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Posts posted by Chicog

  1. 3 hours ago, JulesMad said:

    Arrogant coward! He thinks he is better than everyone.....


    Even for presidents there are rules and conventions/traditions; everyone has to attend events sometimes against their will (e.g. family-in-law visits, certain parties, work-related obligations, etc)


    The sooner he disappears, the better it is for usa, the World and humanity...

    In fairness, media have been pulling out already.

    This is Trump doing his usual, where he sees that he'd end up looking foolish, pulls out, and then claims that he did it first   #trumplies



  2. 39 minutes ago, Pib said:

    I do not use VPN for my connections to financial websites like my banks, PayPal, etc., because such sites automatically use a https connection which is a secure/encrypted connection.


    You should compare certificate chains both in and out of VPN to ensure that there isn't an intermediary certificate being issued.


    I'm guessing this is why Thailand wants this single gateway nonsense, and why they're a Bluecoat customer.







  3. 6 hours ago, SouthernDelight said:

    Flawed reasoning. You wouldn't publicize your e-mail password(s), would you?

    It is however most essential to read thru the terms of agreement issued by the provider of the vpn and comprehend the written words & their consequences.

    You have a lot more faith in T&Cs than I do.

    I bet if you read them closely you'll find a little loophole there somewhere.



  4. In 2015 I booked four flights with them. Three were delayed and one cancelled.

    In 2016 I booked four more flights with them; all of them were on time.

    I think their schedules are so tight that it's OK if the first plane is on time, but one delay throws everything out of whack.

    Re: The wheelchair thing, if you're in that situation you are normally on the plane last and off it last. However, they tend to seat you and your cohorts at the front, so if you see someone struggling to check in, offer to be their friend.




    As for the gates and buses, that even happens with Thai Airways, so I wouldn't single BkkAir out for that.



  5. 1 hour ago, Headgame said:

    I am concerned about privacy first and security second.

    I use a VPN 24/7 on both my laptop and cell phone.

    Just think about where you live.

    Should answer why.

    One thing a lot of people don't consider is just how secure their VPN is at the termination point.


    However, since I don't do anything nefarious, I don't really worry about it too much.

    I'd bet that at least a few of the VPNs are probably owned by NSA shell companies.



    • Like 1
  6. 5 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    Except in your post above I was responding to, you didn't limit your answer to just "from a security perspective," and rather, included commentary on people using VPNs to avoid geoblocking and such. That's why I answered the way I did, and contrary to what you wrote about public wifi, all the other examples I gave are valid VPN uses that people use them for all the time.


    I didn't say they weren't valid, did I?

    Good heavens man, go and find someone else to try and pick a fight with, it's intensely dull to have to listen to your futile attempts at point scoring.



  7. 5 hours ago, Rc2702 said:

    Listen plastic cog I'm talking about a complete cull I mean half your teams been babysat for too I reckon 3-4 players in your squad would thrive elsewhere. Walcott, Ramsey and the Oxe need to get out before its too late.

    I don't really care what you're talking about, I only read the first few words and ignore it.

    You have nothing of interest to say.

  8. 3 minutes ago, CNXBKKMAN said:

    Are you posting from abroad? If you take in stroll in many parts of Chiang Mai city you have to walk on the road there is no pavement. If there is a pavement it may have been taken over by motorcycle repair shop, a food cart , totally blocked by an old phone box, a tree, a concrete post etc You have no choice but walk in the road! 

    But that was definitely not the case here.

    Stupid parents, nothing else. 

    If there is a law regarding leaving the scene of an accident, then he may well be guilty, but no way is he responsible for the accident.

  9. 6 hours ago, hobz said:

    Yes, the prices are very good in town at least.. From nimman to central festival, 50-60 thb in a clean aircon car.. Beats taking a tuktuknor songtaew or a overpriced taximeter every time.


    But there is also the app "grab" that sports almost same price... Men and gf use uber/grab when its too hot outside to be riding motorbike :)


    just having issues with going far out of town like to hang dong where uber charged us 350 once.. Now im not sure if they still have that

    You can also book Grab in advance.

  10. 12 hours ago, fruitman said:

    But also i don't understand how people can board a plane, stuff a big suitcase somewhere and walk to the back to get seated. Maybe his suitcase was too heavy for him to carry to the back but i think it's rude to stuff it in other passengers' compartment, after seeing that i already was aware that something strange was going on in that plane.


    It's a common trick people pull when they want to get off quicker.

    As soon as the plane pulls up they are off weaving their way forward 20 rows instead of waiting patiently like everyone else does.

    If I see anyone pull that stunt, I normally point it out to the stewies, who will happily take the bag back to the little runts and stick it where their seat is.

    You should try it.



  11. 4 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    The various VPN use examples I've posted above show that your notion about it only being valid for public wifi is short-sighted and inaccurate.


    I didn't say valid, I said "really".


    The OP specifically asked about opinions "from a security perspective".

    Honestly, if you going to try and be a smart ar$e with me, you're going to have to do better.


    Otherwise just keep your boring, snarky remarks to yourself eh?



    • Like 2
  12. 7 hours ago, Rc2702 said:

    Compared to who though? I see a lot of people quoting their daily read. Some strong opinions on here!!

    I was referring to feeble, unfunny mickey mousers. I mean you should know about that right?

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