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Posts posted by MESmith


    It might also be worth finding out why certain junctions have more red light runners. I'd hazard a quick guess that the lights stay on red a long time, so citizens don't want to wait for the next green. Have more frequent changes of lights and you may cut down red light runners.

    Or introduce roundabouts.  Folk will get used to them, after "a while", but they can't be more dangerous than traffic lights.  No impatience with roundabouts, traffic keeps flowing.  They already have a couple of small ones here.  A bit of education, & people will get the hang of them.  Even have very short cycle lights on them at peak times.  Just a thought.....

  2. Heard about this from a Thai friend yesterday.  

    Just received this email from my doctor in Chiang Mai, thought I'd pass it on


    According to the department of public health report recently about the death rabies case in bangkok.

    The deceased came to Chiangmai to buy puppies and take them back to sell in JJ market in BKK.

    The Lady was bitten by her rottweiler dog. The 8 puppies died at her own house in BKK.

    The lady did not seek medical attention for rabies inoculation and contracted rabies and passed away a few months after the bite.

    For those who are in close contact with cats and dogs, please seek urgent medical attention if you have been bitten. The rabies vaccine can be administered pre-exposure for those who are in constant contact with animals. (Animal caretaker, Vet, Breeder)

    Take your pet for vaccination to prevent rabies this summer.

  3. We had our water meter stolen last year and now it has a locked cage around it. these cameras are worth more than my old water meter.

    They'll probably mount the cameras at intersections, where there are already manned police cabins.  Heaven knows why the police can't look out their window once in a while to note down license plate details of red light jumpers.  It's happening right in front of them.

  4. Best to buy the sods of turf, not too expensive unless it's a very big area to cover.  If you buy the malay grass, you can plant it checkerboard style if you need to save money, it will spread to cover the empty areas.

  5. This is odd as over the past two months two of my staff have received letters from the police with a picture of them in their car speeding and they have had to go and pay 1000 baht fine, so it has already started. Caused all sorts of giggling at work and quite a brouhaha. And is being well enforced by all accounts. One girl was going 110 km/h at Sarn Dek intersectoin and a guy was doing about 100 on the superhighway.

    They often have a speed trap under one of the flyovers on hwy 11, just south of Big C.  Then a couple of km further south, there'll be the checkpoint set up to hand out tickets.  Usually in the afternoon.

  6. Don't people, societies change over time?  Thailand needs to change if it wants to adopt modern technology such as the motor car.  It's no longer the age of the buffalo cart.   Life over here is changing very fast.  

    Evolution takes time mate! At least there's posters and stuff now that urge thais to not drink and drive, not to speak on the mobile while driving.

    It was only about 30 years ago that in the UK if you were suspected of drink driving you'd be asked to walk a straight line. Not long before that you could and would ride a motorbike without wearing a helmet.

    That's what I was trying to point out.   UK has changed, everywhere is changing, Thailand is changing.  Before you didn't have major carnage when a couple of buffalo carts collided.  The people need to change their attitudes.  This isn't a living museum.  People in UK didn't use to wear seatbelts.  Many people died.  Now everyone in UK wears a seatbelt, even in the backseats.  Is Thailand some kind of utopian Nirvana where no order is needed?  It doesn't have to go down the crazy road that many western countries have, but some attempt at common sense & order is required to protect the people.  My wife is Thai.  After a short holiday in UK & living with me, she cringes at the driving here, she closes the windows in despair when the burning starts.  She's still Thai, but I doubt very much it will be "Mai Pen Rai" if one of our sons is murdered by some buffoon with no road sense! Gawd help that driver if she catches him..... 

  7. Don't people, societies change over time?  Thailand needs to change if it wants to adopt modern technology such as the motor car.  It's no longer the age of the buffalo cart.   Life over here is changing very fast.  People no longer live in the village they grew up in, neighbours are strangers, people are getting on each others tits & don't always smile at each other.   My nearest neighbours are about 100m from my house, and they are probably 50m from each other, but one called the police to tell the other to "shut the <deleted> up".  It worked for a while, but now the noise is building again - drums.   When driving their cars they are invisible & don't care one tiny miniscule bit about anyone else.  The traffic police can't help, because they drive as stupidly as everyone else.  Who's going to teach them?

    I've had 2 near misses where traffic police escorting minibuses of "special ones" in both a winding, rural road, with blind corners & a community street with a blind right angle bend, have nearly caused carnage, just to get their "special ones" to their destination, a few seconds earlier.

