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Posts posted by drummer

  1. coming back from Siem Riap by bus.

    That journey from Siem Reap is horrid. It’s not only boring and unconformable but frankly depressing being surrounded by dreadlocked <deleted> having the same banal conversations. Last time I did it with a evil hangover I thought I’d died and gone to backpacker H E L L.

    hahahaha- I know what you mean. Ankhor Wat was great, though. More that worth it. Especially since I had to do a border run anyway. I mostly spent the bus rides learning as much Khmer as I could (which, btw, was much, much easier to learn that Thai) The bars are crap, though. I went to the 'Ankhor What' bar and couldn't stand it. The bars for Khmer were interesting, though. Very, VERY different than in Thailand. i.e. Its not so bad if you ingnore all the tourists (dreadlocked or not) and are visiting the temples.

  2. hahaha ... I have developed an strong, strong dislike after having a rather bad case of the sheets coming back from Siem Riap by bus. I'd race to the toilet as soon as the bus pulled in at every stop... Not I can't even think about using the things without cringing.

    The place that really makes me cringe, however, is Gulliver's. The one on Khao San especially. It just seems to be all business.

  3. But unlike Chiang Mai the people and the government not only put new stringent laws and regulations into effect, they enforced them. Many said that it would halt prosperity and ruin their business but government and the scientist’s that advised them persisted. Vermont is now a jewel of a state that benefits immensely from its reputation of being one of the few places so easily accessible, yet almost pristine.

    Zoning regulations and ecological statutes are what saved Vermont from the fate that Chiang Mai now suffers.

    Portland, OR is another example. The land use planning and zoning regulations have kept Portland green and the downtown vibrant. P{ortland took a little different tack than Vermont, though- as enforcement isn't stressed so much- littering fines aren't that high, for example.

    But Portland is consistently listed among the most livable cities in the States, and land use planning laws are what allowed that to happen.

    You hear the argument that "I should get to do whatever I want with my land." A very high degree of freedom should be allowed, but there should be some limits, just as there are on behaviour. IMHO.

  4. Can't add much to that, although maybe herpes isn't the right one. I read through the above link and it didn't sound right for a few reasons. But, of course, I'm not a doctor. I'm pretty sure any doctor on here would tell you to see one in person, too. Chok dee (you may need it :o )

  5. No offense but poor sanitation and unhygenic food preparation have been well documented to be detrimental to health.

    Use it or lose it. Just like everything else in your body, it needs use to maintain or improve function.

    Granted, you don't want to live in a sewer, and many bugs will kill you if you get exposed. But being to concerned about cleanliness can make your immune system soft and weak.

    Maybe a military anaolgy is apt here? ...so having a well equipped and supplied army is really important- critical, really, it doesn't do to have them be untrained.

  6. I'm usually a bit slow to react, and by the time I actually get angry the situation has changed. I have never had to deal with anyone persistent, though, with any g/f. Also, I generally try to keep my jealousy in check. I do get some pangs, on occaision, but I make an attempt to stifle them. They really aren't going to help anyone, and I most certainly don't want to lead by example.

  7. We all (hopefully) will never know how we would be in similar circumstances unless we walk a mile in his shoe.

    I think some of the posters were using the examples of people who had similar situations who didn't beg like he does. Personally, my own thoughts are very, very split on the matter. But one thig is for sure- the guy is absolutely pitiful. In the literal sense of the word. In just about every way I can think of. I don't know that giving him 10 bhat here or there is the best thing to do to help him, but that doesn't stop me from doin it from time to time.

  8. quote;;; Sure, if you've got the money (and the will)."""

    He wasn't born with the money, he lost the leg 40 years ago and worked everyday in his marine/ATV repair shop. made some wise investments in property,built a few houses,sold and built others. but he never depended on begging for his daily bread.

    Anything is possible if you want it to happen,but you have to do the footwork,nothing comes to him who waits,unless he works like ###### while he waits. :o

    You know, I am really split on this issue. I do not know what to think.

    On the one hand, I totally agree. I don't have money handed to me, although my opportunities are better than most. I was brought up to work for what you want, with the idea that if you want something enough, you will *make* it happen. Whatever it takes.

    That said, it really takes an extroidinary person to make something out of nothing. It is infinitely easier to do well in life if you have opportunities and means handed to you. If for no other reason that you are *expected* to make something of your life. If you don't people go "What went wrong?"

    It is entirely possible, but it is really difficult.

    In terms of opportunities in LoS for disabled people, it is much harder.

    But begging as a career strikes me differently. How much work is it to drag yourself along the street, really? Its a dirty, nasty job. Even for beggars in the States, it can't be that easy.

    It really strikes me that there is something else going on here. Self respect and controlling your own fate is a human need, like food and sex. It is universal. These people *give up* these things to beg, every day. It really seems to me there there is some sort of mental disorder going on. Especially in the States.

