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Posts posted by chantorn

  1. Why prosecute? they will do like Leekpai's brother, leave for 6 yrs, charges die, come back, enjoy the money.

    They should cut the purse strings these crooks.

    Stop playing the dirty game. Chuan brother is age over 18, made his own decision, and got nothing to do with Chuan.

    (unlike Thaksin children & brother in law, who are proxies for Thaksin).

    stop put words in mouth game. never said 1 sentence Khun Chuan Leekpai was an accomplice, you infer it more than me,

    Do you know how Chuan's sons gets money to splash around? i'm curious is all

    Edit; i hope brother never built nice home on family land that all, including Chuan enjoy on Mothers' Day, huh? I hope not, just used all the money for his own fun stuff, over 18 and over 50 , too

    So you are saying that Chuan's son drive 10+ million Baht European's sport car to impress girls in his university rumor it true?

    That car itself is worth more that everything that his father declared in total; including house, car, bank saving, and some shares he conveniently forgot to declare (which got him into trouble later)

  2. What is the different between saying "The Mekong River in Danger of Becoming a Chinese River" and the Pacific or Atlantic becoming an American Pond?

    Sorry they have been controlled by the American Navy for years. Been there done that.

    Generally salt water is less useful than river water. Rivers are the source of human agricultural civilization. There's a difference.

    That Stimson Centre sounds pretty credible. They are non-partisan in US politics and have many global partners including in SE Asia. I don't pretend to me an expert on this but it is clear the Mekong is critical to Thailand.

    But there are a lot more fishes & petroleum in/under the sea than in/under river.

  3. I haven't seen any elephants in tourist areas in the last year but if I do I will surely call 1150 to order them a pizza so the mahouts and changs don't have to worry about going hungry.

    Interestingly, someone did a study a few years back about the number 1 thing tourists wanted to see in thailand and guess what came up first?



    Like UK & Bukingham Palace; the number 1 thing tourists wanted to see in Thailand is the Grand Palace. Magnificant isn't it?


  4. Thanks god that Thailand did not mistreat the Thai-Chinese in the dark days.

    You mean aside from burning down Chinatown shops in the 1930s?

    I believe there was a little mistakes, but that's all.

    The Chinese in Thailand are treated like king, and not at all discriminated at all. In fact, the Chinese were treated with prestige in the old days, hence they managed to incurred so much wealth that they now run Thailand, in term of economic, social as well as politically.

    When was the last Thai PM that is not a Chinese? I have to go back so far, I lost count. Even Thailand's top man is half Chinese.

  5. Can someone tell me if funds are taxed here in THailand?

    For non traders it might be worth getting into a fund consisting of THai stocks - one small cap funds is doing extremely well 57.5% PA even with the 2% in fees and plus tax.

    Does anyone know

    tax could be 15%

    but is this to be paid or with held?

    check out Aberdeen as Thailand is strong and looks like getting stronger

    There are no capital gains taxes on Thai listed shares or mutual funds of Thai listed stocks. I 'believe' (meaning I dont know for sure) there is a 10% withholding tax on dividends (I havnt actually checked recently.)

    BlackJack you need to be a little careful in Thailand with 'small cap' 'open ended' mutual funds. The problem comes in the 'downdraft', redemptions force the fund to liquidate to raise cash from stocks that tend to turn 'illiquid' in a down market. This creates a very nasty beta on his holdings, which destroys his short term performance and often leads to more redemptions. Then the fund manager ends up selling a stock he knows is massively undervalued on a PE of 2x.

    Aberdeen has a very good reputation though.


    There are no capital gains taxes on Thai listed shares or mutual funds of Thai listed stocks. However there is 10% withholding tax on dividends. If you are in a fund that do not pay dividends, then you will not notice anything.

  6. Just a thought. Fence up the overlapped area. Plant land mine at 2 meters intervals, just like N & S Korea border.

    In short, if Thailand cannot get it back (from ICJ ruling), Cambodia must not get it as well... Same reason why Saddam blow up Kuwait oil wells.

    Frankly, I don't see another way out without going to war over a ruin temple & 4.2 sq km of mine infested wasteland.

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