  8. Was out digging this morning, & it was harder work than usual.  The air feels thicker, it was a lot warmer in the early morning than the last few days, even though a clear sky last night, & no smoke for once around here.  Just been out again, & eyes itchy.  Up until now the problem has just been smoke, locally produced.  Now it feels like smog.  Horrible  :)

  9. Makro sell frozen legs of Aussie & NZ lamb, reasonable prices.  Also local goat/mutton/lamb? legs, even cheaper, but don't quite taste the same.  Roasted one of their NZ legs of lamb for Xmas dinner, delicious.

  10. He wouldn't have been the first, as I mentioned in the Birds Eye Custard thread, there was some clown posting in the CM forum a couple of years back who hadn't only bought a house without visiting it, he also couldn't find it :) I wish I could remember the topic title and I'd ressurect it though I imagine it got closed.

    That thread appears to have been censored  :D

  11. Who needs all this data anyway?  I can look out of my windows and see the smoke, I can open my windows & smell the smoke.   I can drive my kid to school & see smoke plumes all around.  The "burning season" that people talk about doesn't actually exist.  The people here burn 365 days a year.  I don't honestly think that they believe the day is complete without setting fire to something.   There's a brown haze visible to the naked eye.  Maybe I should clean my windows, truck & house.  I do, but I still see this filth.  From my house on a clear day it's possible to see Doi Suthep, Doi Inthanon, the hills on the eastern side of the valley.   When you can see so far, the brown crappy haze below the mountains is very visible.  The plumes of smoke are very visible.   They are <deleted> everywhere.  I persuaded the wife to phone the orbator to report a fire.  They were having dinner, so couldn't send the fire truck, but they explained to her, that there was a 2000bt fine for people burning.  They told her the people have been told not to burn, blah, blah, blah.   When she passed on the content of the phonecall, I asked her why don't they get off their <deleted> asses & drive around, putting out fires , fining people etc, rather than expecting people to rat on their neighbours?  Her look said it all, "expect them to actually do something, why? they've done their job, they've told them not to burn"

  12.   Near where I live the rice farmers receive no water from the reservoirs for rice growing in the dry season.  Quite a lot of them are pumping ground water to fill their paddyfields.  They've been doing this for at least 3 yrs now.  Quite what that means for the future of everyone's  well for household consumption.....   Mai pen rai that's tomorrow, & who gives a <deleted> about that    :)

  13. One other question. We have bought a home in the Urbanna Village development, Don Chan area. Any members have any knowledge of this development? 

    You've bought a house here, AND NOW you want to know about the development????  

    Thanks for your positive reply.

    My sentence was not clear, I admit that. We did in fact do a lot of research of numerous factors, but to be honest, we forgot to check about the cable TV. We've since had a positive reply from the developer.

    Only trying to have a bit of fun, guess I forgot an emoticon  :D  But to be honest but not nasty at all, it did sound like you'd bought a house without visiting the area  :)

  14.  Strangely, when I made my order, the guy asked me how many kilos I wanted?! I said I wanted 3 metres so he cut it and weighed it!!! The shop nearby selling heavy rope went through the same procedure!   :D

    Hosepipe, nails, screws, rope, barbedwire etc etc.  Its the weight of the material they sell by.  That way, thinner, cr@pper products are cheaper per unit.   Don't suppose the lasses charge by the kilo?  I wouldn't know, been married here too long  :)

  15. One other question. We have bought a home in the Urbanna Village development, Don Chan area. Any members have any knowledge of this development? 

    You've bought a house here, AND NOW you want to know about the development????  

  16. It's a bit like when i met the missus, she told me she was 25 turned out she was 35, ah well like you say, regular maintenance and plenty of lubrication she should go on forever.

    Apart from the age discrepency i still think i have a bargain.


    25 or 35, what's the difference, as long as she's a she  :)  Cheers mate, really liked your post.  Keep lubricating regular  :D

  17. got my tabtim from neighbors, but they can [sometimes] be had at the rhom chok [sp?] market behind the rimping on 2nd ring road and maejo rd. small vendor on the maejo outside of mkt.

    Thanks, will have a look.  Yesterday we were up at the royal project at Huay Lan reservoir, SE of San Kamphaeng.  They breed all sorts of fish there, but wouldn't let us have any  :)    Told the wife they supply them to somewhere near Mae Jo university, so we'll search around there, & if no luck call in at rhom chok on the way home.

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