    But this, I think, is a human charecteristic more than a cultural / economic phenomena. As such, I suspect the same rules apply to Thais as to Americans.

    This makes them sadder, to me. What must they think of themselves to allow themselves to do that kind of work?

    re: he gentleman in question getting an offer he can't refuse... I have suspected that before, when I was first told that the gangs control the beggars. Rather speculation, but forced labor throws my above ideas straight out the window. Poor guy. No matter how you slice it.

  9. That's the point...it is NOT authentic at all to eat Thai food with chopsticks. The foreigners I've seen, though, don't know China from Japan from Thailand, and think all Asians eat with chopsticks.

    One guy I saw made a huge fuss with a waiter when he was given spoon and fork to eat a a plate of fried rice, as if to say, "you assume I'm a round eyes tourist that can't use chopsticks, eh?"

    Thai food is eaten either with the hands (mostly in the sticky rice-eating North and Northeast), or with fork and spoon. The only foods Thais sometimes eat with chopsticks are noodle dishes, which aren't even Thai, really, but Chinese imports.

    I use chopsticks for noodles from time to time b/c I kinda enjoy it. Its efficient. I even find myself prefferring chopsticks when I make spaghetti at home.

    I have seen what you are talking about. And it is really funny in a depressing sort of way. Also, most farang eat with the fork in the right hand, too, when Thais use it in the left to shove food onto their spoon.

    re: noodle dishes ... Isn't a good deal of Thai food imported from somewhere? At least to some degree? I was under the impression that Thai food was a fusion of many different styles...

  10. bothers me when some of the these falong go around thinking they can speak thai.

    Some of the garbage that come sout of their mouths is enough to make me sick.

    Especially when they dont even bother to check if the thai can speak english.

    Well, I've gotta learn somehow :o I think of it as a sign of respect to try to learn the language of the land. I can't do it without practicing. Also, along the same lines, even if they speak english. If I can speak enough Thai to be communicate, I am going to try it. And, I am, in general, going to use as much Thai as I can, and use english when necessary. I'm in their country.

    Please, let me know specifically what annoys you about farang speaking Thai and I will try to avoid such offences in the future (I'm not trying to be sarcastic- I would really like to know)

  11. So this woman puts an add in the personals. Seems all her life her boyfriends have beat her and then run out on her. Early the next morning she hears a ring at the doorbell. When she answers the door, thogh, she doesn't see anyone. She starts closing it when she hears "Hey, Lady! Down here!" She sees a quadruplegic laying on her doorstep.

    "Errr, what can I do for you?"

    "I saw your ad in the personals. I'm the perfect guy for you!"

    "How do you figure?"

    "Well, I don't have arms, so I'm not going to beat you, and I don't have legs, so I'm not going to run out on you"

    "Well, OK, but how do I know you can, you know, satisfy me?"

    "Hey Lady, I rang the doorbell, didn't I?" :D:o


  12. And how in <deleted> he11 is some girl from upcountry gonna get that education when her folks are living off sweet F/A

    You tell me!

    Have met many poor farmers who have done just that, they sacrificed just about everything for their kids, their kids work very very hard and they do go on to acheive.

    AND all the people driving these expensive cars!! Have you forgotten that Thailand is in the top 10 most corrupt countries in the world.

    Just where do you think most (perhaps read very many) get the money from.

    Yes its corrupt, but most of the people you see driving that car work their <deleted> off for that car in legitimate business/jobs. Given the fact that they generally work on lower salaries makes getting that car even more impresive.
    Prostitution is just one of the things Thailand is so famous for.  :o

    Agree, it is unfortunate, but that is slowly changing.

    Yeah- its a tough issue. There *is* a choice to be made (excepting slave traders and such!! :D ) But it isn't so simple.

    Their parents make a huge difference when it comes to this subject. My tee ruk's (incidentally, not a BG) biological parents have split up. Her dad is a good man, but her mom is living and Bangkok and only calls when she wants money. AND mum wants her youngest daughter to drop out of high school and get a job so she can help support her mum's joblessness.

    While it is one thing to say it is possible, A whole lot depends on the parents making their children's education a high priority. That is tough to do on opium.

    My own parents instilled a very strong work ethic in me. I can certainly see the judgement that there is something else you could have done. On the other hand, I also know that lots of good, well meaning people haven't had the benifits I have had growing up- and I don't mean financial.

    I may very well decide that to be the case- possibly in more cases thaan not. I know pleeeenty of farangs for who that *is* true, and Thais are in very, very many ways exactly the same as farang. But I can't judge people solely on that decision.

  13. Yes "sucker" is right!.

    My first reaction to reading poists like these is always "This guy *can't* actually be serious. I hav a few friends who really are nice enough, but like to say things like this just to piss people off. But then i have to remind myself that I have met plenty of people who think just like that, too. *sigh* What to do, what to do?

