they're a fringe group at best imo.

    Then, it is safe to lift SOE in bangkok.

  3. CA Wow is just another version of the ole Ponzi and/or pyramid schemes...translated into the fitness center genre. Find some product/service that you can oversell, quickly sell allot of it at whatever price the market will bear, collect as much money as you can in advance, recruit ever increasing people into the scheme, take all the money you can out of the business and put it into your Swiss bank account, and then step aside as the business implodes.

    The Post had an article a few days ago about how the gig was almost up on this enterprise.

    They are a listed public company. I am such they won't do that.

  4. BANGKOK (NNT ) -- Deputy Prime Minister of Security Affairs Suthep Thaugsuban has urged the public not to panic over the upcoming anti-government movements scheduled for next Sunday.

    Don't panic. And remember, always carry a towel and don't forget your copy of the HHGTTG :)

    Thank You Zaphod Beeblebrox.

    I believe that advice was offered by Ford Prefect.

    As the SoE still in force, isn't a group of more than 5 illegal? Another example of political repression NOT carried out.

    My cat ate my babel fish.

  5. :hit-the-fan: First rule in cases like this, never admit wrong doing and there seems to be a list of it here by the witnesses.

    Yes, she should have lied to the court, or at least tried to cover it up, just like the TRT/PPP

    Transferring money around to produce reciept's is out and out fraud.

    "Wasinee said the problem arose when the Democrat Party wanted receipts for the campaign boards. The party had not discussed the matter before, otherwise Wasinee would have charged 3 per cent more because she would have had to pay tax, she said." Well that makes under the table OK then. :wacko:

    Maybe you need to read the statement again. The Democrats get a quote for 50,000 sign boards. They like the quote and make the order. When payment is due they ask for a receipt, which surprises the sign company, (maybe the other parties don't ask for them?) "If we'd known they wanted a receipt we would have charged them more, because now we have to pay tax" says the company. The company asks its sub contractors for receipts for the sign components. The Democrats pay the sub conrtractors directly, based on those receipts. The sub contractors transfer the money they owe to the sign company. The only thing the Democrat Party did "wrong" was not to specify they wanted a receipt at the start, which would seem to be a given thing. The defence lawyer needs to start asking questions like "Have you produced signs for any other party". "Did they get receipts?"

    Agree with you that Democrats is innocent. The sign company should go to jail for not filling tax. End of story.

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