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Everything posted by wimpy

  1. Please, the law was introduced many years ago to stop civil servants from drinking during the work day. It had nothing to do with public health. Dump it.
  2. Not your keys, not your coins.
  3. Are you saying a Thai DL will work (I have one of those)? Above, it sounds like they want one from your home country. I also have the Thai pink ID card.
  4. Coinbase locked my account because I can not provide a drivers license or state ID.
  5. What to do if your home DL is long expired?
  6. Let us know how it goes.
  7. You would think the Marine Police or Coast Guard would inspect these vessels, wouldn't you?
  8. How do we know it wasn't a robbery? Maybe someone wanted his private keys.
  9. Would love to know the actual reason for the visa requirement for Thais. There are some sketchy countries on the visa free list.
  10. Here to vent and warn. Heading North from Bangkok. Cruising along in the 120km lane. Cruise control set to 119; speed verified with the GPS. Passing through Sing Buri, and see the copper in the bushes. Not concerned, because I knew my speed was fine. Pulled over at the road block. WTF? Told the cop I was doing 119 in the right lane. He showed me a photo of my car, and informed me I was doing 122. I laughed and said 122 in a 120??? Lots of cars going way quicker than me. I told the cop it was bull<deleted>. He chuckled, and asked if I wanted to pay on the spot or have the citation mailed. Best to keep it well under the limit in Sing Buri.
  11. Looks like teeth are missing on the safety comb. I have noticed this on many escalators and walkways.
  12. Read it several times, and am still not certain if they are dead or not.
  13. wimpy

    Snake ID

    On my glass eave this morning. Anyone recognize this snake? Google comes up with Flying Golden Tree Snake. Doesn't look right to me.
  14. He (OP) don't write too clear.
  15. Hope they checked the fire escapes while they were there.
  16. I still have a year at the old annual fee. Will have to see how I feel when the new fee comes due.
  17. Hey, thanks for that. Very helpful. This is their Bonvoy Brilliant card, which has benefits I value. Used to be able to spend the entire credit in one go at a Marriott property. Now it has to be used at restaurants monthly. Better for Amex, I'm sure.
  18. One of my Amex cards has a monthly dining credit. Having trouble finding restaurants where I can use it. Would appreciate suggestions for good western restaurants in Bangkok or Chiang Mai, accepting Amex for payment. There are many hotel restaurants that take Amex, but they often code as travel rather than dining. Thanks in advance.
  19. Only lets me book as far out as 27/2/23. Northern Line to Krung Thep Aphiwat. That is not very helpful. ????
  20. I would question that assumption.
  21. Court martial sounds in order. Doubt it will ever happen here though.
  22. Time for a new desktop. Looking for recommendations for a shop in Chiang Mai to build a desktop using premium quality components. No gaming. Just want a high end reliable (linux) machine capable of running three high resolution monitors. Thanks.
  23. You clicked on it (as did I). That is the point.
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