  14. The media doesn't do much to help with the image ... about the only Thai coverage you see on TV concentrates on the Patpong/Nana/Soi Cowboy/Pattaya club and bar scenes.

    Actually, the last 10 articles I've seen in the US papers about LoS have been political in nature, like talking about the rising terrorism in the south, Thaksin buying his own football team, etc.

    Not to say that the image of Thailand as the land of sex isn't overblown- it most certainly is. And while the problem of prostitution is not limited to LoS, - widespread prostitution seems to be fairly common is the poorer countries w/o strong religious objections to it - LoS does have a reputation for it.

    I have noticed a lor of the same things. Some people you mention LoS and they say how great, how bueatiful it is, the food, etc. And for some people the only reason you could possibly go there is for the bar girls.

    Given the nature of the system in LoS, it is not likely to have major changes to the way things work any time soon. IMHO, the best way for LoS to shed its image of the Land of sex is to accentuate the positive- figure out some way for the beaches, temples, etc to make the news. The more you mention the other great stuff, the less people factor in the girls.

    There are ALWAYS going to be guys who only care about the girls, and they talk about them whether they go to LoS, Japan, Germany, Brazil, etc. Just yesterday I heard something about South Africa. This is part of human nature and isn't something you are going to be able to stop without the Taliban.

  15. But the saddest part about reading this post (urban myth or not, but closer to reality), is the fact that that it is even talked about that a teacher can <deleted> their students in the kingdom for grades. Even worse I would say that some of the so called teachers/scumbags are not really interested in teaching but here to support their nightery habbits.

    Where else but can this be done except for your basic backwater country? Would this subject be even talked about the US or Europe?

    INDEED! THis subject is talked about in the West. Makes the newspapers from time to time, in fact. There are fairly regular scandals, rules in the University about havng liasons with students fo any reason, etc etc.

    While it is a sad thing, it is not limited to LoS nor is it because of income level.

  16. People who have a reason to react badly will react badly.

    People who have no reason to react badly will not react badly.

    Only the truth hurts.

    And how you interpret that truth,... :o:D

    I dunno about that. Tell that to some lynching victims. Or the guy they tied to a pole and beat to death in Utah, the kid they drug to death behind a pickup truck in Texas. Those kinda sound like they hurt. A lot.

    Of course, that *is* taking it a little past the "Sticks and Stones" in your post, but actions do come from attitudes, which are reflected in words.

    And, presumed guilt can really piss one off.

  17. That would make sense- the symbiotic relationship. Of course, wouldn't worms sort of eat your food before you? Kinda like a mother bird chewing up the food for the chicks?

    One very big reason why people don't get as much food poisining in LoS is the chili peppers. They eat the food with so much chili that the germs can't survive...

    I think there is a book, the Andromeda Strain by Michael ... whats his name. The guy who wrote Sphere and Congo and Jurrassic Park, etc. We just weren't meant to live in a bubble.

    I will bet you that there is a self-fulfilling prophecy effect, too. You spend all your time worried about germs, you are gonna get sick more often. All the worry adds stress, too, and that is a known major contributor to the efficacy of your immune system.

    P.S. The worm-man is one of the most pitiful things I have ever seen. :o You really gotta admire the guy, really (if not envy).

  18. Hi bluecat  :D

    When i drink in few seconds my body will red especially at my face!!!  :o  :D

    It is a common Chinese and Japanese thing at least. I'll bet you a few bhat its typical of Koreans as well. I don't know as much about Thais, though. I don't *remember* seeing many red faced Thais around.

    I would guess that the most important factor is skin tone. If you are really pale its gonna show up much more easily. Caucasians have been known to appear jolly with the occasional draught, as well. My *guess* is that skin-wise, Thai's are on par with Caucaisions for ruddiness.

    Also, everyone gets red to a certain amount, because alcohol increases circulation. Some people have better circulation, and / or their circulatory system responds better to the alcohol. -Incidentally, increased circulation is what the positive health effects of drinking a glass 'o wine, or anything else alcoholic, (Except for maybe Leo :D ) a day is attributed to.

    Genes are likely to play a part, as the amount/size of blood vessels is important, but I'm pretty sure I remember hearing something about the size and number of blood vessels- in particular capilaries- is strongly influenced by some environmental contitions as well.

    But I'm just talking outa my ear. Any doctors in the house?

  19. You know, in Portland, OR right now they have a Brewers Festival going on. They have 100 of the best beers you ever had for THB 40 a glass. I reverve final judgement 'till I get the chance to have one in Dublin, but several of them are better than Guiness.

    But, when in Thailand, I'd have to say Singha. Drinking Chang beer somehow makes me feel like I've stayed up for 3 days as I'm drinking it (not while I'm drunk on it, just while its in my mouth) Of course, ones man's poison... :o

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