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Posts posted by Chicog

  1. 9 hours ago, Rc2702 said:

    At least there looks like an end is on the horizon to the poor suckers who been supporting arsenal

    Says the smug git who has seen his team lift the Premiership how many times?



  2. 10 hours ago, quadperfect said:

    A sky dive tourism boom in ?

    Is that like the other booming tourism?

    My best friend was a skydiver.

    He died at 42 base jumping in canada.

    It was like a drug.he needed more and more. He was very good at sky diving and parapanting and base jumping.

    But he is dead now .

    I dont think its a great idea to have a sky die boom .




    Tandem Sky Diving is safe enough that I'd do it.

    Base jumping is something completely different, and not something I'd do because it is far riskier.


    Having said that, I don't think it's a great idea to have a "sky die boom" either.


    But if Thais are doing anything other than selling tickets, I'd give this a wide berth.



  3. Have any of you watched the farce when this was used in the World Club Cup Vase Trophy?

    No. So shut up.


    You're just going to ruin the game.







    There was a thread opened on your stupid video replays, go and use it.

  4. 4 hours ago, Bredbury Blue said:

    ^"It works in Rugby because it has lots of natural breaks."

    You don't watch a lot of rugby do you Chicog.

    Perhaps you don't if you're making comments like that.




  5. 12 hours ago, Sparkles said:

    The handball controversy could have been settled in 30 secs with video review upstairs.Ref would ask over mike 'Is there any reason I shouldn't award a goal ? Answer would have come back eliminating any doubt.Works in Rugby and the mistakes this season are unprecedented and could well decide top 4

    Yes, you clearly didn't see "video referees" in action in the World Club Championship, did you?

    It works in Rugby because it has lots of natural breaks.

    The mistakes this season will not decide the top 4. 

    And there is no handball controversy except in the minds of a few desperate Hull players. It clearly wasn't deliberate and two other Premiership referees have said as much.

    Again, people need to read and understand the laws.

    The referee got it right.

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